"It's like the voice of an angel."

of Rotting Fluffs and Stealing Kisses

"We're going to have another member soon."

When Leeteuk announced this to the whole group, it didn't quite hit Ryeowook's head as soon as it was supposed to.

The other members seemed surprised too, as they exchanged silent looks towards each other, wondering if anyone had known about this. Ryeowook as the youngest member, wondered if his hyungs knew about this. He threw a questioning glance towards Kangin who sat next to him on the couch, but the said older man only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"A new member? Seems a little too late, don't you think?" Heechul said, raising an eyebrow.

The others either muttered or nodded in agreement. All eyes fell on their Leader, expecting an answer.

"It's SM's decision. It might be sudden, but it's final." Leeteuk explained. "He's going to come live together with us starting next month. All of you, he'll be your new dongsaeng. I expect the older to treat their younger well. Help him get used to things around here whenever he needs it."

Half an hour later, Leeteuk dismissed the group meeting. Most of the members went back to their respective rooms since it was already late, every one of them left discussing the new member who was going to live with them soon; seemed like they were all curious who it was going to be, since no one else but Leeteuk knew about this guy.

Ryeowook couldn't help to feel curious - and slightly annoyed -  by the fact that he was getting a dongsaeng. In a way he was excited, but he didn't know the guy at all. He felt a little worried and nervous, which was silly really; he hadn't even met him yet! 

"Ryeowook-sshi, wait a minute. Don't go back yet." Leeteuk had a hand stopping Ryeowoook as he intended to go back to his room. 

"Yes what is it, hyung?" He asked, tilting his head in question,

Leeteuk flashed him an apologetic smile, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah well, I wanted to talk to you alone after the meeting. It's about the new guy, Kyuhyun." He told him.

"Okay," Ryeowook nodded and listened to him.

 "I was thinking... since you're our current magnae - before the new guy came anyway - and you don't have a roommate right now, I wonder if you can show him around? I mean, I want the two of you to get along. Since you're our youngest and the closest to his age, I figured you'd be able to befriend with him easier and help him as his hyung."

Ryeowook blinked.

"You mean... he's going to be my roommate?"

"To put it shortly, yes." Leeteuk nodded.

"Umm, but..." the dongsaeng hesitated. "But I don't know, Leeteuk-hyung... I've never heard of the guy, I mean, I don't know him at all..."

"Hmm, that's true." Leeteuk admitted. But then an idea crossed his mind. "Oh I know! Since he's going to be in your care, it's fine to 'introduce' you to him right now!" He exclaimed, dropping his right fist onto his left palm. In his excitement ("I'm so smart!" Leeteuk mused proudly), he grabbed Ryeowook's wrist and started dragging him.

"Come, Wookie! Let's go to my room!"

Ryeowook was confused, but went along with his hyung anyway.

Leeteuk dragged the obedient Ryeowook into his room - in which Kangin was there too, raising one eyebrow curiously when he saw Leeteuk dragging the poor boy a bit forcefully. The oldest hyung told him to sit anywhere while he prepared the video. Ryeowook, being a very good dongsaeng, complied to Leeteuk's order and sat on the carpeted floor meanwhile Leeteuk was busy setting up his dvd player.

"What's that, what's that? What are you two up to huh?" An interested Kangin joined them a second later, flinging an arm around his dongsaeng's shoulder as he sat next to him.

A minute later, Leeteuk already inserted the dvd inside and he backed away from the TV to join the other two with a remote in his hand. He pressed the play button and the cd lid slid in and the blank screen suddenly zapped into moving video.

Leeteuk then leaned closer to Ryeowook and Kangin. "You two know the Chin Chin Competition right, you know, the singing competition? This guy won the third place and got signed into our management. It's the recording of his final song in the competition... it's a bit wobbly though. Not very good quality, but the sound is pretty clear." He laughed sheepishly. 

"Ah, there he is, Cho Kyuhyun!" 

Ryeowook saw a tall and rather thin Korean boy who didn't look like he was any younger than he was - in fact, he seemed more mature - emerged into vision.  Ryeowook took a closer look into the bad-quality image, however bad quality it was, he could tell that the boy was quite handsome as he was dressed stylishly also. He looked a bit shy as he entered the stage, he kept glancing back and looking slightly down as he stood next to the MC, seemingly unused to the crowd. 

However, for some reasons it intrigued Ryeowook. After all, this was the guy who had caught the interest of one of the biggest entertainment houses in South Korea. He must've a brilliant talent to even be able to become a member of Super Junior. Biting his lower lip in anticipation, Ryeowook waited impatiently until the MC done and for him to start singing. Soon enough

"It's starting." Leeteuk whispered as the music started, raising the volume until it resounded throughout the room.

And when Cho Kyuhyun began to sing, it was like a dream.

Ryeowook suddenly forgot to breathe.

His eyes grew wide and he didn't blink once as he stared at the screen, watching Kyuhyun sang on stage, turning into a completely different person the moment the music started. He felt as if all of the senses in his whole being were focused upon listening to his voice and watching him sing. Ryeowook had never felt like this - or had he ever been so touched by someone's singing to this degree.

He held his breath and refused to close his eyes even for a second, afraid he'd missed anything. He straightened his back and lifted his chin, as if by doing that he could see more of Cho Kyuhyun. How silly of him, but somehow he couldn't help it.

Meanwhile Leeteuk observed his dongsaeng's reactions, knowing well he had gotten the boy's interest.

When the song ended, Ryeowook immediately felt empty.

Watching Cho Kyuhyun bowed to the enthusiastic audience, he wished he could hear him sing again. In fact... he wanted to hear him sing forever. Ryeowook blushed slightly at the silly thought - to think anyone could move him to such extent.

Leeteuk then stopped the video. "So? How was it? He's good isn't he?"

"He's... amazing." Ryeowook earnestly said, his voice laced in admiration. "His voice... it's like the voice of an angel."

"Wow, that's some compliment there." Kangin commented.

"Someone like him is going to be my dongsaeng?" Ryeowook questioned hesitantly, unsure of his own capabilities. "Does he even need my help?"

"Don't worry, Ryeowook-ah. Of course he needs your help, he's still human too, you know. Even if he has that great talent, he's still younger than you. He needs help from his hyungs. Just like you did when you just started." Leeteuk gave him an assuring pat on the shoulder, encouraging him.

Ryeowook nodded. "You're right, hyung. I will do my best." Then he looked at the frozen image of his soon-to-be dongsaeng, an unexplainable feeling rose within his chest.

"I want to be the best hyung I can be, for him." He quietly promised himself. "Cho Kyuhyun... my dongsaeng."

An excited smile graced Ryeowook's lips.

"I can't wait to meet him."


I honestly think Kyu's voice is like an angel's - Wookie's voice too, of course. x3 

Wookie seems to admire Kyu to the point of no end - since he often mentions how amazing Kyu's voice was in interviews, that's a hyungly-love for you, Kyu!

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 11: Espero alguna actualización de esta historia! :3
Chapter 11: I hope you will have this updated or published the promised one..
i just reread this again.
oh lawd kyuhyun is so pathetic i just wanna bang him on the wall >w>;
when are you gonna post the revision~? :c /forever waiting
jahyeeful #4
oopsie~~!-reads chap 11- should wait for it!
jahyeeful #5
new reader over here!! -waves- :DD
What? But... Okay hehe I will support you!! Although the last chapter kept me hanging =)) Good luck!!
Caprice #7
i'll wait!!
WeirdA #8
i can wait :)
Kironstree #9
a whole nother month. will wait!