
I can lead you to Wonderland.


"Guess who's back!" 

Minseok's ears perked up as he heard the familiar sounding voice. Quickly, he bolted towards the front of the shop, leaving the kitchen a mess. His mood changed instantly as he saw his old friend standing majestically at the door. "JONGDAE!" Minseok wanted to pounce on him, giving the younger a giant bear hug. But sadly, he wasn't able to get to him in time. Luhan, one of his dear friends, already found himself hugging the life out of Jongdae. Minseok frowned. When was it his turn to hug the other?

"Luhan, i was gone for a few days. Let go." The said man shook his head childishly and buried his face deeper into Jongdae's chest. Minseok felt his stomach tighten at the sight of this. Truthfully, He doesn't understand why he ever felt this way towards the younger man, but something inside him made him feel a pang of jealousy. Though Minseok had been on dates, mostly with females, The only affection he felt towards them was friendship. But looking at his "friend", or so he tried to call Jongdae that, hugging graciously with Luhan made him want to kick the chinese male off planet earth. Sometimes, Minseok would look at himself and ask if he's at all normal. 

Jongdae pried the other male off him then fixed the wrinkles on the hem of his hoodie. He drifted his gaze upwards and saw a sad looking baozi pouting. laughing at how cute Minseok was being, He ran up and hugged the elder. Minseok took it by suprise, but gave in and hugged Jongdae back. "I know you missed me too." Chen whispered into the crook of Minseok's neck, giving the latter chills. He didn't say anything, but instead gave a small nod.

Luhan raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "uh...people will think you guys are lovers or know we still have customers." He inpsected the room and found many eyes looking at them. Chen pulled away and patted Minseok's back. "Ahaha. Well, looks like we better get to work then." He laughed softly, making Minseok blush a little. 



Jongdae had been getting a lot of calls lately. Not through his cellphone of course, but through his pocket watch. It was vibrated the entire time as he tried to make an order. "Mother of Hearts." he muttered under his breath as the vibration had gotten worse. Luhan looked over from his side of the kitchen to Jongdae. "What was that?" He asked. Jongdae pursed his lips together, shaking his head. "n-nothing....Luhan, could you make this order? I have to the restroom. okay, thanks." Hastily, He removed his apron and ran into the men's. Luhan scratched his neck. "What? uh....okay then."  picking up the delicate china cup, Luhan resumed in Jongdae's process of making the coffee. 

Where could the other man might have ran to? The same man of whom we speak of locked himself in the single restroom and pulled out his watch. This time it was glowing. He sighed. Thank goodness he made it into the restroom in time before everyone started looking at his wondering why it was glowing. He dialed a small pattern with the gears on top of the watch as it slowly unlocked. the lid of the watch swung open showing a bright light shining down on it. Jongdae squinted."...-hello?? hello! this is Chen." The light dimmed down to two faces staring back at him. Jongdae rolled his eyes. "Yixing, Sehun." 

"now, chen. Don't be like that. We know you are probably still disappointed from the soy sauce thing..." Yixing started first. His voice muffled through the small screen that was tightly held between the other sorcerer's hand.  With that, Chen sighed. He knew Sehun is going to finish up the sentence. And his prediction was right. "...we got another quest for you...." Sehun's stare seemed to give Chen a worried look. "Listen. I've done all I could the past few days. I can't.." Chen's turn to speak was suddenly cut off short by the black headed wizard. "It's not a normal misson. You might have to go back and forth with this one..." 

"....Yixing's right. look, we have gotten word from the neighboring kingdom. they say the temple keeper has gone missing..." Sehun's ice glare sent daggers into chen's body as he listened to his wizard friends. "....We will watch the building for now.. but most of all, we need you to go over there and check if he's home. ... This is not only an order from us, but the King as well. Don't disappoint us." 

The pocket watch stopped glowing. There, in his hands, was a small leather book and a scroll. "Crap. How am I suppose to carry this out?" Chen sighed in defeat and stuck it up his shirt. "Those two can just pop up whenever they want to can they?" He opposed. 

The restroom door swung open and Jongdae causually walked out whistling as he did so. He noticed a stack of books in the corner of the Kitchen and hid his objects behind it. "What are you doing?" Luhan snuck up behind him. " the books.." Chen picked one up, trying to act along. "Those books are from the customers that accidently left them here. Why are you rummaging through it?" Luhan asked. Jongdae laughed nervously."Because....I can." His friend scrunched his brows together and nodded."Good point.." He paused, then continued with the rest of his sentence,"Hey. What's behind the books?" Luhan reached over the large stacks of literature to the very back of it. Panicking, Jongdae slapped Luhan's arm away. "UH, nothing. I'll take care of that. It's just more books." The older male nodded slowly and backed away, giving Jongdae some relief. 


 Luhan noticed jongdae behaving differently. strangley very secretive. Minseok, who was also there at the time was quite aware of the younger's action. The chinese male watched as Jongdae approached them. He was holding something inside the pocket of his hoodie. "hey, guys. I have to leave a little early.. I remembered I have to take care of something...." Minseok smiled,"it's alright. You can go, we'll be fine."

Jongdae excused himself from the cafe and left quickly, leaving an awkward silence since the other part of the trio left. 

Luhan, shook his head. "What's wrong with him?". Minseok shrugged."I am not sure. Maybe just tired from his trip, I guess." Luhan let out a long breath before speaking again,"I'm going to follow him." The eldest of the two disagreed. "Luhan, that's a bad idea. It's ok if he's acting strange...don't--" "I am his friend and I will find out what's wrong with him. What if he is abused at home?" 

Minseok rolled his eyes. "And how exactly do you know that? Let him be. He's just busy thats all."

"Of course. I wouldn't know. That's why I am going to find out." He grabbed his jacket that hanged on top of the chair near him and left within a second. Minseok ran after him, but stopped once he reached the door." Luhan wait!" 

But Luhan didn't stop.


Luhan watched Jongdae turn sharply at a corner of a bakery. "hm, Jongdae where are you going?" Luhan casually dogded the other civilians, sneakly watching the other male from behind. It's been a while until they reached something that looked just like a huge church. "Where is he going..???" A loud bang was signaled not so far from there, which made the birds flew between Jongdae and him. "Dang it!" Luhan swore under his breath as he lost sight of his mysterious friend.

That was when he caught a glimpse of the church once again. It looked oddly inviting and hidden at the same time. Tall pillars draped the side of the building giving it a classy look even if the walls were worn down and messily kept. 

how strange. What's behind that church? Better yet, what's in it?

His thoughts led him towards the front gate of the building. The next thing he knew, he entered through the vintage entrance.

Inside looked like a regular church. More historical than modern thanks to it's intricate designs around the roofs and the altar. Around the giant room, there were hallways that wrapped around it. More pillars and statues frenzied the place. It was beautiful, Luhan thought. But no one was around. Quite empty, giving it an eerie feel to it.

Where's Jongdae? 

That was when he noticed looked like rose petals. Small pieces of it covered the floor, leaving a pathh of which to follow. But where was it coming from? 

following the strange flower, it led him everywhere. Up and down the halls, in and out the doors, it was driving him everywhere but where he needed to be. "what?" It stopped. The flower petals halted in front of a white grand piano.

That was when he spotted a man, far enough to let Luhan spot him. Young alright, handsome, clear skin, and ebony black hair. looked to be around Luhan's age, probably. He was wearing a vintage tux, the outer wear seemingly longer than what normal tuxedos are worn, Kind of like a cloak. He was all dressed down in white, and was playing softly on the piano. Just like an angel, Luhan thought. When the man finished his song, Luhan took his chance to call out to him,"Excuse me! hey! could you tell me if another young man went in here?" The 'angel' looks up from the piano. He closed the lid of it and walked away.

"hey! he--.." Luhan began following the male..He was led everywhere again."Hey, if you could just stop walking..--excuse me?" 

and this time they stopped in front of a tall sealed door. The 'angel' turned around. This was when Luhan saw a clearer picture of the man's actual feature. And it did not disapointed him. "why are you following me?" He scowled. Luhan leaned back on his heels. "what? I just need to know wher--"  

The man snuck his hands into his pockets. "stop following me. and don't come back." 

And with that, Luhan was left flabberghasted while the man disappeared through yet another corridor of the church. Luhan looked down to the ground...a trail of petals again...was this man....leaving a trail?

He picked up one of the delicate petals. It was soft. Every touch on the petal a small shimmer of gold swiveled in his hand. How neat, Luhan smiled. He suddenly realized the petals were vanishing. slowly, each flower was being erased, fading away into bits of gold shimmer. Luhan was left with two options. 

Either he follow the man or find Jongdae. 

The petal in his palm disappeared into a string of gold mist. Luhan's gaze trailed down the rose covered hallway as one by one each petal ceased its existance. 

"He really is an angel.." His voice echoed softly. 

And with that, Luhan picked up his pace, running after the man with the rose petals.


a/n: UPDATED! yay! well, i hope you liked it! :D please comment, subscribe, and/or upvote! thank you lovies~~!

also thanks to _pandasweg for a brief edit. :3 



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Chapter 5: Pls update....?
Chapter 5: Do Baekchen and Layhan :D
Chapter 4: Yay!! You updated! :) I hope everything goes well in your upcoming exam (^_^)/
bluelightsky #4
please update soon^^
Chapter 2: Yas, your welcome.
Lavaak #6
Chapter 2: ooh this story is intriguing. I'm excited to find out what Luhans going to find when he keeps following! Minseok is so cute being jealous lol
I love the whole concept of this fic it's so cool ^_^
dude update already. man are you getting revenge on me cuz i didn't update mine -.- xDD
ehehehhehehehe magical bunnies xDD