Chapter 2

Behind the Cold Lies

Sorry for the really late update ごめんなさい!!!


I glared at her and spoke coldly, "WHAT R U LOOKING AT STUPID!!!" 

"so-r-ry i-i didn't mean to, its just you seemed very unwell....i should leave bye...thankyou from before" as she bowed and was about to leave i instantly grabbed her wrist before she she dissappeared n dragged her into the house 'you're staying with me for the rest of your life now and you're MINE i mean it' as she seemed surprised n scared as if she want to run off but i didn't realized i would grip her wirst so hard.

Her P.O.V

*what in the world did he say...great now how am i going to get out of this mess if he really meant it.......nahhh he's probably joking and playing around with me n then going to chuck me out of the house and need to think of a plan of how to get him caught. owwwwww what's this tight grip on my hands

I looked down n he was gripping my wrist really hard as i could feel my bones cracking to pieces. "l-let me go your hurting me" 

"oh-h-h ha-ha sorry" he finally let go and instead grabbed my arm gently this time to the second floor and then pushed me into the room and closed the door n the sound of the door being locked. "YAHHHH!!!!! Let me go THIS INSTANT you will regret what you DID" before i could say anymore..

"You will be staying in this room n from now on u must obey the rules here and oh if you dare to escape from this house, it's IMPOSSIBLE"

*what is WRONG with this person is he mental actually no he NEEDS to go to the mental hostiple to get his brain checked, how dare he lock me into a room n not let me out as if i have plans to leave i'm here to finish a mission so that i can prove to Tae Hyun's father that i can be married to Tae hyun.....ohhhh how long do i have to stay in here argghhhhh!!! im gonna go crazy -_-

His P.O.V

The dorr in front of me suddenly the voice inside became very quiet thinking that she has no strenght to argue i left hoping that she doesn't escape fom the window but then why would i care it's not as if i had known her long mehhhhh -_- I must be sick, i need a rest...


Sorry for the short update 


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Kindheart #1
Chapter 3: update soon