The Pageant Part 2

I Do?

We reached the car that would us to our new homes, as parents crowded around the car trying to get a peak at the picked potentials. The look of sadness and resentment was too much for me to handle. I searched the crowd for my parents, any familiar face the would take the fear in my heart away. I wouldn't be able to even see my parent until the wedding day which is days away, and then not at all after that. The ride to our new home was quiet as each of us took in the quickness of all of this, no clothes or any personal belongings, only the dresses we wore and our somber faces.

We eventually reached the mansion, which was more extravagant beyond belief. Covered in white marble and surrounded by lush beautiful bushes and trees, the house seemed to have come straight out of a magazine. The grass was cut perfectly and a healthy green, there were servants running about tending to the house, an older male walked up to the car to let us out. Once out of the car, us three girls were separated and sunt to our own rooms, each on our own floor, with our own working staff. I walked into my new room to find it covered in violet and green from the lace covers to the silk curtains, an enormous canopy bed and beautiful dressers covered in what looked like expensive perfumes and lotions. The bathroom was the most amazing part, the floor was covered in black glittery granite, the sink were pearl granite with rainbow glitter. The counter of the sink were covered with bottles and small chests that most likely held something. There was also a fireplace and a shower in case I didn't want to soak.A beautiful red tub stood out in the middle of the bathroom and a red dresser stood in front of it.  I was stunned by the beauty, something I never would have seen in the almost poverty stricken neighborhood of mine. 

"You can go ahead and shower, dinner will be ready soon" this middle age woman gestured to me "there's soaps, bubble bath mixtures on the counter and  toiletries  in the cabinet to the right.

"Umm what am I suppose to wear"

"You let us worry about that" and she was gone.

I quickly drew my bath water and let myself sink into the hot water. I sat in quiet my eyes closed as I took in my moment of relaxation, I submerged myself under water. I was always able to hold my breath for long periods of time. I would always challenge my brothers at the community pool and I would always win. I was submerged for at least a minutes when I opened my eyes to find a blonde tall guy staring down at me as he sat on the edge of the tub, smiling; and by me I mean my body. I quickly came to surface and covered myself; he continued to smile.

"Didn't mean to scare you just wanted to meet my new wives, your very beautiful, I am happy to have received you."

"I'm "

"It's okay we will be married and you'll  be mine anyways so....what's your name by the way"

"I am a Bea who would really love for you to leave NOW!!"

He frowned at my response "I don't think this is the appropriate behavior for you to be sending to your future husband"

"Appropriate behavior, like how our first meeting is you being a ert" 

He got up to leave "Im sorry to have ruined out first meeting like this, I'll see you at dinner" and like that he was gone. Once he left I went into a full rage smacking the bath water with my hands and feet sending water all over the black floor. I then began to cry, I am only 19 and I'm already belonging to this entitled rich bastard . How dare he just walk in on me during my intimate moment without a care in the world and look at my body. And they expect me to have with him. Never!! I refuse!! I was better off with my family. 

"I promise with all my heart that I'll never fall in love with him"

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