Chapter 2

April Fool's Day

Listen: Should I Hug or Not - BEAST


Nicole's POV


Hara's phone started to ring and she quickly walked out of the room to answer it.

"I wonder who's calling her," Seungyeon pondered out loud.

"Maybe her boyfriend!" Jiyoung said.

I shrugged my shoulders, still a little upset at her and kept eating.

"Oh yeah! Gyuri unnie, can I go somewhere with Key today?" I asked.

"Oooh, Nicole's got herself a date!~" she teased.

"And it's with her new boyfriend!" Seungyeon added. Jiyoung was just laughing her head off.

I sighed. "It's a friend date and he is NOT my boyfriend," I defended.

"Yeah, it's always a friend dare at first and sure, he's not your boyfriend but I know you want him to be," Gyuri wiggled her eyebrows.

I was always weirded out when they teased me like this. I SO did not think of Key that way. He's my best friend and it'd be weird thinking of going out with him.

"Anyway, can I go?" I said, ignoring her.

"Of course you can! You'll probably kill me if I don't let you go see your darling Key!" she replied.

Hara came walking back in just as I was about to retort back, her face held a look of confusion.

"Hara unnie? Who was that on the phone?" Jiyoung asked.

She smiled widely. "That was my new boyfriend."

I choked on my food and everything became a blur after that. Seungyeon was squealing like a fan girl, Jiyoung was jumping up and down saying I told you so and Gyuri and I were bombarding her with questions.

Hara looked smiled and laughed at us. This was the first time since our debut that one of us got a boyfriend. We've just been too busy to keep up with relationships. This is weird though, Hara wouldn't suddenly go into a relationship without telling us first.

"Quiet! I'll let you meet him soon. Like, maybe tomorrow, alright?" she yelled.

Now I was really curious. I had a very strong feeling he was either from SHINee or 2PM. The possibilities ran through my mind. Maybe it's Minho! It must be him. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. What if he's not even a celebrity?!

"Is he a celebrity?" asked Sungyeon as if read my mind.

Hara chuckled. "You'll see!" and we all groaned.

I stood up and put my dishes in the sink, going back to my room to get ready to sleep. I haven't had this much rest in so long!

"Let's go pick out what you're going to wear!" Sungyeon grabbed my collar before I could take a step and pulled me to my room.

Gyuri came along and pulled the closet door open, sifting through my clothes.

"Who cares? It's only Key," I said.

"Sure, you keep saying that to yourself. We all know you care," Gyuri answered.

I knew this would take a long time so I sat down and almost screamed when I heard a huge fart. I stood up again. Whoopee cushion. I looked to my right to see Sungyeon and Jiyoung laughing. Gyuri was chuckling while still looking at the clothes.

"Omo, how long have you been holding THAT in, Cole unnie?" Jiyoung gasped between laughs. I threw it at the two girls and sat down, rolling my eyes at them.

Gyuri threw white short shorts, a white blouse with sleeves that went midway up my arms, a brown leather belt and a straw sun hat with a white bow onto the bed.

"You," she pointed at me "wear this," she instructed.

I eyed it. "Alright," I agreed.

4:00 came by quickly and the girls except Hara were giving me tips on what to do. Like, I didn't know how to act around my own best friend. They talk like they actually understand boys.

They ushered me out of the dorm, giving me a last primp before running back in. I noticed Hara was standing by the dorm still, I grinned at her but she had a pained face.

"I'm so sorry," she said and with the turn of her heel, stepped back into the dorm. What...? She better not have eaten my cookies I had just baked yesterday. Oh, it was probably just another prank. No way was I falling for any of them again.

I put the hat and sunglasses on to conceal my face. I was thinking of putting on a scarf but that'd be too obvious in the middle of summer and scurried to my manager's car.

"Be careful not to get seen," he said what I head every time I went out with friends.

"Yeah, yeah. You told me, like, a hundred times already," I drummed my fingers on the window.

We got there twenty minutes later. I stepped out of the car. "Thanks oppa!" I said to him before he nodded and drove away.

It was Boramae park which was pretty far from downtown. I happily breathed in the fresh air and saw it practically empty. Well, it IS a Wednesday. Not a lot of people would be out today and at this time anyway. I walked around for a bit, looking for Key. Just as I was getting frustrated, I spotted the familiar brown haired boy, making his way over to me.

I took off my sunglasses then ran and hugged him. "Kibum!!" I exclaimed. He laughed.

"You're so excited. We've seen each other just last week," he smiled.

I pouted. "That was for about 10 seconds and we only made eye contact!" I said thinking about the time when we saw each other backstage of a Busan Concert. "so what did you want to tell me?" I impatiently asked.

"What, I can't see my best friend without a reason?"

I smiled. "Noooo."

"C'mon, let's find a good place to sit. We're going to have a picnic."

There goes Key again, surprising me with everything he does.

We picked a spot with lots of shade and green grass. He laid down the mat and I started taking out the food he packed. Kimchi, bulgogi and galbi.

"Wahhh, so delicious! When'd you have time to make this?" my mouth was watering.

He smirked. "I'm Almighty Key for a reason."

I sighed at his answer and tried to hit him on the shoulder which he dodged.

"So how's life as an idol?" he asked.

"Why are you asking like you aren't one yourself?"

"Just wondering how you were doing."

"It's good, tiring but tons of fun."

"Don't overwork yourself," he cautioned.

My eyes softened. "I won't but you don't either," I countered.

He smiled as he gave me the food and we ate in comfortable silence.

"When are you having your comeback?" I asked.

"We don't know yet. We just finished Ring Ding Dong promotions but I think we'll have another comeback some time this year before heading to Japan. We're resting right now though," he answered.


"Why aren't you eating more?" Key complained.

"I'm still on a diet you know, I can't binge eat just because it's a rest day."

"Hmph, you don't even need to go on a diet," I heard him mutter and smiled to myself.

We kept eating and talking until the food was finished. Then we packed everything and walked around the park.

"Actually, I really did have something to say," he said.

Aha! I knew it!

"What is it?" I asked him.

He looked hesitant as he scratched his head cutely. Whoa, what am I thinking there? He looked down at his feet as the thought about something.

"You know you can tell me," I worriedly said, thinking something bad happened.2

He looked at me with his dark, almond eyes.

"I'm dating somebody," he started.

My heart dropped and I tried really hard to look happy wondering if my smile faltered. Why? I should be happy he finally found someone.

"Do I know her?" I faked excitement wondering if this is how it felt to give your best friend away.

He nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner," I joked.

He his poker face on and I couldn't tell what he was thinking and I could tell he was trying to read my reaction.

"It's Hara."





I'm sorry for the superrr late update. I'm a lazy bum like that.

But anyways, thanks for the comments! they make me so happy

But I'll be expecting more~


LOL and yes I used all infinite gifs because I love them :D

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updatee soon ^o^
Chapter 4: Update soon~
hanimadu98 #3
update plss
another one :O u never told me :P
Miinii #5
Yeaahh~ You updated!!!
Please update soon again! Can't wait to read what happen next ;)
hanhernz hwaiting!!!
kimkim96 #6
New reader~~~~~
Hope you update soon!!!
Thanks for the update! I want to read more! Is Nicole going to get a boyfriend to make Key jealous? Oh....I can't wait to read the next chapter! I hope you make it long! :D I could read this all day! Keep up the good work!
please update....i wanna know what's gonna happen....thank you
Miinii #9
Awww~! Please update soon again!!!<br />
I want more :(<br />
Hanhernz Hwaiting!!!
LilyAvila #10
Waaaaah looking forward to the next chap =D