1: The Bizarre Life Of Seo HyunMin

My guardian angel.


Giving few notes to the cashier, HyunMin left the store with her hands inside her pockets, the bag of junk foods hanging on her wrist.  It was 9 pm on the streets of Dongdaenum district, and HyunMin knew how unsafe in was for a girl to go out on her own, yeah right, Like she’ll give a damn about that.

As she passed by the dark alleys, she heard chuckles along with a whisper.

*WTH* she frowned as she followed the sound.  “ Please…let me go.” A girl’s voice begged. “No can do Babe, why miss the fun?” Voices loudly laughed as the girl whimpered.

HyunMin rolled her eyes as she saw the scene in front of her. A teenage girl was sitting on the floor, three men surrounding her.

“ 3  against 1?? Really?” HyunMin said with a raised eyebrow. The three men stopped laughing and turned their attention to the girl standing in front of them.  The poor girl timidly looked up and gave HyunMin a pleading look. The men immediately laughed again, not knowing how much of a danger they were in right now.

“ Why? Wanna join the fun?” one man asked with a sly smirk on his face, HyunMin threw him a disgusted look and scoffed.

“ please, I have better things to do. Now OFF! You’re too noisy” She spat and her heels.  But she was stopped by a hand on her right arm.


“ Oh you’re not gonna leave that easily PRETTY lady” the man hissed and pulled her closer. Wrong move, really. HyunMin was getting pissed at how he just called her.

She roughly twisted her arm off his grip and glared at him, and the girl’s cries only making her angrier.


“ Don’t .touch. me “ she stated every word with gritted teeth and turned around, only to be stopped by the other two men. She sighed in annoyance and swiftly threw her bag down on the ground.

In one very swift moment, both of the men were lying on the ground and groaned in pain when HyunMin kicked them in the groin.  She regained her balance and punched the guy who was aiming at her , and dodging a hit by another.


She threw one man on the other and they both stumbled on the ground. Both bodies aching all over sending electric shocks even when they moved a single finger.


Another ran towards her , But HyunMin kicked him right on the groin. He cried in pain and fell on the floor. Finishing the other two she took her bag from the ground and walked boredly.

" T-thank you" the girl stuttered. HyunMin gave her a cold look and the girl ducked her head in fright. " I didn't do it for you. Those bastards were making a noise near my apartment. AND why the hell is a girl like you doing out here so late?!" she yelled in fustration.

Before the girl could respond she continued. "Whatever, just go home" she said and walked to her apartment, finally getting some time to satisfy her hunger.



The sound of the alarm clock rudely woke HyunMin up. She groaned and kicked the clock of the side table. Muttering a few curse words, she groggily got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom. After her daily routine, she locked the door of her apartment and walked to school ever so slowly.

"Hyun Baby~" a voice singsonged from behind her. HyunMin rolled her eyes as an aem slung around her shoulder. Groaning, she turned her head to her best friend, Amber Lee.

" Amby" she simply greeted back with a flat tone. Amber straightened up and stared at HyunMin for a good 15 minutes before blurting.


" You're extra grumpy today, something up?" she asked, HyunMin shrugged and stared straight ahead. Amber sighed , knowing her best friend all too well. " Who did you get into a fight with this time?" she asked.

HyunMin only shrugged again. " Just some drunkards. They were pretty to take down." HyunMin replied. Amber looked at her in concern, examining her face to see if there were cuts or any bruises.

There was not even a single scratch on her face and Amber sighed in relief and smiled at HyunMin who had a poker face on all the while.

In 15 minutes, they were infront of their school- Inhun High School

" Oh " Amber cursed as she saw the contact number that just called her. " What?" HyunMin peeked at her phone and raised an eye brow.

*crazy Physcho?*

"Who the hell is - Crazy Physcho-?" She asked. Amber rejected her call and put her phone back in her pocket. Being a badass, Amber wore a boy uniform. HyunMin would've done that, but then Amber would accuse her of being a copy cat.

" Just this crazy girl I toyed with yesterday. Man, why the hell does she keep calling?!" Amber yelled in irritation when her phone rang again.

" Stupid. Crazy.Physcho." she muttered while checking her phone. Her face turned into a scowl and she look a HyunMin who was giving her a dissaproving look.

" Lets save the lectures for later, yeah? the crazy physcho is coming to see me here , and I gotta hide from here. I'll be back during luch time. Cool?" she asked. HyunMin just frowned at her and walked away muttering "Whatever" . 

Amber smiled and ran out of sight.


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Chapter 1: Continue vat2 ru.......... Ka chhiar chak........ *grin*
Ixxxybibitei #2
heyyy i miss you!!!!