The Adventures of Do Kyungsoo


"Do Kyungsoo."


"Shut up... you don't understand... there's a duck in front of me, I really need to catch that one..."




His eyes blink open the time his teacher slams his hairy, big hand on his desk. He touches his cheeks with his hands to check if there was any drool or not, before he notices that his math teacher is staring at him in fury.


"S-sorry, Professor."


"Next time, if you got stuck in a slumber just like this time, you're going to be downloaded into detention."


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes as he watches his teacher turn his back on him and walks back to the blackboard, writing a stretch of algebra formulas that he doesn't understand, and he feels his head pounding. School is one of the things that he hates the most in the world, and his list is long.


He scribbles on his notebook while his math teacher blabbers about variable equality, and blah blah blah; it made him want to throw up. Kyungsoo is doodling a new form of his math teacher on his notebook (this time, a human with horns and a tail) when he calls him to step forward and solve a math problem.


"But Sir, I–"


"You what?" his Math teacher his eyebrow. "Are you going to surrender because you couldn't solve any problem, because in some ways, you didn't know how to?"


"That's not it, but–"


"Then what are you waiting for? Go solve it!"


This evil spirit, he thought as he stares at the blackboard with the math problem written on it, and his mind went blank after his eyes read the last number from the problem.


His teacher is standing beside him, shaking his head in impatience, looking at the clock over and over. Kyungsoo still has the chalk on his hand when the bell rings, and he stares at his teacher in worry when returning back the chalk.


"I have problems with Math," he said.


“No, but you do have problems in discipline,” his math teacher replies, while taking his textbooks from the table. “Do Kyungsoo, I understand that you don’t like Math, but please, at least just try.”


Kyungsoo ran back to his desk and stuffs everything into his bag haphazardly. The next period is Physics. Also one of the things he really hates.


“Please god let me survive until this ends,” he mumbles while coming out from the Math class.



After school, Kyungsoo usually rides his bike around Seoul and enjoys the afternoon breeze, but today, he decides to go home right after the school hour ends because of the amount of homework he needs to do. (Sadly, Physics and Algebra are included on the list.)


“Mom, I’m home,” Kyungsoo says loudly when he opens the door.


No answer.


He walked inside after closing the door behind him and checks the TV room. No signs of his mother watching Law and Order: SVU, but there are sounds from the kitchen which turns out to be his mother cooking with earphones on. He facepalms, before he approaches his mother and shouts: “Mom.”


Kyungsoo’s mother still dances to the song she is currently listening to while washing a bowl of carrots before he pulls out her earphones and she stares at him in fury.


“What the hell are you doing here?”


“Trying to inform you that I’m home,” Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. “Mom, I told you about wearing earphones while cooking. It’s not good. How if someone gets into our house by breaking the front door with a kick and you did not hear it? You can end up dying in the kitchen!”


“I’m the mom here, shut up and do your homework,” his mother pushes him away, and he stares at her in disbelief before angrily stomping his feet to his room.


Kyungsoo does not want to hate his mom, but her attitude after Kyungsoo’s father left the house has grown worse than before, and he hates it.


His hate list is already too long, too freaking long – and he doesn’t want his mother inside of it.



When he's sad, Kyungsoo buries himself in his own world – his drawings.


In his sketchbook, he drew a kingdom ruled by a prince named D.O. – a fair leader, a smart man, and also popular around the girls. He drew extra components as well: legendary creatures. Animal those could talk. He himself thought, have I gone mad? – but it helps him relieve his stress, so he stays in the world of his.


When he is finishing his drawing of Prince D.O.'s castle, his mother knocked the door.


"Come in."


His mother opens the door and she leans on the doorframe.


"Dinner's ready. What are you doing?"


"Drawing," Kyungsoo continues busying himself with his colored pencils.


"Look, honey, you can't busy yourself with such a girly activity. I'm expecting you to drink booze with your friends or – smoke weed? But listen, Kyungsoo, honey – teenagers aren't like that today. You should be a teenager that is 'today'. Be updated, Kyungsoo, like mom!"


Kyungsoo raises his eyebrows at her mother doing a hairflip in front of him, and he goes back to drawing. His mother sighs and leans back on the doorframe, fingers massaging her forehead.


"I'm not gonna win talking with you," she said, stepping forward and takes the sketchbook from his hand. Kyungsoo stares at her, dumbfounded, when her fingers reach the tips of each page, and she tears the papers like it won't be a huge deal for Kyungsoo – but it is, it is a freaking huge deal for him –


"Mom, no!" he screams at his mother, and at the moment, suffers a thing that is called panic attack. He stares at what is left from his drawings – papers, scattered on the floor, his mouth open.


"Sorry, Kyungsoo. I don't know what to do anymore, honey."


His mother left him staring at the pile of papers on the floor after closing the door, and Kyungsoo throws a pillow on it ten seconds after the door closes.


I cant handle this anymorehe says to himself while grabbing a traveling bag from the cupboard, stuffing everything he feels he needs into it – and comes out from the house without his mother noticing.


Namsan Park would be good for a stroll at night, he thought, and rides his bike to the place. Parking his bike beside a tree, he sits down on a bench and stares at the nightview of Seoul.


If only he has his sketchbook right now, he would draw everything that he sees.


He stands up, sighing and muttering about how his life is completely messy and how he basically hates everything in his life, curse the world, God does not love him.


Kyungsoo thinks about a lot of things too much he doesn't realize that the slippery ground under his feet is missing.


He fell into a rabbit hole.





a/n: YO WASSUP MY MEN (no please just ignore me) it's a very long opening chapter i hope you guys don't mind lol, i wrote this chapter like for five hours and no it's not that long i know just several words and i'm sorry i will come up with a better chapter later thank you for reading see you at the next chapter!! :D

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ihartkyuhyun #1
Chapter 1: Update soon please! <3
ihartkyuhyun #2
Chapter 1: Please continue! I enjoyed the first chapter and I would like to read more. You are a very talented writer.