One shot

You're more than just a friend

Yura was waiting backstage, alone in their room as the other girls were gone to talk with other idols. Actually, Yura was waiting for someone and when that someone came in, a big smile appeared on her face and she jumped on the boy in front of her.

_Woow, did you miss me that much ? The boy asked jockingly.

_I missed you so much oppa ! It has been almost one month since we last saw eachother ! The girl said with a sad yet childish voice.

_I missed you too Yura. The boy said, placing his head on the girl's shoulder, still hugging her.

_Oppa ! I've got to tell you something ! Yura said excitedly.

_What is it ? The boy said curiously.

_Brace yourself.. I'm getting married ! The girl said even more excitedly.

_Wo- What ? You don't even have a boyfriend ! This is insane ! You can't ! The boy said shocked and a bit jealous.

_Hongbin oppa ! Babo ! I'm not getting married for real ! It's for 'We Got Married' ! The girl said jockingly, punching the boy's shoulder.

_Oh.. still, this is insane ! Is still this show even watched  ?

_Don't be mean oppa.. The girl said, disappointed.

_And who's your futur husband ?

_Hong Jong Hyun !

_This is even more insane ! You don't even talk to him !

_And what's wrong with it ? The girl asked, crossing her arms.

_You'll be timid, you don't even know if he likes you or not, what if he doesn't even like you ?

_Come on oppa ! Who doesn't love me ? Beside the angry fangirls.

_I don't know ! But i don't like the idea of seeing you getting married.

_The idea of me getting married with him or the idea of me getting married ?

_The idea of you getting married with someone who's not me. Hongbin said, not even knowing he had actually said it.

The two of them stayed silent a moment, shocked about what Hongbin had just said. Hongbin felt guilty, there were two possibilities, n°1 Their friendship is over, n°2 It's not a friendship anymore. Hongbin was pratically sure it was the first possibility.

_Wait. You.. love me ? Yura asked as shocked as when he said that sentence.

_I.. yes. Hongbin said timidly with his head down.

_Lee Hongbin ! Get your head up and say it !

Hongbin slowly got his head up and watch into those beautiful brown eyes, those lovely eyes he used to dream of every night since he fell in love with the girl.

_I love you.. The boy said, still timid.

_With more confidence oppa.

_I love you ! The boy almost yelled.

_You know oppa, you should be more confident ! If you were more confident, you would have told me this earlier and we would be dating for a long time now. The girl said with a smirk.

_You love me ? Hongbin asked shocked.

_I love you. Yura said, getting her face closer to his so that their lips would finally touch.

_We should be careful, you're husband might find out about us.. Hongbin said jockingly before kissing the girl one more time.

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Chapter 1: Awwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
YAY Finally found a Yura and Hongbin(HongRa)fanfic :)
Chapter 1: just found this, cute! ♡
Chapter 1: Waaaait is this for real? I mean the wgm part.. ♡
angelchunjiwifey #5
Chapter 1: Yura on WGM! Yeay! But wh not with Hongbin? They would make a great couple! Btw, I love this so much! ^_^
Kuukuu #6
Chapter 1: I just love this couple!!! Thank you for making one of them. You should make more Yura❤️Hongbin fanfics..