Fight 1

Host Club Killers


You glanced over the acceptance letter once more before looking over at your parents shrine. 

"I made it, mom, dad. ."

For the past year, you had worked your off to make it into Big Hit Academy. You knew there was no way you would get into college with your current curriculum, so you opted for a better solution. No collage meant no future as a lawyer, your ultimate dream. 
Checking the counters which still held the bottle of alcohol and pile of gauze from last night's unusual events, and then the clock that hung crookedly on the wall you realized you'd be late for the bus. Hurriedly you sprinted out after locking the door. 
Book bag in your arms, you managed to snag a place to stand in the crowded morning transit. From your spot crammed between business casual dressed adults, you watched more stops a group of boys got on. All suited up in matching mustard blazers, they huddled together laughing anyway as the elderly shot them looks to quiet them. One of them spotted you staring and waved friendlily, gathering his friends' interest in the process. Instead of waving back, you looked away embarrassed.  Your cheeks pink, you decided to focus on your stop. The vehicle came to a halt screeching slightly and you wormed your way out of the people to get off. 
Nervously you looked around unaccustomed with the new station. You heard familiar revelry from behind and to your horror, the same group of boys got off. 'They probably know where the school is so. . .' You managed to fall in rear of them without getting noticed, using them as your guide. As you continued to walk you saw the neighborhoods around grow grander and grander. 'This should be right, I'm mean look at those lawns!' You stared in awe at the pristine, diamond cut grass that carpeted the land. A little while longer, and you made it to a pair of large iron gates that were open for incoming students. Teens milled about, but once your group stepped foot inside the premise things went wild. Girls screamed and charged up to the seven. 


"Wahh, they're so handsome!"

"Omo, did they get new haircuts?!"

Somehow you were now smushed in between the raving girls and their idols. 

"I'm so glad I got daddy to enroll me here, instead of Big Hit Academy,"





You poke the boy in front of you on the shoulder. 

"Um, excuse me but could tell me what school this is?"

He turned around to face you in astonishment. The boy was oddly enough, handsome despite his pink hair. His answer was kind and amiable as he replied,

"JYP Academy of Arts and Sciences. Didn't you know that, new kid?"

Your face paled.



You broke away from the hoards of girls, stumbling a little at first before dashing back to the entrance. 


The whole group turned to watch in amusement. 

"Bambam, what was that?"

"Hmmm, I don't know JB hyung.  The new student didn't even know what our school's name was."

"Bam, did you know him?"

"Nope, but she muttered something about Big Hit before running off.."



Meanwhile. . .

You were stared wearily as girls walked around in their crisp new blazers and finely pleated skirts. Because you had already missed all the early morning transit routes, you ended up arriving at about noonish while students were still on break. And when you did finally get to the school and meet with the office assistants, as the letter had told you, they demanded to know why you were so late. Trying to explain your case didn't seem to help at all. Only when you brought up your schedule and uniform did forget their aggravation. Of course this seemed to create a whole new issue, as apparently the scholarship you worked your off for didn't cover uniform costs. This brought you to where you were now: roaming around the campus, slightly lost, and uniform-less. 

Your luck couldn't have gotten any worse.

Ultimately, you have up on the uniform for the day and went to go find a place to study. You'd have to face beginning of the year exams soon, so ' a little extra review wouldn't hurt,' . The halls were long and the windows that faced outside picturesquely displayed the courtyard in all it's 1,000 square feet of glory. You skimmed over the room numbers, until you saw print instead of numerals. 

"Music room number 3? It's break, so I highly doubt kids will go in there now." You muttered lightly.

Gently, you turned the nob of the fine, brass handle.


Rose petals cascaded from above as your jaw dropped. Six handsome, young boys stood around a seated individual all facing your direction. You had to do a double take then look away, 'Who are these attractive people. .'

"Oh, it's just a dude." You heard two voices complain.

"Watch your mouth. He's still an important guest even if he is a guy." 

The seated one chided to them, then the turned to face you with a charming smile. 

"Special scholarship student, Kim ~~~, " he flicked his wrist, 
"Welcome to the Big Hit Academy highschool Host club! !"

"H-how did you know my name. .?" 

A lean boy beside him spoke up,

"Big Hit Academy Highschool is about two main things: pedigree and money. Rich people have free time," he paused in his speech, "Thus this host club was created by beautiful male students with lots of free time to serve the female students with lots of free time. Rarely do we have commoners with enough nerve to apply for the scholarship though."

Your eye twitched, 'What.the.heck. Commoner?! Speaking of someone with enough nerve.' You thought dryly.

The seated one came up to you, 
"So you're pretty special, Lee ~~~!"

"E-eh? Why's that?" You could feel another twitch.

"Because even if you're a top student, you're still the poorest in the school. Students will call you trash and despise you for being below even the average social status."

He certainly was one to push things. 

"I can't believe the new student is queer. . ." A background voice whispered, not so quietly. 

'Q-queer? As in gay!?' You couldn't help but deadpan a little. 

"So what type do you prefer? Gentle? Joker? Badboy? Or. . ."

He swiftly lifted your chin with his fingers, 

"Would you like to try me?"



*I totally just googled the Korean equivalent for いらしゃいません, or shop-keeper's welcome, so sorry if that was a fail!
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Chapter 3: This is too good
Chapter 3: Omgd, i am a fan of ouran too hahaha and i love this story, so i am gonna read this until it is finish uwaah *u*
Chapter 2: What? haha...BTS mistake her as him and gay?? xD - Yuki
lizharuharu #4
Chapter 2: i love this i can see the similarities to the anime/manga but at the same time there are differences and i want to say keep it up I love how this story going can't wait for another update. oh and who's ur fav got7 and bangtan member?
lizharuharu #5
Chapter 1: i liked reading it :)
lizharuharu #6
wahh i used to love reading that series didn't like how it ended though. But u have a subbie here.