Weightless Balloon


Don’t you wish that finding the love could be easy? That one origami balloon has become a symbol of my life. It takes patience to make it and you get rewarded when you get it just right. I took patience of finding love and guess what? I was rewarded with love.


{ p r e v i e w :

Don’t you wish that finding the love could be easy?

That one origami balloon has become a symbol of my life.

It takes patience to make it and you get rewarded when you get it just right. I took patience of finding love and guess what? I was rewarded with love.
Title: Weightless Balloon
Author: kiyoko;
Date Started: September 6, 2010 // Posted: September 19,2010
Date Ended: September 17, 2010 // Posted: October 5,2010
Genre: sad, happy, love.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters (except the fictional) and I do not own their personalities. This story is purely fictional and any plot similarities are just a coincidence. Copyrighted by kiyoko;
{ I n t r o d u c i n g :

-Lee Taemin [SHINee]
-Kim Mi Eun [YOU]

Also introducing…

-Lee Jinki [Onew; SHINee]
-Kim Jonghyun [SHINee]
-Kim Kibum [Key; SHINee]
-Choi Minho [SHINee]
-Kim Heechul [Super Junior]
-Im Jin Ah [Nana; After School]
-Park Sooyoung [Lizzy; After School]
{ p l o t ;

Origami balloons are loved in Japan along with other origami making. It’s also loved in many other areas in the world: U.S., Korea, China, and more.
Have you ever thought of writing messages in each origami balloon? I guess it wouldn’t go to waste right?
One origami balloon can make a boy fall in love and want to know more about her. A love that is inseparable. Is her love for the boy or someone else?
{ a u t h o r ' s n o t e ;

Hello,Kiyoko / K i y o k o (: here!^^; I'm here with a comeback story with my favorite kpop person: Taemin! :D I feel sorry because I didn't have time to continue writing stories but now I have a comeback story so I'm not dead! xD
Anyways, thanks to shiney unnie for making the wonderful poster^^; Most sites are on hiatus so I didn't get to request D: Anyways,hope you like the story. It's a short story,about 5 chappies. & don't hate me when it gets to the last two chapters -hides- byebye!

{September 19,2010 ; 12:22PM
{Wants steak & wants to watch we got married right now^^;

I posted this on winglin 6 hours ago...but I decided to put it up here too xD


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That was really great^^
i thought the picture was her lover so when i found out it was her bother it was shocking , but i still cried . . i want an older brother =___="
chas_ssmentrok #3
i love ur story but it was kinda left hanging..u ddnt reli tell us why jonghyun left
tmxshow #4
arrrrgh. i cried.<br />
okayy anyway really nice story.<br />
short but sweet :)<br />
keep writing!
P4ndaQ #5
Good idea but the story could have been further developed
The story ended! It was so sweet, I had tears in my eyes, I love how you wrote about and their lover for Jjong and such. I'll definitely rate it a 5! ^^ do write more, I love your style of writing. I really love this fic as well~ fighting! All the best in your new fics or whatever it is that you are doing~
D: Jjongie... Update soon...
Ooh, now Taemin has her second balloon! Haha, I wonder when they'll meet ;D
sakumoko #9
gyaaa~ who is that guy? XDD