To My Readers...

Love Awaits You...

Hello my faithful readers!

I came on here to say that I'm going on hiatus.

I don't really know how long, but I know it will be for a really long time, maybe even indefinitely.

I'm so sorry to all of my readers, but it has to do with a deal with me and mom that includes staying off this site and she'll give me _____ ....

So sorry to anyone who enjoyed the chapters that I had written.

I hope you guys can understand...

To conclude, here's a cute gif of Siwon...

So have fun on this site, and Happy Reading!!! ^-^

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Chapter 12: EUNHAE!!! together always <3
rinasjs #2
it is worthy at all.... i love EUNHAE couple...... keep up your good work.... heehhe.... cant wait the next chapter.....
rinasjs #3
hi......... i also new in this site.......... i just love suju and ant wait to read your fic....
So sad T^T The Eunwook shocked the heck out of me lol but I can't believe you're on Hiatus now!! :OOO And I finally read this T^T It's Karma, isn't it ;o; <br />
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Well, if this ever gets updated again I can't wait :] <3
oh my- OH MY GOD! HOW CAN I HAVE NOT READ THIS YET! *bows to the floor* So sorry! So so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry *sobs* And you even greeted me in the forward T^T I'm the worst reader in the WOOORRRLLLDD! *sobs uncontrollably*<br />
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*cat rolls eyes at the over-dramatic scene*<br />
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I'll make it up to you!! <3 At the moment I have to clean my kitchen, but as soon as I finish I'M READING THIS! Can't wait :D <3 Comment you later ~ <3
haebaragi #6
Hi hello! ^^ ur welcome!
blackspiderlily #7
:C<br />
we'll be sad but i guess i'll have to respect your decision..<br />
but that doesn't mean we won't be waiting for your comeback.. :D<br />
i am soo disturbed at Ryeowook and Eunhyuk going out -______-.<br />
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But I want to continue reading to see what happens!!:D
WHAT????? Eunhyuk CHEAT on Donghae???? OMG! EunHae~~~~<br />
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Kim Joong Woon, why are you so stupid???????????????????????????????????????????<br />
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Wookie...he...Eunhyuk..uurrgghhh.... Yesung get off from Ddangkoma and get ur Wookie back!!!
pielover #10
ahh, Yesung and his turtles. I think Ryeowook knows about Donghaes feelings for Eunhyuk. I dont know who was talking to Donghae on the phone so I wont guess.