I'm your fan!

You quickly get into the crowd when you realised that you are kinda late to get into the front row. Luckily you're not too short and  already bring a little stool to stand on it.


"Huarghhh! They are coming out!" The airport's arrival hall become noisy with fans shouting. You quickly focused your big camera's lens at the 7 handsome boys that get out from the door. The other people around you also did what you did. You can see how your bias smile and wave at you (or probably people around you). It's really make you heart melt. The boys waved and smiled at the fans that come to see them at the airport. 




"I'm home!" You kick your shoes and get into the house. You lay your self at the living room's couch and take out your camera To checked the photo that you captured at the airport before.


"Yaa~! Why you come home late?" You quickly sit when yoongi approach you at the couch.


" I went to cafe and chatted with my friends"




" yeah~" you smiled. Yoongi just let out a soft sigh.


You already get dating with yoongi for 2 years. He fall in love with you when he saw you for the first time at BTS debut showcase. You run a fansite dedicated to your unlimited bias, Suga so he already recognized you because you always meet them at the fansign, showcase and greet them at the airport. You feel like you are the happiest girl in the entire world when Yoongi confess his feeling to you. 


" I see you at the airport today. I keep wondering why you still handle your fansite. You can see me everyday. Stop fangirling." Yoongi smirk.


"How can I stop running my fansite? It is the best job in entire world! Seeing my bias smiling at my lense is the best feels ever! " 


"How about this?" Yoongi give a sweetest smile at you. 


"Ahhh~~!! Don't do that! I can die! " you quickly take the cushion beside you and cover it at your face. You can feel your face like burning. Yoongi laugh at your response. You peek at Yoongi from the cushion.


"Err.. jagiya."




"Can you smile again?" You asked. Yoongi laugh again and you take your camera and capture when he is smiling.


" this, I'll keep as my personal collection. " you said and checked the photo from your camera. 


" Yeobo, can't you stop doing that work? You should stay at this house and just wait for me come back home. Then you cook delicious food for me and then we eat together. After finished it we cuddle infront the tv while watching movie. And lastly we sleep in our room." 


You raised your right eyebrow.


"We always did that okey!"


"I'm just saying. You know.. I just want to spend more time with you. The one that I love soo much." He put his arm around your shoulder.  You put your head at his shoulder comfortably.


"I'm your fan. I can't stop do that." You playfully pinch his cheecks.


" yes. I know you are my fan. My biggest fan. Just stay at home and wait for me ok?" 


"Mmmm.. what if I say no?" You smile at him


"I'll force you to say yes." 


"Ok then. I'll try." You said.


"Good! I love you yeobo." He give a fast kiss on your lips. You smile and hug him tightly. 




I has idea to write this but my writting skills is soo bad. I'm sorry! I would like to write sequel if there is requeste. Hehe. I'm hoping you guys like it ^^



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Chapter 1: Omoo~ it's so cute.. but you know.. when I read this.. I never imagine me with yoongi.. but with minhyuk btob~~♡♡♡ haha.. keep it up, girl.. write fanfic until your fingef cramp!!
HajarHashemi1 #2
Chapter 1: Nope.You're good at writing.Good story(Cuz Yoongi is my bias;-))