slayer (of my heart)

Kaisoo Project 2014

slayer (of my heart)

Length: 7.5k

Genre: fantasy/medieval dragonslayer!au

Rating: G

Summary: Jongin is supposed to slay the dragon on the mountain, but Kyungsoo won't let him.



Jongin woke to the sound of birds chirping outside the castle walls and the sun sinking lazily below the towering turrets. He had fallen asleep sometime after sword training, slumped against the cool, stone wall, and his tunic was still damp with sweat. There was a slight crick in his neck, and he clambered to his feet with a groan.

It was almost dinner time, and he had to get to the dining hall before Chanyeol, the Captain of the Guard, noticed that he was missing. Jongin may have been part of the White Knights, an elite group of warriors that were duty-bound to protect the kingdom and all who lived there, but that didn't mean he would be let off easily for being late. He wiped the dirt from his hands onto his pants, and took off at a jog toward the dining hall.

The enticing scent of savory roasts and broiled vegetables wafted from the kitchens, and his stomach tightened, constricting itself with a low growl, telling him that he needed to get something in him - and quick - because the only thing he had eaten today was a small, but refreshing orange for breakfast.

The dining hall was right ahead of him. One of the wooden double doors leading inside was ajar, and the lanterns inside spilled warm golden light across the cobblestone path. He could hear the loud ruckus the trainees and other members of the guard inside were making, and he hoped that they were busy enough that they wouldn't notice him slipping into the hall late. He was just about to slide into the empty seat next to another member of the White Knights when he felt a hand grip his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. He tensed.

"Jongin." The voice that belonged to the owner of the hand was low and gruff. "You're late. Did you fall asleep again?"

Jongin turned around, shrinking under the intense frown of the Captain of the Guards. Chanyeol clearly wasn't happy.

"I'm sorry," Jongin said. He smoothed the front of his tunic, refusing to make eye contact with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol sighed and removed his hand from Jongin's shoulder. He ruffled Jongin's fluffy chocolate hair affectionately, "Oh, Jongin. What are we going to do with you?"

"Let me eat?" Jongin’s eyes slid longingly over to the table where lamb chops, grilled chicken, and roasted vegetables were piled high on metal platters. Baskets of bread were conveniently placed at the ends and the middle of the tables, and they looked warm and soft.

Chanyeol guffawed, "It's always you and food, isn't it?" He smiled, and Jongin relaxed. "Go ahead and eat. You're going to need it."

Jongin frowned, brows furrowed. "Wait...." He said slowly, "What do you mean I'm going to need it?"

"You'll find out soon enough. The King wants to see you in the throne room after dinner."

Jongin didn't know why in the world the King would want to see him, but he sat down to eat anyway. The quicker he finished, the quicker he would find out.

The hot grease from the chicken burned his fingers, and he carefully pulled the meat apart, plucking pieces off and popping them into his mouth with a satisfied sigh. The vegetables were perfectly cooked, and the potatoes were light and buttery, melting on his tongue. When he was full, he wiped his greasy hands off on his pants and stood up. Everyone else was still busy laughing and eating, so no one noticed as he slipped out of the hall and made his way to the throne room.

King Luhan preferred the simple things in life to lavish decorations, so the throne room wasn't full of the majestic tapestries or jeweled furniture that was commonly found in the castles of other kings. Other than the throne, and a couple of comfortable looking wooden benches pushed up against the walls, the room was fairly empty.

The King sat at the other end of the hall, waiting for him. Chanyeol stood to the left of the throne. Neither said a word until Jongin approached. He sunk onto one knee, bowing his head to show his obedience and loyalty to the crown. "Your majesty."

"Jongin," Luhan smiled. He tilted his head a little, and the golden crown atop his auburn hair glinted with the movement. He sat up straighter, and his scarlet robes rippled. "You may stand."

Jongin stood, brushing his hands down his tunic in an attempt to smooth out a few the creases.

"Jongin," Luhan began, leaning forward slightly in his seat. "Have you heard about the little problem plaguing our kingdom?"

Jongin shook his head.

"Well," Luhan settled back in his throne, folding his hands in his lap. "Many of my people have spotted a dragon near the mountain. It hasn’t done grievous harm or killed anyone quite yet, but everyone knows that dragons become more and more dangerous as they grow older, and this one creeps closer to the outer villages with every sighting." He paused for a moment. "I want you to find it and kill it."

Jongin was appalled. Dragons were fierce, dangerous, and, in most cases, deadly. And Luhan wanted him to go alone to defeat one? "Y-your majesty-"

"Jongin." Luhan's voice cut through his protest. "You are a member of my elite guard. You have the skills and knowledge to succeed, and I know you'll be fine. Your kingdom needs you."

Jongin bowed his head. There was really nothing he could do other than obey Luhan - he was the king, after all. He decided that it would be best to look on the bright side of things: if he returned, victorious, then he would be known throughout the land as the one who risked everything to protect the people from the vicious dragon. And if he didn't... Well, they would honor him for being brave and for stepping up to try and save the kingdom in its time of need. "I understand, your majesty."



Jongin left early the next morning with a small pack slung over his shoulder and a farewell hug from Chanyeol.

"You'll be fine," Chanyeol said, stepping back. "We all believe you can do it. You're the strongest, the smartest... Jongin, you're the best."

Jongin didn't quite agree, but he felt his cheeks heat up from the praise, regardless. "Thank you."

Chanyeol's eyes raked over him, taking in his traveling clothes - a light, cotton shirt tucked into loose brown pants and soft, leather boots - along with the sword at his waist. "Do you have everything?"

Jongin nodded. "I have bread and cheese in my pack, along with plenty of money to get me by if I choose to stop at any of the villages on the way to the mountain."

"What about your armor?"

Jongin shook his head. "It would be stupid to fight a dragon wearing metal armor. It's heavy, restricts movement, and I would toast to death the second it breathed fire."

Chanyeol nodded after a moments pause. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." He smiled, clapping Jongin on the back. "Well, good luck! You'll be fine, okay?"

Jongin certainly didn't feel like he'd be fine, but he mustered up the courage to smile and nod anyway. "Thanks, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol gave him one last encouraging smile, and Jongin took the first step on his journey to slaying the dragon.



Jongin wiped the sweat from his brow. He still had a two day journey until he reached the foot of the mountain, and the sweltering heat was slowing him down. The unforgiving, unrelenting sun shone down on him and Jongin had to frequent nearby rivers and clear, babbling brooks in order to refill his water supply.

Jongin’s thin, brown tunic clung to his perspiration-soaked back like a second skin as he continued to travel down an old dirt road leading to the mountain. Birds chirped overhead, and the sweet scent of flowers in bloom filled the air.

He often grew lonely as he journeyed alone to the mountain; Jongin liked to be by himself, but he wasn’t a recluse by any means. His last contact with another human had been several miles back in a small town where he had bought some fresh bread for the road. Sometimes, Jongin wished that he had someone to stand beside him, someone he could lean on when the journey grew challenging.

He shook his head, ridding himself of thoughts that would just make him feel sad or even lonelier. The sky was beginning to darken above him, and the pale blue gave way to deep reds and purples as the sun sank beyond the mountain.

Traveling  at night was quite perilous, so Jongin knew that he needed to find a place to take shelter until dawn. The woods were an option, but he’d heard stories of vicious beasts like wolves and bears that lived among the towering trees, and he didn’t want to take the chance. One could easily find him and attack him while he was sleeping.

His best option was to find a little cave of some sort, somewhere out of the way. The foot of the mountain was barely half a mile away, and he hoped that he would be able to find shelter nearby.

As he was searching for a safe place to spend the night, he stumbled across a small opening in the side of the mountain. The cave was built into the muddy brown rock of the cliff. The stone guarding the entrance was jagged and uneven and arranged in such a way that it would be difficult for passersby to spot. Jongin could make out the faint outline of a tunnel that led deeper into the rock. There was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, and Jongin’s hand fell to his waist, gripping the hilt of his sword urgently.

Who knew what was at the end of the cave? Jongin’s heart raced at the thought of bandits, but he didn’t hear the distinct sounds of fighting and loud laughter that usually surrounded bandit camps. Instead, he heard the soft crackling of a fire and the fresh, enticing scent of roasted meat made his mouth water.

He figured that it was probably a loner, a recluse of some sort, and he hoped that the man would be kind enough to let him stay the night.

“Hello?” he called, venturing deeper into the cave. Small, loose stones littered the floor and he accidentally kicked a few, sending them skidding across the ground. “Is anyone there?”

There was no answer, but at the end of the tunnel was a large cavern, and at the far end of that a small fire was burning with a little pot of what looked like soup hanging over it. A man was busy tending to the fire and stirring the soup, so he must not have noticed Jongin walking in.

He was wearing a loose, white cotton shirt and brown pants tucked into soft leather boots. The man had a slim build and narrow shoulders, and it was obvious that he was shorter than Jongin.

“Excuse me?” Jongin called out again in an attempt to gain the man’s attention.

The man jumped, evidently surprised, and turned toward Jongin. His eyes were wide, and he was clearly frightened, “Who are you?”

Jongin removed his hand from his sword and bowed, “My name is Jongin. Kim Jongin. What’s your name?”

The man’s eyes relaxed a bit at the gesture, and he answered Jongin’s question in a soft voice, “I’m Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo.”

A smile broke out across Jongin’s face. Maybe Kyungsoo would let him stay for a little while? It wouldn’t hurt to ask. “Would it be okay if I stayed the night? King Luhan sent me to kill the dragon, and I need a place to rest before I venture any farther.”

At Jongin’s words, Kyungsoo’s demeanor changed drastically. His shoulders tensed, and his lips curled into a scowl, “You came… to kill the dragon?”

Jongin nodded, a proud grin spreading across his lips, “King Luhan says it’s a danger to everyone in the kingdom and must be dealt with immediately.”

Kyungsoo raised one hand, and pointed in the direction of the tunnel leading back to the surface, “Go.”


Kyungsoo’s scowl deepened. “I said, go. You can’t stay with me tonight.”

Jongin didn’t know what to say. He didn’t understand why Kyungsoo was denying him, but he was going to respect the man’s wishes. He backed up, and bowed quickly, “Ah, a-all right. Sorry for intruding.”

Kyungsoo didn’t answer. He turned his back on Jongin, and went back to tending the fire. Jongin’s shoulders fell, and he left without another word. He wondered why Kyungsoo wouldn't let him to stay. Was it something he had said? Did Kyungsoo just prefer the company of the crackling fire and silence over human contact? His brain wrestled for an explanation as he made his way back to the entrance of the cave.

The cool, night air nipped at Jongin’s nose as he emerged from Kyungsoo’s cave. Darkness had settled over the land like a star-speckled blanket while he’d been underground, transforming the long shadows of evening into inky pools between the trees.

An ear-splitting howl rang through the air, and Jongin contemplated running back and begging Kyungsoo to let him stay just for the one night. He was so close to giving in, but instead he stood up straight and shook his head. Kyungsoo had said no, and he was going to respect the other man’s wishes.

But that meant he needed to find another place to stay. And quickly.

It took a good fifteen minutes before Jongin was able to find a suitable place to camp for the night. There was another small cave carved into the rocky surface of the mountain, and it wasn’t too far off from the entrance to Kyungsoo’s home. The ground was also nice and dry, which Jongin was thankful for, and the curved walls acted like a shield to keep out the chilly wind.

He collapsed, exhausted, onto the hard, dusty floor of the cave, and tried to relax a little. The journey had been long, and both mentally and physically taxing.

He didn’t particularly like being alone, either, but he figured that there was nothing he could really do about it. Jongin wondered what Kyungsoo was up to. It seemed odd that someone would live so far away from the rest of society, and Jongin almost felt bad for him.

He stretched out along the floor of the cave, kicking a few loose pebbles as he moved his legs, and closed his eyes. He would probably encounter the dragon soon - either tomorrow or the next day - and he wanted to be alert and well rested when it was time to fight.



He awoke to a bloodcurdling scream and a shatteringly loud crack. Jongin’s eyes widened and his pulse accelerated. The scream tore right through him like a jagged glass blade, and he was on his feet within seconds.

The scream sounded … human. It sounded like Kyungsoo. The blood drained from Jongin’s face, and he knew that he needed to find the source of the scream and quickly.

Before Jongin even knew what was happening, he found himself running, furiously pumping his legs as his ears strained to hear something that would clue him in as to where the scream came from. A part of him wondered if it was the dragon - if the dragon had a hold of Kyungsoo. Jongin’s blood ran cold at the mere thought of a bloodthirsty monster preying on the smaller man, and he ran faster across the rough, rocky mountainside.

He made his way to the outskirts of a small clearing where he saw Kyungsoo trapped under a fallen tree. A vast, red-gold dragon was perched atop the fallen trunk, its sharp, gleaming claws digging into the dark wood. Its large, scaled tail swung dangerously, threatening to knock over other nearby trees as it hovered over Kyungsoo, staring at the man with eyes the color of dying embers.

Jongin’s hand flew to the sword at his waist, heart pounding in his chest. Luckily, the dragon was still unaware of his existence, and he edged forward silently.

Then, the unthinkable happened. The dragon lifted the tree stump off of Kyungsoo and attempted to help the man up with one of its sharp claws. Kyungsoo looked as though he was in a lot of pain, and Jongin almost ran out to help him.

Jongin stared in shock as Kyungsoo lifted a hand to pat the dragon on its red-scaled snout, whispering in a foreign tongue. The dragon let out a rumble and answered in a gravelly voice that sent shivers down Jongin’s spine.

He didn’t know what was going on. Was Kyungsoo friends with the dragon? That couldn’t be right.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Jongin stepped forward to confront Kyungsoo and the dragon. He kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, just in case he needed to access it quickly. When he spoke, his voice was shaky and betrayed his unease. “What’s going on?”

Kyungsoo turned to look at him, eyes wide in surprise. The dragon’s gaze followed, and Jongin started to shake under its intense stare. “Jongin, what are you doing here?”

“I told you,” Jongin said, his grip tightening on his sword. “I’m here to kill the dragon.”

At his confession, the dragon opened its mouth and let out a fearsome roar that shook the whole forest. Its eyes grew dark and glinted dangerously, and it was about to take a step forward when Kyungsoo stopped it with a low command.

“The dragon hasn’t harmed anyone, Jongin. And it’s not going to.” Kyungsoo said, limping forward. He stumbled, and Jongin rushed forward to help him without thinking of the dragon merely feet away. Jongin steadied Kyungsoo with a firm hand, and listened as Kyungsoo explained his side of the story.

“Bienveillant is a sweet dragon. All she wants is to live alone in the mountains. She has no interest in pillaging villages or eating the cattle and sheep that graze in the fields near the castle.” Kyungsoo said, wincing when he put weight on the leg that had caught the worst of the tree’s impact. The dragon whimpered and pressed its snout against Kyungsoo’s back. Jongin was paralyzed with fear at how close Bienveillant was.

“Trust me, Jongin.”

“How do you know this?” Jongin asked. He was skeptical. Luhan - his king - had said that the dragon was an evil creature that needed to be killed. And now Kyungsoo, whom he barely knew, was trying to convince him otherwise.

“I’m a Beast Keeper, born of dragon blood. I may be human, but I have the ability to raise, train, and take care of magical creatures. I understand them, and they understand me.” Kyungsoo explained, leaning forward to curl his fingers into Jongin’s tunic. “Now,” he winced again, “please help me get back home. I think I really injured myself.”

In his haste to help Kyungsoo, Jongin had completely forgotten about the dragon (who remained in the clearing, as passive as a newborn kitten) as he scooped Kyungsoo up against his chest and carried him back to the cavern he called home. He stumbled twice, once over a loose rock and once more over a log that had fallen across the pathway.

Kyungsoo’s arms remained secure around Jongin’s neck as he carried the Beast Keeper through the rocky terrain, and every so often Jongin would look down at the other’s face to see if he was doing all right. Kyungsoo continuously bit down on his bottom lip and furrowed his brows, and Jongin was worried that the pain was beginning to get to Kyungsoo.

They were nearly at Kyungsoo’s home when Jongin decided to ask, “Are you okay?”

Kyungsoo lifted his eyes and met Jongin’s worried gaze. He nodded after a short pause, “I will be. Just… please take me home.”

Jongin tried to hurry. His arms ached from carrying Kyungsoo so far, but it was worth it to see the expression of relief cross the Beast Keeper’s face once they reached the warm, brightly lit cavern that Kyungsoo called home.

“Put me on the bed, please?” Kyungsoo asked, pain seeping through his voice.

Jongin obeyed quickly, taking Kyungsoo to the bed over in the corner of the cave. It was near the fire, and he knew Kyungsoo would be nice and warm. Jongin gently set the elder onto the bed and took a step back to assess the damage. Blood seeped through the dark fabric of Kyungsoo’s pants on his left leg, near his shin.

Jongin gestured toward Kyungsoo’s leg. “Let me take care of that for you.”

Kyungsoo sighed, shifting on the bed so that his back was propped against the headboard with a soft pillow. “I’ll be okay, Jongin.”

Jongin saw the way Kyungsoo’s eyes flickered and seemed to be glazed over. He knew that Kyungsoo was hurting, and he refused to take no for an answer. “I am going to help you. It’s my duty,” Jongin insisted. He looked around the cave, looking for a washcloth or at least something he would use to clean Kyungsoo’s leg with. He didn’t see anything.

“Do you have any spare cloth?”

Kyungsoo seemed to have no energy to refuse Jongin’s help, so he let out a resigned sigh and pointed to a couple of wooden chests in the corner of the room. “Over there. I don’t care what you use; there is fresh water in the pot above the fire pit.”

Jongin thanked him and set to work, making sure that Kyungsoo was safe and free from pain.

It wasn’t until hours later, after Jongin had thoroughly cleaned and dressed Kyungsoo’s wounds from the fallen tree, that he remembered the dragon. Fear spread through him like a crippling sickness, and he rushed to Kyungsoo’s bed, grabbing the elder’s shoulders and shaking him lightly to wake him from the light slumber he had succumbed to.


“What?” Kyungsoo asked, bleary-eyed. He sat up, face contorting in pain as he moved his injured leg. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes!” Jongin hissed, “The dragon - I forgot about the dragon, Kyungsoo!”


“She’s dangerous. What if she hurt someone while I’ve been taking care of you?” Jongin asked. He was honestly worried sick; he had been given a chance to fulfill his duty to his King, and instead of vanquishing Bienveillant like he'd been ordered to, he'd let her roam free and helped Kyungsoo instead.

“For the last time, Bienveillant isn’t going to hurt anyone!” Kyungsoo argued. “Just leave her alone, Jongin. Trust me.”

And as Jongin gazed into Kyungsoo’s bright, earnest eyes, he knew that the elder was telling the truth, “Fine. But, the second she attacks someone, I have to kill her. You know that, right?”

“It won’t come to that,” Kyungsoo said, lying back down. He closed his eyes, and whispered, “I’ve raised her since she was a hatchling; she won’t hurt anyone.”

Jongin didn’t say anything. He just sat on the edge of the bed as Kyungsoo fell back asleep.

Jongin decided to stay with Kyungsoo for several days and nights while his injuries healed (whether Kyungsoo wanted him there or not), and he barely left the Beast Keeper’s side during that time. He watched over Kyungsoo while he slept, and his heart did little flips in his chest every time Kyungsoo’s heart shaped lips curled up at the corners while he was asleep.

Jongin thought Kyungsoo was truly beautiful. His full, dark lashes fluttered softly when he was sleeping, and his rosy cheeks reminded Jongin of the fields of poppies near the castle training grounds. Every soft inhale and exhale was another whispering breath of life, letting Jongin know that Kyungsoo was okay, and that he was going to be just fine.

And, sometime during this whole process, Jongin fell a little bit in love.Or maybe he simply grew to adore the Beast Keeper. It might have been because he was always there to make sure Kyungsoo was doing fine, or it might have been because of the light-hearted jokes the elder would tell to pass the time. Maybe it was the way Kyungsoo’s ivory skin lit up whenever the fire flickered, or the way his eyes were so kind and caring. Perhaps it was the way Kyungsoo’s voice was so sweet and gentle when he talked about Bienveillant, especially when he was making sure that Jongin was convinced she wasn’t a threat.

Regardless of the reason, Jongin was enraptured.



Time seemed to melt away when Jongin was around Kyungsoo. He stopped counting the days by the number of times that the sun rose and sank in the sky, and started counting them based on how many times he woke up by Kyungsoo’s side.

But one morning Jongin woke up alone. There was no one else in the cave, and a jolt of panic shot through him, especially since Kyungsoo wasn’t fully healed yet. Where could he have gone?

Jongin slipped out of the bed and put his shoes on with quick, hurried movements. He didn’t want to think of what might happen if Kyungsoo were hurt somewhere, lost and alone.

With as much speed as he could muster, Jongin ran out of the cave and into the surrounding forest. He didn’t know where to start looking, but he figured that the forest was as good a place as any. He slid over mud, and ran into a few low branches that left little cuts on his arms as he ran. Jongin ignored the leaves hitting him in the face and ran, searching for any sign of Kyungsoo.

And then he heard the laughter. There was a clearing nearby, and Jongin stumbled through the forest until he found the source of the noise. On the back of Bienveillant, perched atop her striking scarlet scales, was Kyungsoo. The dragon was tromping around the clearing, chasing what looked to be a delicate monarch butterfly with brilliant orange wings, and Kyungsoo seemed to be having the time of his life, laughing and smiling.

Jongin stood at the edge of the forest, watching Kyungsoo and Bienveillant play around in the clearing. A goofy smile spread across Jongin’s face, and warmth spread through his chest.

It was just so … endearing.

Kyungsoo seemed to have spotted him, because Bienveillant padded on over to his side of the clearing and Kyungsoo called out a greeting.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning,” Jongin said, still smiling. The sun was bright, and he had to squint a little when he looked up at the Beast Keeper perched atop the dragon’s back.

Kyungsoo said something to Bienveillant in that odd language they used, and the dragon lowered herself to the ground. Kyungsoo held out a hand, “C’mon!”

Jongin shook his head. There was no way he was getting up there… until Kyungsoo pouted. Then it was all over. “Please, Jongin?”

“Fine,” Jongin grumbled as he walked forward and grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand. Kyungsoo helped him up onto Bienveillant’s back, and as soon as he was situated behind him, Jongin wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist. “You’re lucky I like you.”

“I know.”

When Bienveillant took to the skies, Jongin realized that there was honestly nothing better than soaring past low hanging clouds and laughing along with Kyungsoo.




Jongin woke one morning to see Kyungsoo standing by the fire, stirring the contents of the large pot slowly. He blinked and shook his head to make sure he wasn’t seeing things - wasn’t Kyungsoo still injured?

He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. ”Are you okay?”

Kyungsoo didn’t look at him. He ladled some of the soup into a bowl and hummed a soft reply, “I think I’m a lot better than I was, that’s for sure.”

Jongin wasn’t sure how to feel. On one hand,  Kyungsoo was healing nicely, and that was great. But it also meant that Jongin would have to leave soon.

He didn’t want to leave.

He wanted to stay and listen to Kyungsoo tell him stories about all of the different creatures that he'd met as a Beast Keeper, or even do something as simple as sitting quietly and sharing a nice bowl of stew together. He… liked spending time with Kyungsoo. “Does this mean that it’s time for me to go?”

Kyungsoo stopped what he was doing and turned slowly. His face was an expressionless mask, betraying no emotion. “Do you want to?”

“I-I don’t know,” Jongin stammered, flushing as Kyungsoo’s dark eyes seemed to see right through him.

Kyungsoo brought the bowl of soup over and handed it to Jongin without saying a word, and Jongin accepted it gratefully, “Thanks.”

Kyungsoo returned to the pot on the fire, scooping some soup into another bowl. He grabbed a spoon and sat on a small wooden chair next to the bed where Jongin was sitting, blowing on the steaming bowl in his hands.

Jongin waited for the soup to cool down before taking a bite. It was delicious and hearty, sliding down Jongin’s throat and filling him with a sense of warmth.

“Is it good?” Kyungsoo asked, watching Jongin devour the meal.

Jongin nodded eagerly and took another bite. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste with a hum of delight. “It’s more than good. It’s amazing.”

“Thank you,” Kyungsoo gave him a soft smile, and they finished the rest of the meal in silence.

They spent the rest of the day outside in the fresh air since Kyungsoo needed to work on building his strength back up. Kyungsoo showed him a bubbling brook hidden away in the forest, and they spent a few hours splashing each other with the water, laughing and having a good time before they sunk onto the sandy bank to relax in the bright sunlight.

They returned to the cave when the sun began to sink below the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of purple and blue. Dinner was simple, just some bread, cheese, and leftover soup from the morning, and Kyungsoo took the liberty of cleaning up afterwards - despite Jongin’s protests.

“Look, Jongin,” he said. “You’ve been taking care of me, so it’s only right that I clean up this one time.”

Jongin huffed and sat down on Kyungsoo’s bed, waiting for the elder to finish.

Not too long after, Kyungsoo sank onto the bed next to Jongin, and when he spoke, his voice was soft. “Jongin… You know that you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, right? You can stay here, with me, if … if you would like.” He looked away, not meeting Jongin’s eyes.

“Are you serious?” Jongin asked, eyes wide in surprise and disbelief. “Do you even want me here?”

Kyungsoo looked up then, eyes darkening with an emotion Jongin couldn’t quite put his finger on, and Jongin felt as though he was helplessly losing himself in their depths.

“You’re stupid,” Kyungsoo whispered, bringing one hand up to cup Jongin’s cheek as he leaned forward to press his lips against Jongin’s.

It was more of a fleeting brush of lips against lips than a kiss, but it was more than enough to make Jongin light-headed. Kyungsoo pulled away, lightly caressing Jongin’s cheekbone with his thumb. “You can stay, Jongin.”

Jongin let out the breath he had been holding in, “Okay.”

A ghost of a smile played across Kyungsoo’s lips, and he slipped under the blankets, pulling Jongin beneath with him. Jongin felt awkward; he wasn’t sure where to put his arms - should he curl up against Kyungsoo’s side? Should he sleep with his back against Kyungsoo’s? Jongin liked Kyungsoo, and apparently Kyungsoo liked him too, if the kiss was anything to go by, but he was still unsure of what boundaries were between them.

Kyungsoo answered his question by sliding closer to Jongin, pressing his body against the knight’s side with a content sigh. They fell asleep with their bodies curled around each other.



“I need to tell Luhan about Bienveillant.”

“What?” They were sitting on the bank of the lazy brook again, watching the water as it bubbled and trickled through the forest. Kyungsoo turned to look at him, “Why?”

“I need to tell him that she’s not a threat.” Jongin answered, eyes cast downward. He didn’t want to meet Kyungsoo’s gaze. He knew he would only see disappointment.

“Can’t you stay?”

Jongin shook his head sadly, “If I don’t come back, Luhan will just send someone else to take my place.”

Kyungsoo was silent for a moment, and then he stood up on shaky legs. He still wasn’t fully healed, and Jongin often noticed a slight limp when he walked. Jongin was at his side a second later, supporting Kyungsoo with an arm around the Beast Keeper’s waist.

“I … I can wait,q” Jongin said, biting down on his bottom lip as they ventured through the forest. The sun filtered through the lush canopy of leaves above their heads, and a gentle hum of insects filled the air. “I’m going to have to leave no matter what, Kyungsoo, but… I can wait a few more days. Until you’re better.”


Jongin stopped walking, and Kyungsoo was forced to stop too, “No?”

Kyungsoo sighed. Jongin’s arm was still around his waist, holding him up, but he refused to meet Jongin’s eyes, “You need to tell Luhan that everything is fine. The longer you wait, the more danger you put Bienveillant in.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Jongin asked, voice breaking. “Are you telling me that you don’t want me around anymore?”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he looked up at Jongin in shock, “No! That’s not what I was saying at all.”

“Then what do you want me to do?”

“You need to go and tell Luhan that Bienveillant isn’t dangerous … and then you need to come back," Kyungsoo’s eyes fell and a pretty blush colored his cheeks, “as fast as you can.”

Jongin’s heart leapt, and a brilliant smile spread across his face as he leaned down to press a sweet kiss against Kyungsoo’s forehead, “I’ll be back before you even have time to miss me.”



They returned to the cave, and Jongin set to work gathering the supplies he would need to journey back to the castle. He found his leather pack and filled it with enough bread, cheese, and dried meat to last him the entire trip.

Kyungsoo watched from the bed, eyes following Jongin every step of the way. He was quiet, but Jongin could feel the sadness rippling off of the elder in waves. He understood why, though. As a Beast Keeper, Kyungsoo had always been alone with no one save the creatures of the wild for company. Jongin was honestly his first friend, the first person he had ever felt anything towards, and now Jongin was leaving him.

As Jongin placed one last change of clothes into his pack, he felt strong arms envelop him from behind and the warm, gentle pressure of Kyungsoo’s forehead between his shoulder blades. “Jongin.”


“I don’t want you to leave,” Kyungsoo murmured, his words swallowed by the soft cloth of Jongin’s tunic.

Jongin turned around, pulling Kyungsoo closer to him until no space was left between their bodies. He slid his arms around the elder’s waist and sighed, “I don’t want to leave, either. But it’s what I need to do. You understand, right?”

Kyungsoo nodded against Jongin’s chest.

“I’ll be back soon, okay?”

Kyungsoo nodded again, clutching onto Jongin’s tunic harder, “I’ll be waiting.”

Jongin brought a hand up to caress Kyungsoo’s cheek, brushing his thumb across the soft skin. Kyungsoo looked up then, eyes dark and full of want. Jongin cupped his jaw, leaned down, and kissed the Beast Keeper’s waiting lips.

It wasn’t like their first, awkward kiss. Not at all. His mind was drunk on the thought of Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo and his body acted of its own accord, pulling the elder flush against him even as his heart leapt into his throat. Kyungsoo bit down on Jongin’s lower lip, more of a gentle nip than anything else, but Jongin let out a quiet gasp anyway. His whole body was warm, filled to the brim with a feeling he didn’t quite know the name for. But it felt good. Oh, so good.

Jongin’s fingers slid from Kyungsoo’s jaw to the back of his neck, pulling him forward with a sense of desperation. This wasn’t a slow, languid kiss that they could enjoy. This was a kiss full of high-strung need, of passionate frenzy. It was a whirlwind composed of Jongin and Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo and Jongin, and there was no room for anything else.

Everything was a blur until the only thing Jongin was absolutely certain of was Kyungsoo’s lips on his and even that wasn’t enough. Jongin tipped his head to the side, deepening the kiss even as Kyungsoo fervently into his mouth. He was drunk on the taste of Kyungsoo, dangerously addicted to the warmth that came from the Beast Keeper’s kiss swollen lips.

Jongin wished that they could stay like that forever, but he knew that he needed to leave so that he could keep the dragon, and Kyungsoo, safe. It was his duty to protect the kingdom and its occupants after all, and Bienveillant and Kyungsoo were part of that kingdom.

He broke the kiss, pulling Kyungsoo to his chest to rest the elder’s head against his beating heart. It was a bittersweet embrace - they both knew what was about to happen.

“It’s time for me to go,” Jongin said. His voice sounded strained, slightly hoarse.

Kyungsoo’s arms tightened around Jongin’s waist, and Jongin felt an unfamiliar ache in his chest. He really, really didn’t want to leave Kyungsoo.

He left anyway.



It took him less time to return to the castle than it did to find Kyungsoo’s cave, and Jongin supposed it was because, unlike before, he had something - someone - he wanted to return to. The journey was rough, and there were several times he had to stumble into old, abandoned barns to find some peace from the vicious rainstorms at night, but eventually he made it back to the castle, where he was greeted warmly by his fellow knights.

Chanyeol was the first to pull him into a giant bear hug, lifting him up and swinging him around like a ragdoll. “Welcome back!”

Jongin struggled to escape the clutches of his friend, but to no avail. “Let me go, Chanyeol.”   

When the Captain of the Guard finally set him down, Jongin stumbled backward with a frown on his lips.

“God, Chanyeol. I haven’t been gone for that long.” Jongin complained, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Chanyeol simply grinned, “Sorry, but all of my little knights are special to me. We’re a family, you know?”

Jongin nodded and laughed in agreement, but he felt a twinge of guilt on the inside. He wasn’t planning on staying at the castle, but he didn’t know how to tell Chanyeol that. He knew the older man would feel betrayed and hurt, and Jongin hated knowing that he would be the cause of it. They had been friends for many years, after all.

“I’m sorry, Chanyeol, but I need to go and talk to the King,” Jongin said, taking a step toward the castle doors. “It’s important.”

“He’s in the throne room,” Chanyeol said, watching him go with a smile on his lips and a friendly wave goodbye.

Jongin entered the castle and ventured through the large, stone hallways, passing friendly servants who called out greetings as they went about their daily chores. He smiled at them and continued to the throne room, where King Luhan was waiting on his golden throne.

The guards in front of the throne room let him pass without a second glance, and a wide grin spread across the king’s face when he caught sight of Jongin, “You’ve returned!”

Jongin approached the throne and sank to one knee, murmuring, “I have, your majesty.”

King Luhan wasted no time. He gestured for Jongin to stand, then asked, “So? Did you kill the dragon?”

Jongin fidgeted. An uncomfortable prickle ran across his skin and took a moment to gather the courage to tell King Luhan the truth. “Bienveillant isn’t dangerous, your majesty. I saw no reason to kill her.”

“Bienveillant?” King Luhan asked, eyebrows raised.

Jongin nodded, and began to tell the king the whole story. He told King Luhan about wandering upon Kyungsoo in a cave, and about finding Kyungsoo and Bienveillant in the forest. He told the king everything, but he stuttered a little as he told King Luhan his last request.

“I-I want to go back. To Kyungsoo.” Jongin said, eyes cast downward. “I need to go back.”

He wasn’t sure how King Luhan would react to the news that one of his best knights wanted to leave, and, truth be told, Jongin was a little nervous. More than a little nervous.

The King leaned back in his throne, and clasped his hands together with a pensive look, “You… love him.” It wasn’t a question.

Jongin’s cheeks pinked, but he nodded and said firmly, “I do.”

There was a hint of sadness and regret in Luhan’s voice, but it was mixed with gentle understanding. “Then you are free to go.”

Jongin was in shock. He didn’t expect that reaction at all. “I am?”

“As a king, I lost the chance to be with the one I really, truly loved, Jongin. I don’t want to make you endure the same heartache,” Luhan explained. He gave Jongin a soft smile. “You may go.”

It took all he had not to run up to the throne and envelop Luhan in a hug. Jongin was overwhelmed with emotion. He … he could go home. To Kyungsoo.

He could go home to Kyungsoo.





Jongin woke to a gentle pressure on his stomach and the slight sting of delicate claws poking his chest through the fabric of his shirt. He opened his eyes groggily and was surprised when he was greeted by an azure blue snout and sharp green eyes staring right at him. He heard a stifled laugh from beside him and he turned his head to see Kyungsoo sitting up with another baby dragon in his lap.

Kyungsoo ran a hand across the gleaming emerald scales of the dragon in his lap and laughed when the baby dragon head-butted his stomach. Jongin laughed with him, and Kyungsoo looked up at him with a loving smile.

“Good morning, sleepyhead," Kyungsoo grinned.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Jongin replied. He watched as a delightful blush crept along Kyungsoo’s cheeks.

The Beast Keeper buried his face in the shoulder of the dragon on his lap out of embarrassment, and the tiny emerald dragon snorted, unimpressed.

“Luchadora, stop it,” Kyungsoo whined.

The tiny green dragon just huffed and crawled off of his lap and made her way to Jongin and her brother. Her tail wagged playfully, and before anyone knew what was going on, Luchadora had pounced on her brother. The azure dragon in Jongin’s lap squeaked and flopped off of the bed, and scrambled across the floor of the cave. His sister, the emerald dragon, followed close behind, nipping his tail. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo laughed at the antics of the dragon hatchlings.

“Their mother is going to kill us.” Jongin sighed. There was a fond smile on his lips, though, as he watched the little dragons chase each other around the cave floor. They were supposed to be watching the hatchlings while Bienveillant was away on a hunting trip, but the baby dragons were troublemakers, like always. Besides, Jongin would much rather spend time paying attention to the man sitting next to him.

“Well,” Kyungsoo began, scooting closer to Jongin until his arms were wrapped around the younger man’s waist. He let his head rest on Jongin’s shoulder, “She can’t get mad about what she doesn’t know.”

Jongin turned to the Beast Keeper with a smirk spreading across his lips, “You sly devil.” He pushed the elder down onto the mattress and rolled on top of him, pressing a quick kiss against Kyungsoo’s lips.

Kyungsoo laughed and wrapped his arms around Jongin’s neck, and as Jongin stared down at the beautiful man underneath him, he realized that there was no place he would rather be.





Next update: 05/09/2014

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[KP2014] You'll hear about us again...soon :D


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Rinininette #1
Chapter 4: Thank you for your story!
SeHunHanLu #2
i literally.. like i read this collection of one shots back in 2017. i'm back because after reading kaisoo fics for like 3 years i stopped and did other stupid stuff but now i'm back. well, i mean, i never really left. kaisoo fics and these incredible authors have always been apart of my life and my journey w kaisoo fics has seen me grow and has made me the person that i am today. i would not love writing and strive to improve if it wasn't for fics, specifically kaisoo fics- like fr, these authors and their stories are what have inspired me for years and years. this collection is like the kaisoo fic avengers. i literally love these stories, and i just kno that i'll be back again some other time. thank you to all the authors that made my childhood :)
gzbishh #3
Chapter 4: i’m still mad at jongin bcs of the hookups ugh he deserves some slap in the face or sumn but anyway my babies
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 13: So sweet... love this story..
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 11: Guns and cardls. I love the story.
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 10: Awww so cute... and hot hehe
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 9: They got attached without realizing ... and it was good enough for them.
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 8: Ohmy. This is too sad to handle and Kyungsoo's love til death...
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 7: I love this story so much... so real. . And Jongin being so sassy and naughty and showy of his love to Kyungsoo. And poor Junmyeon haha
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 6: Awww this story is so good and romantic