The Mannequin

Jungkook woke up at 3 in the morning feeling a sudden chill in his room. He never liked the cold, there wasn't any specific reason for it he just disliked it, period. He tugged on the blanket at his feet and pulled them up till it reached his chin hoping it would block out the cold air and get back to sleep. He couldn't risk even a second of his chance to sleep ever since he had started his work as an apprentice in the hospital out of town. He had the brains and he worked hard for it. He strived the school years labeled as the nerd kid, and how the movies goes, the role of a nerd is always accompanied with a bully. His bully was played by non other than Park Jimin and his left hand, Kim Taehyung.

Those two were the worst but also not. They ditched school to skate, they stole money from the other students; mostly from Jungkook, but they would never try and hook up with random girls nor do they take drugs. They were wannabe gangsters and they weren't that scary though they actually do think they are. They would also tell him to do their homework for them, leaving him with triple the amount of homework he has. He had his limits and whenever he tried to fight against their words they'll beat him up like what they always do to the others. During those times his mother was a big help and from the sweet soothing words of advice and encouragements he'll get back up and move on.

'I need to pee', he groaned at his own thoughts. 'Why does it have to be so cold. Damn the flippin weather'. Groaning yet again he forces his legs to slip out of the blanket and let his feet touch the floor. He hissed from the coldness of the floor but that just made his bladder problem much more urgent. Reluctantly, he got his bottom off the bed and into the toilet to finish his business. Coming out from the toilet he tried to get back the warmth he very much missed this past few days by snuggling inside his blanket while hugging a big sized teddy bear; a gift from his aunt when he was 9 years old. 5 minutes after he was back to dreamland, the dark side of it. He had a spine chilling dream after he went to bed that morning.

He dreamt of him being in the hospital and roaming around the hallway when suddenly a woman appeared in front of him with a kitten meowing inside . She had sharp shark-like teeth and blood was dripping from , staining the hospital robe hanging on her body. The kitten was not far behind of being abnormal, its left eye was blood shot red when the other was our of the socket and barely hanging by only one string of nerve. Nevertheless, they were both equally weird and creepy. He couldn't grasp the moment but he seem to have seen the woman somewhere in one of the ward he visited during the orientation week.

He woke up with beads of sweat on his forehead and his shirt and pants were also drenched. He has been getting nightmares ever since he received the call saying he had been accepted to be an apprentice. He tried to erase the memory of the nightmare like what he tired to with the others. But, the nightmares either repeat or become worse, it was usually the latter. He looked at the table clock beside him and sigh. 5 o'clock, time to get ready. It was an hour earlier than what his regular schedule but it wouldn't harm to attend work earlier than promised. Isn't it?

He rides a bus to get to the hospital. It was at a managable distance from home and he could have asked to use his mother's car but he calculated the overall work he had to do by driving and decided against it; trying to focus on the dark dawn road ahead and trying not to get killed over his drunkness from sleep is hard work. He would rather die like a normal human would and blow his last breath somewhere he could peacefully do it rather than mercilessly die by losing blood . Waiting for the bus at the bus stop he ripped his attention from his phone and looked around and gladly he saw a man taking a seat beside him. 'At least some company' .

He continued the paused game on his phone before he tensed from a squeaking sound that had haunted him this morning. Meow. He looked down and gasped. There was a medium sized cat at the pole of the bus stop and the cat stared at him. Meow. He was all fine with cats. Actually he was more than fine to snuggle with them and kiss them on the nose, but, this particular one sent him back to where he was few hours back and he obviously doesn't want to remember it; on the bed while sweating profusely and shaking his head almost too violently trying to get the picture out of the bloody cat out of his head.

The cat was in an exact state as the one in his dream, only excluding the bloody condition it was in. This cat was clean of blood but its eyes, his right eye was gone and left eye was red in color. Just like the one in his dream. Not only that, he had also lost one of his hind legs and it seems like his fur at the missing leg was also gone. It didn't seem like a fire was the cause of it, it was more like multiple blades scratched it of. Not shaved but literally scratched and riped it off of it; leaving traces of scars on its bare skin. He thought of the womans sharp teeth and could it be that she was the cause of it? Had she bit of its poor legs? He slapped himself with both hands to get back to reality. 'Oh the brain of Jeon Jungkook would you do a favor for yourself and shut up. Good lord you are such a pain in the ' .

He pulled his face down causing his eyes to lose focus. While shaking his head slowly trying to refocus, traces of the features of the woman in his dream passed by his eyes causing him to lean back and hit himself in the head against the border behind. In a small whisper he muttered 'What the hell was that'. The cat meowed making its presence known once again much to Jungkook's annoyance. 

Rephrase that he wasn't actually annoyed, it was heavily slanting to side where it screams fear. Deep down he knows that everything that happens the last few nights were connected in some unusual way and that frightens him till the end of every corner of the earth. The hums of heavy engines running was heared after a few moments of him staring at the cat that never moved from its place; damned thing didn't even change its position. It just sat there watching with one eye, the only eye he has really, and giving of an impression on what an idiot Jungkook really is. The bus halted to a stop and Jungkook rushed to get on.

He went to the backseat only to see it was occupied. He settled himself on the second last seat beside the window that was facing the bus stop he had sat. His breath hitched. The cat was yet again staring at him with its wide eye. He was flustered by all means, not even thinking whether or not it actually is making any sense. He searched his bag with an intention to find his earphones when finally he gave up after rummaging throught it multiple times only resulting on him huffing in annoyance.

The whole ride consist of silence and hums of the bus engine. Everyone was so quite and it wasn't normally like this. There would usually be the old married couple beside the seat he was seating now, bickering and then suddenly they went back to leaning on each other shoulders and hold hands, just like the young couple is these days. They were the only ones that would talk usually but it wasn't an annoying one so with the absence of their voices, it went by like the sound of a feather flying; nothing. 

Upon arriving at a bus stop few blocks away from the hospital, Jungkook walked down the bus after flashing his card. He was standing at a different but pretty similar bus stop before making his way to his actual destination; the hospital. The walk as how the others had been was lonely and cold, almost haunting. He had actually realized that there were near to no mortals in this place. There were no houses, only vacant buildings that looked almost 50 years old and the air was always hazy and damp, and still forever cold. The only sound audible were the crows and insects, other than that humans were practically extinct.

Passing the last block of buildings, there stands the hospital. There were roughly less than 10 patients in there and about 15 doctors and nurses added together. Before entering through the main doors Jungkook turns his head to the left and stares at the cemetery beside, a habit he had picked up after a while. There were more than hundreds bodies buried there and Jungkook constantly questions the existence of the cemetery. Why would there be a cemetery in the middle of nowhere? Well on the his first day at work he asked the doctor he work as an apprentice for, Dr. Kim Seokjin.

He was a tall lean man with big dreamy eyes and thick eyebrows. He was a full package, smart, handsome and a gentleman. He treated Jungkook as a little brother and taught him good things. But to be truthful he got nothing much from the doc, considering the number of patients can be counted with his hands. Seokjin said that the neighborhood used to be filled with different types of people from different districts and countries. But they all had one thing in common with each other, they were all either mental and crazy or just plain sick. All in all the neighborhood was filled with dead livings; a living corpse were what they are.

They were all brought to the hospital to get cured or be taken care of. The unlucky ones get buried at the cemetery beside the hospital, easy. The years passed and the number of people decreased and no one new visited the unknown place, and the patients left here were the last of the original residents of the neighborhood. Ignoring the crawling sensation on his skin, Jungkook steps in and inhaled the normal smell of hospital, a sharp smell of medicine and death.

Oh the excitement is obvious. Silence. It was utter silence. His ears were bleeding and desperate for some voice. Suddenly wind blew from behind and a presence was felt and it was leaning on to his back and crept up to his ears. A silent blowing whisper tickled his ears and leaving tinges of fears all over his body. A seductive womanly voice called on to him. Jeon Jungkook ~ 



this was an intro of the story, also just a filler. I have the 2nd part ready but I'm still on to it. Tell me what do you think about this :) 

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wowwhKENDV #1
Chapter 1: What i think...???
Pleaseeeere updateeeee....!!
This story is getting interesting...n...creepy tough...
Amylie #2
Chapter 1: So scary~~ Please continue author-nim. :)