BlueBannana Reviews


Do you need a review? Well no need to look! BlueBannana is here for you. This is a shop only for reviews. All you need to do is sit on your chair and wait a day for your review or even less! So, all you got to do is press the link under this text and you can request! Come on do it quickly!



-Please subscribe to request

Review Form:

Title: -/5

Forward: -/10

Description: -/10

Graphics/pictures: -/10

Plot: -/20

Writing: -/20

Spelling/grammar: -/15

Ending: -/5

Rated scenes: -/5

Format: -/10



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missinvisible #1
I just requested for a review :D
imsosofia #2
It's "foreword", not "forward". You used "forward" instead of "foreword" in, like, your foreword... =_=?!