
Better Than My Dreams

(2 weeks later)

I was waiting on a bench in the park, I had a date with Hyunsik, but I was half an hour too early. I just couldn’t wait at home any longer so here I was just sitting on a bench, looking around a bit. The sun was shining, the grass was green, there was some shadow from the large trees, the water of the lake was glistening in the sunlight and there were some baby animals walking around in the park. It was all so peaceful. I heard a few birds whistling tunes, so I decided to whistle too. I was just totally relaxed until someone tapped my shoulder. I abruptly turned around and was met with Hyunsik’s face.  

“Oh, uhm, hey oppa!”

“Hey Xiaoli, how are you?”

“Great thanks for asking, how about you?”

“Great too, should we go for a walk?”

“Yes sure!”

I stood up and we started walking round the lake.

“Soooo-” He started “I’m your ultimate bias, right?”

I started blushing but I nodded, facing the ground.

“But why?”

“Well, you’re handsome, an amazing singer and dancer and I really like your personality in those variety shows. But I don’t like you because you’re an idol, you just seem very nice and cool to me.”

“Thanks I actually like you too, but I want to get to know you better first.”

“Really? You want to get to know me better?” A huge smile appearing on my face.

“I actually never thought I would want to date a fan, but you’re pretty cool, nice and pretty, so I guess I should think it over again...” He blushed a little bit, but I was blushing much more and inside my head I was squealing so much.

“You really mean that?”

And he suddenly stopped walking and grabbed my hand with both his hands.

“Of course, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” He smiled that sweet smile with the half moon eyes to me again. “But as I said earlier I want to get to know you better first.” He started walking again, still holding my hand although he only held it with one hand, and took me to the most nearby bench. We sat down and we talked for a few hours until I noticed that it was becoming dark outside.


“No, I won’t allow you to walk home alone if it’s almost dark, what if something would happen to you? I would never forgive myself for that! So just let me drive you home.” He argued, and I just sighed.

“Okay, I could walk home and nothing would happen to me, but if it makes you feel better to bring me home and you’re insisting on it, then okay, I’ll let you drive me home.”

He reached his hand out for me and I took it, then he gave me a smile again and he brought me to his car.

When we sat in the car it was silent for a moment until he spoke up again.

“You know, you’re different than other fans and other girls.”

“What do you mean?” I asked a little confused.

“You just act normal and calm around me, not like those fans who act all clingy and stuff, you’re just different. And that’s what I like about you, that you just like me for who I am and not because I’m an idol.”

“Owh yeah, I’m kind of used to acting normal around idols because EXO’s Chen is my best friend, so because of him I met some idols and I learned that idols aren’t much different from other people, and if I like an idol it’s not because he or she is an idol, no I just like them for their personality. And that’s the same with you, I like you for who you are and not because you’re an idol.”

It was quiet in the car until we reached my house. He stopped the car and I was about to open my mouth to thank him for today and for the drive home, when he said: “Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for? I should be the one thanking you, thank you for today I really liked it and thanks for driving me home.”

“It was all my pleasure, but thank you for liking me for who I am.”

I smiled at him and asked if he would want to come inside.

“If you wouldn’t mind then yes, I would like that.”

“Okay then let’s go inside.” I smiled to him and opened the door of the car. We walked towards my door, but when we were almost there the heel of my shoe suddenly broke somehow. I was lucky that he was nearby and his reactions were fast, because he caught me just in time before I could fall to the ground.

“Are you okay?” He asked with a really worried look on his face.

“Yes, I’m okay I guess.” I nodded still a bit in shock.

“Good, just give me your hand then we’ll walk to your door.”

I took his hand but when we arrived at the door he asked: “Where’s your key?”

I looked in my purse in search for my key, why couldn’t I find that damn thing?!

“Uh-oh, oops.” I looked into his eyes and then to the ground. “I, uhm, I think I forgot my key...”

“Are you sure it’s not in your purse or in your pockets?”

“Yeah, it’s probably still inside my house...”

“Owh... and what now? Don’t you have a spare key?”

“Yes I have but Chen has it, because I forget my key all the time or I lose it. But Chen’s probably already asleep. Usually I don’t come home this late and then I just call Chen to come open my door. But since it’s late and he’s probably asleep I can’t get into my house... Owh what do I have to do now?” I bit my lip trying hard to think of a solution.

“Uhm, well, if you can’t sleep in your own house you can come to our dorm, if you want? The others wouldn’t mind it and they’re really nice and we have an extra room so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Really?” He nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll sleep at your dorm tonight and I’ll just call Chen tomorrow.”

“Good idea, get in the car and then I’ll drive us there.”


We arrived at BTOB’s dorm and it was amazing, we got out of the car and we walked towards the door. Hyunsik told me to be quiet and he softly opened the door. I thought everyone would be asleep already, but apparently they weren’t. I heard some voices coming from the living room. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the living room. And when we reached the others in there they all looked at me full in surprise.

“Xiaoli’s staying here tonight, just that you know.”

“Owh really?” Minhyuk asked, he smirked and winked at us.

“Oh no it’s not what you think it is!” I answered quickly, blushing madly.

“She’s going to sleep in the extra room, you ert.”

“But why is she staying here tonight?” Peniel asked.

Hyunsik looked at me, and I just stared at the ground.

“Well she forgot her key...”

“Owh I know all about it girl!” Ilhoon screamed. “I’m lucky I’ve got all these guys around me, or else I would be in the same situation every day as you are right now!”

I looked up at Ilhoon and smiled.

Then the boys started talking to each other again, except for Hyunsik.

“Shall I show you where you can sleep?” He asked.

“Yes, thank you.” Our eyes suddenly met each other, and we stared into each other’s eyes. It was a magical moment, our moment. Until someone coughed and we got back in the reality, that’s what broke our eye contact. Instead he grabbed my hand and we started walking to what apparently was the extra room.

“Next to this room is also an extra bathroom so you can use that one, there’s also an extra toothbrush and some toothpaste in there.” I smiled at him.

“Oh and can you sleep in these clothes that you’re wearing right now, wait no that’s a stupid question, just follow me to my room and I’ll lend you one of my T-shirts.”

He took my hand and pulled me to his room.


A/N; I’m sorry I took so long to update, but I’ll try to update soon again

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LittleShine #1
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhh~ i don't know why but i'm blush while reading each chapter EACH SENTENCES ♥♥♥ maybe because of HYUNSIK!! He is my one and only ultimate bias :D Author-nim, you're the best ♥♥♥
Unipandahond #2
Unipandahond #3
Chapter 3: omg I love this story so much update soon poedel-sama and your english is so much better than mine♥♥♥