Remember Me?

Restart - Changmin
"Don’t be scared, it’s me, your boyfriend Changmin." He looked into your eyes but yours just got wide while your mind tried to think of a way out of this situation. Pressing a button nurses and doctors gathered around you as they tried to check up on you.
”_______, do you know who this is?” The guy in the white coat asked and pointed to the stranger that claimed to be your boyfriend. Shaking your head slowly, you watched the stranger’s face drop and bite his bottom lip as you looked back to the guy in the white coat.
"Don’t worry it won’t last too long" The white coated guy told the other strange man as the strange man nodded.
"I’ll be back" The strange man told the doctor and nurses as he left the room.
Once outside of the room, Changmin took in a deep breath, moving his feet down the hall, he slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Wondering around the hospital, going into the many small shops that were housed inside the large building he looked around and found a bouquet of your favorite flowers as he paid for them and wondered back up to your room.
Pushing open the door he slowly closed it behind him as he watched your body lay on the bed. Letting out a deep breath he walked to your side, gazing down at you, he gently brushed some hair out of your face as he leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
The soft touch woke you,your eyes looking up to his, blinking them rapidly you tried to grasp onto the situation.
"D-Did you just k-kiss me?" You asked him while your uninjured hand moved up and touched your lips.
"I thought that it would help you remember me" Changmin backed away as he sat in his chair, playing with the flowers in his hands.
"I’m sorry" You shook your head as you looked at him. The beeping of the machines filled the room as you watched the stranger carefully.
"C-Can I ask you a question?" You whispered softly as his head gently rose and his eyes met yours.
"I’ll answer anything you ask." He whispered just as softly
"What were we like? How many years have we been together, that kind of stuff." You asked as a smile gently pulled on one side of his lips.
"Well… we have been dating for just under two years. We just went out on date nigh, which is every Friday. Our favorite things to do together is just to be with one another." Changmin talked about you and your relationship like it was a fairy tale, something that was so wonderful and beautiful.
"W-What made me come to the hospital?" You asked as he took a breath.
"W-W-We had a fight and you ran off,  I should have ran after you but you took the car and here we are." He whispered dropping his eyes to your hand which still held your couple ring on your finger.
Turning your hand, palm side up he looked up at you.
"Can I hold your hand?" He asked softly not wanting to scare you again. Nodding softly he put his hand in yours but something seemed familiar, something just felt right on his his hand fit perfectly in yours, how the warmth of his hand coupled with your cold skin.
Something just seemed right.
"Do you think that we can get back to what we were?" You hopefully looked at him, your eyes twinkled under the low lights. He smiled and held out your favorite flowers.
"Let’s make this better than it was" He leaned in and kissed your hand, "These flowers are for you, I hope that you can recover quickly, love."
"I hope so too, although I may not want my memory to come back." You giggled happily taking the flowers and smelling them as Changmin caught you up on what you two had done together.
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Chapter 4: Oh no don't forget him, everything will be alright and they will be lovers with greater love again :( ❤️
Give her some time Changmin to remember, but stick with her. That's what I would do if I were in his place. I'll do the impossible to see my lover in a good health.
It was sad, but how he showed his love to her made everything brighter ❤️

Thank you for ending this happily. I wasn't ready to read something sad, I want to cheer up :')
Chapter 4: love it~~~~ :3 ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 4: Love it. Glad she didnt freak out about him kissin her.
Chapter 4: Keke. I loveee this kind of storyy omgg. Hehe. Moree of this type of story!
Chapter 4: omfg Changminnie!!!!
Chapter 4: Awesome story! It's something that needed a new start as the title says. :)
Chapter 4: DAEBAK! well at least she still liked him even when she dont remem. but it ended happily, Thank u for updating always~
Chapter 1: Im thinking that u were going to make 2 chapters? but dont rush~