Step 1 : RULES!


Rules :

1. We will only use english and only english but using your own language is okay for a minimum of amout

2. Feel free to be creative and create a brand new personality but DO NOT RUIN YOUR IDOL'S IMAGE

3. Real life talking? Just talk in DM because we prefer to not read them on our timelines

4. Respect each other

5. This is an open agency so feel free to talk or date with people who isn't from our crew but it would be better if it is from our crew ;)

6. You do NOT follow your own personal account

7. More than two weeks without a single tweet, sorry not sorry but you are officially out from our crew

8. Hiatus, Deactive, Changing charas or dating please do inform us

9. Less drama and Less OOC, if you ever have problems and need a friend to listen to feel free to find us :)

10. Last but not least be active, be friendly and  feel free to  randoming with each other crews xD

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