One Note to Another


Kim Jaemi was taking the music world by storm. Her songs were being sung by the industry’s top idol names. Companies were falling over themselves in an attempt to get their hands on one of her compositions. Job offers poured in from every major label and they offered her an obscene amount of money in order to persuade her. But she has refused every single one of them. She only gives songs to those she chooses and deems fit to sing them. She has always been seen wearing a mask that obscures the lower half of her face. No one has ever seen what she fully looks like. She’s a mysterious treasure that has been said to have a touch of gold. She’s the most sought after person in the South Korean music industry. But who was she really?


Jiyong had never seen anyone quite like her. He was captivated. He felt his heart's song change to match her own, one note at a time.






I haven't decided yet if this will be a oneshot or chaptered story. I suppose it depends on the reaction :)


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