His Report


Taemin, a student of psychology needs to write a report.


Taemin, I like you

I’m glad you like me too.

Thank you.








Oh my God!!1 I found this in my folder of many incompleted fanfics! I remember in 2012 when i first started writing it, i had big plans for it but i didn't write down the plot. So almost two years has passed and i rediscover this creation after i thought i'd lost it when my computer broke down. Soooo yeah, it yeah.....read if you wish


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Chapter 1: beautifully written, so interesting and unique. Loved it, if you ever write more to this please let me know :D
wyllaya #2
Chapter 1: Ontokki92 *the person who commented right before me* strongly suggested i read this *lol she call me the angst queen* and boy am i glad she did... THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL WITH A TOUCH OF SADNESS JUST HOW I LIKE MY FICS.... thank you for this i do hope you continue with this and ill be sure to check out your other fics
Chapter 1: Wow!!! I am really heart broken right now </3 but I liked this story so much <333 it touched my heart <3 I like ur style of writing ^-^ please do post more fics I really love this <3
nomnomnomnomnomnom #4
I hope you'll write sequel for this... :))
Awesome story ; ;
alwaysbigbang #6