beginning chapter

my so called 'perfect' life







hey this is me Debi

my hobby's are singing and dancing

what do i hate well do u have a few minutes i hate a lot

i hate es, players,loud noises, ppl that think theyre populair when theyre not, school, teachers, healty food but most of all my parents!

and i lot more but thats to much

i have a little puppy named miko and a cat cleo.

my fav collour is pink

fav food i dont have fav food i like more kinds of food as long its not healty

fav drink is milk

ow my parents want me to come so i need to go now talk to you guys later

if u have questions just give a message

bye bye xo xo Debi


these groups will join the story

Super Junior



Block B


Teen Top


Big Bang


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