

Hani arrived home a bit late that day. She went out for lunch with Jay, then went to send her car at her apartment and rode together with Jay to watch a movie, and they had supper together before he sent her back home. She was really happy – she forgot everything that clustered in her mind for days, she got to see her handsome bestfriend that people envied her for it, and she didn’t spend a single penny as it was covered by her kind friend. Unknowingly, she hummed to AlphaBAT’s song while heading to shower. She was happy because of Jay, but the images in her brain only showed Hayong’s serious side while performing. Strangely, she didn’t feel bothered but totally enjoyed it. Finished showering, she walked to her living room to watch TV when her notification tone rang. She reached for her phone and viewed the new message she received; it was from Jay.

“What are you doing? I feel like talking to you more, haha. Sleep well, Sugar! See you soon.”

Hani smiled. She quickly typed the reply and hit the send button. He’s a total sweetheart, but since he’s few years younger than her, she never sees him as a potential boyfriend. After confirming the message had successfully sent, she read it out loud.

“I’m just about to watch TV. Sleep well, Joel, you must be extremely exhausted to come and see me as soon as you reached Korea. See you soon :)”

She was about to put her phone on the table when her phone showed a new notification. She immediately read it, thinking it was from Jay but she was wrong. It was from the guy that successfully conquered her mind for days.

“It was a lovely night and I randomly thought of you”

It was short, but strong enough to make Hani felt confused. She didn’t know what to reply, and gave it a long time to think for the best reply. She typed few words, erased them, and typed another few words, and erased them again. It happened for at least 5 minutes before she decided to be ambiguous with her reply as well.

Hani – Copying a poem?

Hayong – No, I really am thinking about you

Hani paused. She felt happy to know a guy’s thinking about her – every girl might be happy to know someone was thinking of her, right? She hesitated to reply, and decided to ignore Hayong. Not even a minute passed, she received another message from him.

“Is it wrong for me to think of you?”

Hani then gave up on her plan on watching her favorite show and focused on replying the message.

“Of course, do you know how expensive am I? To think of me, you need to pay me good money”

“What are you talking about? I wanted to ask about the project actually”

Hani stunned after reading Hayong’s reply. She felt embarrassed, thinking that Hayong might be laughing at her over-confidence. She covered her face with a pillow and screamed out loud. She felt like throwing her phone away and not to ever face Hayong. She wished that Hayong somehow magically had to quit school because of his schedule, but she knew that won’t happen. Still embarrassed, she replied with only a letter, “O”. She really thought of switching her phone off when she received the reply that made her shocked. “I have an amazing idea about to project, going to your home now.” She glanced at her wall clock; it was half past midnight. Are you kidding me? She monologue, but changed her clothes since she knew Hayong’s really serious when it’s about the project.

Her bell rang the exact time she finished doing her hair (without a reason she felt like she needed to look pretty in front of the idol). She invited him to come in, who was wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans. His hair was kind of wet – she then figured that he just finished his choreography practice. Hayong stepped in and his jaw was hanging to the floor – amazed with the interior of her house. “As expected from an art student,” Hayong praised her while raising both of his thumbs. Hani laughed. He looked cute, Hani monologue. “Thank you,” she paused, “Have a seat first, I’m going to take my sketches.” She quickly entered her room and in less than a minute, she came out with piles of papers full of sketches. She showed him what she drew beforehand, and Hayong showed her his. Surprisingly, their minds kind of cliqued well and most of their ideas related to each other. They linked their ideas and changed the sketches a bit to satisfy both of them. After hours of discussion, they came out with a decision to go with their 10th sketch for the interior design. It has the modern touch with combination of traditional Korean designs.

Hani stretched her aching body and took a glance to the wall clock – it’s already 6 in the morning. Time flew so fast, they didn’t realized they spent that long to discuss only on sketches. She excused herself and headed to the bathroom and left the already sleepy Hayong at the living room. She decided to take some time lying on her bed, but since she felt tired, she said from her room, “Aight Hayong, time to go home,” she said while rubbing her eyes. Hearing no response, she stood up lazily and walked towards the living room and saw Hayong who’s already asleep. She wanted to wake him up, but the sudden motherly feel that rushed in her made Hani took few pillows and a comforter for him. She arranged the pillows and slowly changed his posture. While she lifted his head, she could smell the amazing perfume he sprayed on his body. She was about to go closer to take a better sniff before she held back and quickly laid him down. She continued to sit next to him, staring at the handsome features he had. Nicely put eyes, nose, and those kissable pink lips. She then locked her eyes on his y messy black hair. She had a thing for guys with black hair, she thought any human beings looked nice in black hair. His hair looked soft and shiny, she felt like him. She reached her hand out, but pulled it back as she was anxious. After the long battle with her inner-self, she decided to only look at that precious black hair and unknowingly fell asleep right next to Hayong.


Hani heard her phone ringing, but thought she’s still in her dreamland so she ignored the voice. Her phone rang louder and louder, so she opened her eyes to search for her phone. The first thing she saw after she opened her round eyes was a pair of beautiful eyes that was half-covered by hair. She thought of going back to sleep when reality hit her. She jolted up, and looked to the person next to her. It was Hayong, she slept next to Hayong who had his arm around her. Shocked, surprised, and extremely confused, she shook Hayong so hard that he woke up that instant. “Why, what happened?” Hayong looked around with eyes half-opened to see if they’re in danger but all he could see was Hani who was panicking with no reason. “Oh, hello,” he greeted Hani, without feeling anything wrong happened between them. “What time is it?” he asked Hani who was still out of words. She had her phone in her hand, and saw the caller’s name. It was Jay, but she definitely couldn’t answer his call when Hayong’s in her house.

Feeling strange to see her not answering his question, Hayong dragged himself closer to Hani then asked again with the iest wake-up voice he had, “What time is it, my dear?” He then beamed the most sincere smile he ever had to her, which definitely made her dying inside. “Oh, it’s… 9am?” she answered after squinting her eyes to see the clock on her phone. Hayong then stood up and walked towards the toilet – as if he’s in his own house – and washed his face. He was styling his hair when someone rang the bell. Hani rushed towards the door, and her face went pale. It was Jay full of smiles, waiting in front of the door with few plastic bags in his hands.

Oh god, oh god oh god oh god, what should I do?

Hani then closed the toilet door and asked Hayong to keep quiet. He was dumbfounded as he was locked inside, but seeing her all scared and panicked, he did as what she asked so. She hid Hayong’s shoes, and covered the place as if she was all alone in her home. Satisfied, she opened the door. “God, what take you so long?” Jay said after almost 10 minutes standing outside and rang the bell. “I just woke up, I slept late because of assignments,” she answered. Jay was about to step in when they heard something fell from the toilet. “What was that?” Jay asked, looking suspicious and worried if anyone else was in the house. He walked headed towards the toilet when Hani blocked him, and said, “Ah… might be my toiletries rack fell down again. I need to buy a new one, I guess,” she answered.

“You sure?” Jay asked for confirmation. He had always felt protective towards the girl that stole her heart for 4 years, but she never got the hint that he’s totally into her. “100% sure,” Hani answered. She then brought him to the living room and took the plastic bags from him. “My souvenirs from USA, right?” she asked while smiling happily to see the bunch of souvenirs she got. “How do you know?” Jay chuckled. “I bought you the best things I could ever found there in California,” he added. “Thank you, Joel!” Hani beamed a smile, and hugged the bags. “Oh, I need to get ready for classes now,” Hani said while acting as if she forgot she had a class today. She wanted to cut their meeting short and Hayong’s still in the house. “Oh, so soon?” Jay frowned. Honestly, he wanted to converse more with this petite girl that caught his heart for 4 years without fail, but seeing her rushed to prepare her breakfast and all, he excused himself.

After making sure that Jay left, she opened the toilet door and asked Hayong to come out. Hayong stepped out, looking all sour without any smile on his face. His hair was styled to perfection and he looked great, except that it was missing his sweet smile. “Boyfriend?” Hayong asked while packing his stuffs. He didn’t know why, but he hated to see her interacting with any other guys except him. “Boyfriend as in a boy friend, yes. I’ve known him for 4 years,” Hani answered innocently, not knowing that the guy in front of her was actually feeling jealous. “Ah, I see,” Hayong paused to continue packing his stuffs. He then picked up the chosen sketch and looked at it again. “Can you keep this?” he handed it to Hani, still without a smile. Hani nodded but began to feel different, as she wanted to see his smile before he left. Hayong walked towards the door, and was this close to open the door when Hani gathered her courage and asked, “Can you smile?”

Hayong froze. “Excuse me?” He asked, couldn’t understand with her sudden request. “Can you smile?” she asked again, but her cheek was red. “Why?” Hayong questioned. Why out of sudden requesting him to smile? Hani felt frustrated, as she herself didn’t know the reason why. All she wanted was to see his smile, but she definitely couldn’t say that to him. “Why can’t you smile?” Hani replied with another question. A bit irritated, Hayong smiled but without sincerity. It felt forced, and Hani hated to see it. “Can you smile full of sincerity…. Please?” Hani asked again. Fed up, Hayong began to raise his voice. “What’s wrong with you forcing me to smile when I’m not in the mood?” He did feel bad to scold her, but his jealousy made him do so. Hani played with her fingers. She didn’t know if she should tell him, and since she took a long time to stand in silence, Hayong then opened the door and stepped out. Hani murmured to herself, but Hayong heard every single bit she said.

I love seeing your smile, idiot.

He left the house, but he was all smiles to himself after hearing it. His mood changed magically from bad to good, from frown to smile. He skipped for a while towards the elevator, he felt so contented that he felt he’s going to have a really good day. 

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Chapter 4: Update soon!! your story is awesome!
asmiera #2
Chapter 4: I do love seeing his smile too T_____________________________T

suddenly dunno how to comment more... but Jay really sweet aiiihh~
Jayyyyy T_T
asmiera #3
Chapter 3: MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHA team jayyyyyyyyy team jayyyy team jayyyyy...
Sbb hayong make me jealous so...

Hepl. Hate.
asmiera #4
I HATE IM HANI!! lmaooooooooooooooooooooo
But she so lucky