
Dance With Me

J-Hope and his friends left their practice room at the dance studio with towels around their necks, tired and sweaty from practicing. They decided they would take a quick break before going back at it. J-Hope and his friends were some of the best dancers at the studio; everyone admired them. They practiced non stop, and alot of time they choreographed their own performances. They rarely asked instructors for help, and they spent alot of time perfecting their skills. It's because of all the hard work they put in that they've become this successful. They were talented, and anyone could see that.

Kate, or Kat as everyone calls her, was just making her way into the studio. It was late, but she had school and work, so she came in whenever she could, no matter what the time was. Bag slung over her shoulder, she made her way to the changing rooms to change, and when she came out, she accidentally ran into J-Hope, one of her friends at the studio. "Hey Hoseok," Kat smiled. J-Hope pouted and whined, "Kat, you don't have to call me by my name, call me J-Hope," That made Kat laugh. "You know I don't like calling you that. It sounds weird." She said. "No! It's cool, like me." He said, smiling. 

His friends started laughing. "Yeah, sure. Sooo cool Hope." Yoongi said. "Anyway, I need to get going, I'll talk to you later. It was nice seeing you guys," Kat said to the rest of his friends, and they said goodbye with a smile. With that, Kat walked away and made her way to her and set her bag down on the floor, shutting the door and sitting down to stretch. What she didn't know of course, was that J-Hope left his friends after she walked away, and followed her.

J-Hope and Kat have always been friends, but after awhile, he discovered some not-so-friendly feelings for her. He found himself staring, and dreaming, and thinking about her non stop. Her smile made him melt inside and her passion for dance was something he loved. Sadly, he thought this love was one sided. What he didn't know, was that it wasn't. Kat had always found J-Hope attractive, and once they became friends she fell for him a little bit more each time she talked to him. She loved listening to him laugh and even though his jokes were really stupid, they were endearing and he could always cheer her up. It was the same for both parties; they both thought the love was one sided. But they were oh, so wrong.

J-Hope was watching Kat through the door as she went to turn on the music. J-Hope knew this song, it was her warm up that she danced to every day. He had been secretly watching her, if that didn't sound creepy. He like watching her dance. When she was in her element, she blocked out everything else. Only concentrating on the routine and her body movements. J-Hope knew that's what she was thinking, because that's what he did too. That was the thing he loved most about her. Her passion, her concentration. He found it intriguing. He watched her body move flawlessly to the music, not even missing a single move.

The song slowly came to an end, and Kat came back to her senses. She sat down on the hard, cold floor. Tonight was a night that she just needed to get away from everything. There was a dance that Kat herself was working on, and she wanted to finish choreographing it. She stood up quietly and began to think of things in her head, counting to herself without any of the music playing. 

Just then, J-Hope lost his balance and crashed into the door, which startled Kat. Turning around, she saw J-Hope scrambling to stand up and explain himself, saying incoherent words. "Hoseok, I can't even understand you," she said walking up to him. He took a deep breath and tried to talk. "I was just walking by and heard the music, I wasn't watching you or anything, I swear," he started saying. Kat laughed at him, and he looked really confused. "Hoseok, you're a really bad liar, you know that?" She smiled. "I know you were watching me," She said. J-Hope looked down embarrassed. "Sorry, but you're just really, really good." 

"Thanks. Wanna learn something?" She asked him, opening the door completely. "S-sure," he said, still confused by the situation. So she wasn't mad? She didn't care that he was watching her? He walked into the middle of the room with her, and she stood in front of the mirror.

Kat turned to him and smiled. "Okay, so this is the start of the number," She said, standing in a pose that J-Hope tried to copy. He had to admit, he looked a little ridiculous because he knew that what she was showing him was a lyrical number she was working on, and J-Hope dances hip hop. Kat heard J-Hope laughing, and she turned to him. "What's so funny?" she asked. "I look ridiculous in this pose," He said, stressing the pose by sticking his arms out and smiling a little. That made Kat laugh, because he really was quite the sight. "Let's do something different. Remember that routine that the instructor taught us?" He asked her.

Kat knew exactly what routine he was talking about, and it made her blush thinking about it. J-Hope took out his phone and placed it on the dock that was connected to the speakers, and they took their spots. It was the routine to 'Now' by Troublemaker, and it made Kat nervous to dance this routine again. The first time they danced to it together was when Kat had decided her feelings for the dancer.

The entire routine required them to be insanely close throughout, and J-Hope was suddenly regretting picking the routine. They spun and twisted, J-Hope's hands on her waist and Kat's back against his chest. J-Hope was almost going crazy. He couldn't take being this close to her. The routine ended with J-Hope holding her, her hands on his arms. They stood there in that position for a few seconds, catching their breath. J-Hope spun Kat around, and held her by her waist.

Kat was insanely confused, he was never this close. Her stomach erupted in butterflies and her face got red. J-Hope was just looking at her. She started feeling a little self conscious, Caught up in the moment, she realized that J-Hope was leaning in. He softly placed his lips on top of hers, waiting for her to react. When she slowly started kissing him back, his grip on her waist tightened and she slung her arms around his neck.

When they pulled back for air, J-Hope rested his forehead against hers, blowing cool air onto her face. "I guess this goes without saying, but I kinda love you," he laughed. Kat smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. "I kinda love you too," she laughed. "Yes!" J-Hope exclaimed, throwing a fist up in the air. He grabbed her waist again and pressed small kisses to her face, finally kissing her lips. Just then, the door opened and they broke apart, slightly embarrassed. It was Taehyung, one of J-Hope's friends.

Looking shocked but proud, Taehyun quietly went to close the door. "Sorry.. I was looking for you but I guess you're a little busy. Just make sure to come to practice soon. Bring her if you want," He smiled and then left.

Picking up Kat's bag, J-Hope made his way out. "If you ever want to see your dance bag'll have to follow me," and then ran away. Taking off down the hallway, Kat chased after her new boyfriend..and her kidnapped bag.

A/N: Hey guys, it's me again~ I was going to post this last night but my computer crashed!! This is for Kat, if anyone couldn't tell(:

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Chapter 1: Wah, it's a nice story. Thankyou (:
It is absolutely perfect. Ilysm Kathryn.