What Magic?

The Magic was Broken...



Call it magic
Call it true
Call it magic
When I'm with you



Chanyeol paced back and forth backstage. No one can blame him. It was, after all, their debut stage. Out there were fans with high expectations, they can't possibly fail now. This was their dream ever since, to debut, to perform. Chanyeol tried his best to calm his nerves but it seemed like nothing was working. 

"Hyung, how do you say that greeting again. I can't seem to remember", Chanyeol nervously asked facing his Yifan hyung. 

"You're going to say 'Ayo wassup Kris' before I say 'Ayo wassup', you got it?", Yifan tried to explain but Chanyeol was still pacing back and forth making him dizzy. He's not sure if Chanyeol actually heard him. He reached out to Chanyeol and held his hand, "Hey, hey look at me", Yifan started, "You're gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay. Besides if you're starting to get nervous you can just reach for my hand, okay?", Yifan held Chanyeol's hand tighter to add emphasis.

Chanyeol was starting to feel less nervous, his favorite hyung was a very capable person. Thank god he's debuting with him.


And I just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic
When I'm next to you



Chanyeol carefully held the trophy in his hands. It was their first win from wolf promotions. Everyone was high on emotions and can't speak properly. Jongin even ran to the back because he started to cry hard. Junmyeon thanked the fans and all the people who helped and supported them but Chanyeol drowned that out. He was trying his best not to cry. Luckily, They went home, immediately, afterwards. 

At the privacy of their dorm, only Chanyeol and Yifan were at the living room. Everybody else went out to buy food for their celebration. "Yifan-hyung, we won. We finally did it after all we've been through, we won as twelve, as one. I can't believe it hyung we're finally living our dreams, together", Chanyeol stated as a tear slipped his left eye. "The training we underwent finally paid off", Chanyeol then started to sob. Chanyeol continuously sobbed until Yifan held his hand. 

"Hyung, you know that time when you went away for weeks? I really thought you weren't gonna come back, I was seriously sad that time you know? Because you said we're gonna live our dreams together. Suddenly you disappeared, I thought you weren't gonna come back. I thought I wouldn't see you again...", Chanyeol sobbed harder.

Yifan enveloped the younger in a tight hug, trying to calm his dongsaeng down which seemed to work for the latter. "Stop crying okay, we should celebrate we finally won. I'm not going anywhere, I promise we're going to live this dream together. We're gonna be each other's pillar, okay? Don't cry anymore!", Yifan tugged Chanyeol and made him sit on the sofa. He then proceeded to wipe the younger's tears.

Chanyeol started to chuckle, "You're saying that now hyung, but who cried the first time they actually won a trophy? It was you wasn't it?", Chanyeol stuck out a tongue at Yifan playfully. He dashed away from Yifan fearing what his hyung's retort will be but at the same time knowing that his hyung won't hurt him. Chanyeol smiled.

Yifan seeing that Chanyeol finally recovered smiled at himself, "Don't worry Chanyeol, I'll always be here."


And I don't, and I don't and I don't, and I don't
No, I don't,
It's true
I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't want anybody else but you



Chanyeol walked up the stage to where his Yifan-hyung is while nursing his . Why you ask? It was all because of yesterday's show, he was being all excited jumping and jumping that was why he accidentally slipped and landed on his . He's never gonna do that again. Never in his life will he slip on his again. Damn that hurt.

"Chanyeol, are you feeling okay?", Yifan asked with evident worry in his voice, of course he knew that Chanyeol slipped yesterday. The latter just laughed it off but he knew that it hurt. He once slipped on stage before, during rehearsals, he knew how much it hurt.

"Am I okay what? What happened?", Chanyeol was confused now. He didn't cry and he didn't feel sad, so why was his hyung asking him if he was okay? Chanyeol tilted his head to the side much like how a puppy would when it is curious.

Yifan thought Chanyeol resembled a puppy, "I saw you slip yesterday, so I was asking if you were feeling okay"

"Oh that, haha", Chanyeol started to blush. Can people not remind him of how he slipped on stage he wanted to forget that, okay? Anyway he knew his hyung was only looking out for him. Yifan is his favorite so embarrassment forgiven. "Yes, I'm okay hyung, don't be so worried, you're gonna get wrinkles" Chanyeol said leaning in closer, massaging his hyung's forehead.

"Okay, but if you ever encounter an accident like that tell me if it hurts, yeah?", Yifan said leaning in a little closer as well.

"Okay, Okay hyung", Chanyeol chuckled.


Call it magic
Cut me into two
And with all your magic
I disappear from view



They were filming for EXO Showtime right now. They were asked to look for something to give to the person of their choice at the end of the year. Chanyeol was originally with Sehun and Jongin but those two left him alone. Now, Chanyeol's lonely. Why did they leave him? Really, those two. Aish, whatever he doesn't care. He will look for his present now. Who was he gonna give it to? Of course Jongin, that kid was extra hardworking these past few weeks. Chanyeol needed to make him feel appreciated. 

He was walking and walking when going around shops when he met his Yifan hyung and Zitao. They looked like they were enjoying themselves at least, they were together. Something seemed odd though, they looked like they were in a hurry. Why was everyone in a hurry today? Eventually they part ways. He chose his gift quickly and followed the instructions of the staff.


Yifan was looking for a gift. Yes, you read that right! He was actually looking for Chanyeol's birthday present. They weren't actually asked to but year end gifts. This was only a ploy to divert Chanyeol's attention from them.

Yifan looked around and found a spongebob boxers, it looked cute. It would totally suit Chanyeol. He was about to buy it but then the price shocked him.

"What? It costs that much. Wait, wait, I'll think about it first. I'm not really cheap or anything but I don't think Chanyeol will appreciate it if I buy something like this", Yifan told the clerk while looking at other things.

At the other part of the shop, Yifan finally decided to buy a shirt instead. It was totally Chanyeol's sense and he knew he'll definitely wear it. He paid for the bill and went out of the store.

But to be honest, he also bought the spongebob boxers plus the blue bracelet hanging near the cashier. He just loves Chanyeol so much. He wants the best for his dongsaeng. Yifan smiled to himself as he examined the contents of his present. He would surely like this.

~~After a few hours~~

"We're going to have individual interviews?", Chanyeol asked the staff. "Oh, I'll go first? Okay, okay", He proceeded to the interview room only to see their surprise for him. He was so touched. He wasn't able to guess most of the members present but he loves Yifan's present the most.

"A shirt? And spongebob boxers?", Chanyeol nodded. "Aha, I think I know who bought this! It's Kris hyung right?", Chanyeol smiled. He got it right  of course he got it right. "You're happy aren't you?", Chanyeol smiled through the camera because he knew his Yifan hyung was watching him.

At the other room, Yifan smiled to himself. Chanyeol definitely knew it was him who bought that. He was so touched. Chanyeol really is the best.

Chanyeol wore the blue bracelet afterwards.


And I can't get over
Can't get over you
Still I call it magic
You're such a precious jewel



It's been months and they came back with Overdose. They were actually in China for their comeback showcase as twelve. Chanyeol was once again feeling happy. K and M were separated for awhile but they were back as twelve now. This only means that Chanyeol was gonna stand beside Yifan again. He really missed Yifan. The only news he got from him was the instagram updates he posted. After this, fortunately, they will perform as twelve again. He's so happy.

"Hyung, I missed you! Good thing we will perform as twelve again, huh?", Chanyeol bubbly asked his hyung. But his hyung didn't answer. Yifan was only staring off to space. "Hyung? Hyung~", he tried poking and that worked.

"Huh? What? Did you say something?", Yifan asked his precious dongsaeng.

"I said, aren't you glad we'll be performing as twelve again?", Chanyeol pouted.

"Ah, yes! I'm so glad we'll get to perform as twelve again... Starting today....", Yifan trailed of staring at the lightsticks in front of him. He'll miss this, he's really going to miss this. He stared longingly at the lightsticks in front of him, he stared longingly at s, silently pleading for forgiveness. He stared longingly at Chanyeol, 'I'm sorry my precious dongsaeng, I couldn't tell you. Would you please forgive hyung?'.

"You don't look happy at all hyung? Are you alright?", Chanyeol started to get worried.

"No I'm fine, I'm just tired. Don't mind me", Chanyeol knew that tone. It's the don't-push-it-anymore tone, so he decided to shut up. "If you say so..."

Yifan whispered as a tear fell from his eyes, but almost immediately it was gone, "I'm sorry Chanyeol, my precious dongsaeng". Little did he know his tears were caught on cam.

~~After awhile~~

"The lightsticks are so pretty~", Chanyeol was overly happy now, they were able to finish the showcase without much difficulty.

"It's like the galaxy", Yifan fondly commented.

Chanyeol looked at Yifan and he smiled. Yifan smiled back. Yifan will miss this. Yifan will really miss this. Yifan tried not to cry.

The showcase ended, Yifan tried to pull Chanyeol aside, "Chanyeol, be brave okay. I'll always support you!", Yifan smiled.

"Looks like Kris is saying something", the host suddenly said.

"Oh none, Nothing much, just for him", he then pointed at Chanyeol. Chanyeol was now feeling extremely confused but he decided to ignore it. Yifan was always confusing to begin with, anyway.

The next morning Yifan didn't join their flight.


Wanna fall
I fall so far
I wanna fall
I fall so hard



Is this really happening? This can't be happening right? RIGHT!? Why is this happening? Chanyeol's about to go crazy. He hurriedly went back to confirm the news. 'Kris filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment' it said. His precious Yifan hyung was filing a contract termination against his company. He's leaving isn't he? He's leaving him? He said he wasn't going to leave. He promised him. Why, why is all this happening? What went wrong? He said he wasn't going to leave. He said they were going to live their dreams together. Chanyeol broke down as the words, "Yes, Chanyeol he really did file it", fell from Junmyeon's mouth, who was also this close to crying.

"Yifan hyung is leaving? Why is he leaving? Why!?", he demanded answers but no one was answering. No one knew anything about this. They didn't know as well. He knew this was the first time he sounded this pathetic and this broken but he couldn't care less. His precious Yifan hyung was leaving. No one would actually expect him to be okay right?



They finished their three day concert at Seoul. Chanyeol tried to be happy, he really did. He smiled at the fans. He waved at him. He ed his hips like he was asked to do but everyone knew he wasn't okay. He wasn't. He's never gonna be okay. Especially when he's constantly reminded of the void Yifan hyung left. The big void on his right. He will always be reminded of the absence of his hyung.

Chanyeol was about to cry again but he tried to stop them. Everytime he will glance at his right hoping to see his hyung there standing beside him and everytime he'll be devastated because he wasn't there. He's never gonna be there again. 

"Chanyeollie, I'm sorry", Baekhyun called out to Chanyeol. He played with his ears trying to calm him down.

"What are you saying sorry for? It's no one's fault", Chanyeol half chuckled, half sobbed.


And I call it magic
And I call it true
I call it magic



"Call it magic, Call it true and it just got broken", Chanyeol sobbed onto his guitar. He was playing Magic by Coldplay with his guitar. He can't help feeling that the song was exactly for him. He's feeling extremely lonely, He can't deal with this pain, he just can't do this.

"Yifan hyung, why? Why must you leave?", Chanyeol said to nothing. "Hyung, please come back", he continued, "No one would guide me anymore....."


And if you were to ask me
After all that we've been through
Still believe in magic



It was their concert in Hongkong today, Chanyeol felt extremely empty just like how he was feeling these past few days. He went through with the concert giving his best despite the emptiness he feels. He danced and smiled and waved. Suddenly, something caught his eye.

"Sehun, could you please hand the rilakkuma plushie over there", Sehun looked around and he noticed the plushie his hyung was pointing at. He happily went to where it is. He frowned slightly when he saw it, but the frown went away quickly. He knew that plushie. Of course he knew. They would always play with it. "Here you go Chanyeol hyung", he handed the plushie to Chanyeol looking worried.

"Thanks Sehunnie", Chanyeol smiled, but it just looked broken, it didn't reach his eyes.

Chanyeol hugged the plushie tight. It was the same as Yifan hyung's plushie. This was his only connection to Yifan hyung now. He will treasure this one. He was never letting this plushie go. He held it until the concert finished.

"Hyung, you're really supporting me even in the form of your favorite plushie", a tear escaped his eye, "Hyung thank you for always supporting me, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to make you stay", Chanyeol continued talking to the plushie. He might seem insane to other people but this get things off his chest. "Hyung, if you're ever gonna come back, I'll wait okay hyung", Chanyeol tried his best not to cry. "Hyung you promised not to leave me but you did, but I'll still wait, I will..."

Chanyeol brought home the plushie.

"Hyung, I'll wait..."


Oh yes I do
Oh yes I do
Yes I do
Oh yes I do
Of course I do

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Chapter 1: I'm crying... :'(
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh yeolllieee
Chapter 1: that feeling. goddamnit. im not crying. not really. *whimpers and cries* UAHHHHHHH!!!!! THIS MAKES ME MISS KRISSYYYYYYYYYY MOREEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg this make me miss Kris sooo much more. Krisyeol just T.T
Thanks for sharing the fanfic though
xuhnkrsyl #5
Chapter 1: I'm crying so bad.. i do think that coldplay song is from chanyeol to kris.. I love krisyeol~
sorry for making you sad :(
thank you for reading it ^^
and yes i miss the happy virus too :(
reachan #8
Chapter 1: this is so sad....
seriously I miss my happy virus...
its realy hurt my heart
great job for touching story
Chapter 1: why did u started with the comeback showcase now im really sad :-------(