The ghost of you

The ghost of you

Junhyung drops the box on to the floor to take out his key and promptly opens the door. He hears a click and pushes the door open with his leg. He proceeds to carry in the box and shuts the door. A contented sigh escapes from his lips. At last, after months of planning and packing, he is finally free. He has been living with his parents and he decided to move out, much to their disagreement. However, he is a big boy now. He needs to be independent. His good friends were shocked too but they got over it. So, here he is, in the city, all alone. He managed to secure a job 2 weeks ago and he is starting tomorrow. He moves in to the kitchen to grab a drink. There are boxes everywhere but he is too exhausted to unpack. I’ll do it tomorrow, he thinks. Discarding the bottle of coke once he’s done, he drags the box he was carrying just now to the living room.

The apartment isn’t that big. It is just nice for him and he’s happy with it. He has already gotten a sofa, a television set, a rack to stuff all his CD collections, a comfy bed and a decent wardrobe. He scans the living hall. He notices that there is a small portion on the wall that seems odd because most parts of the wall have already faded color. Seems like a picture frame used to be here. The place is still dirty and he sees cobwebs hanging at the corner of the living hall. He wiggles his nose. He hates it when his surrounding is dirty. He ignores it for now and decides to open the box he brought in a moment ago. Once open, he takes out a baseball bat, courtesy of his friend Yoseob. Seriously, how is he to play baseball in the city and not having his friends around to play? Mumbling under his breath, he puts the baseball bat aside and takes out a handmade card.


He smiles to himself as he reads the contents of the card. He misses his friends already. Perhaps he will give them a call tomorrow. He places the card on top of the rack and walks to his bedroom. He is about to open the door when he hears a click from behind. Turning around swiftly, he looks at the front door to check. His hand automatically grabs hold of the baseball bat, just in case. He sees no one at living hall or at the front door. Dismissing it with a shrug, thinking that he’s way too tired, he walks back to his bedroom and prepares himself for bed.

(I can change) ajigeun mollado
(You can change) nuga nal magado
(We can change) modu nae meotdaero

Junhyung shuts off his alarm and struggles to open his eyes. It is still dark but he wants to reach the office early. He wiggles his way out of the blanket and crawls to the bathroom. He regrets it afterwards because the bathroom tiles are freezing cold. He looks at himself in the mirror and wonders if he needs a shave. He suddenly sees movements at the back and turns around. He walks out of the bathroom to survey. His heart is beating fast and his stomach is feeling sick but a glance at his Pikachu clock makes him panic as he is running late. He will worry about these weird occurrences later.

He reaches the office on time and greets his colleagues. One particular colleague is more talkative than the others. His name is Doojoon. Doojoon teaches him everything he needs to know and shows him around. They are of the same age so it is easy for them to be friends. By lunch, he knows a lot about Doojoon and vice versa. Junhyung thinks that everything is going perfectly well, not until he reaches home that is.

Junhyung walks into the kitchen to quench his thirst. He has just spoken to Yoseob, Kikwang and Dongwoon. They were ecstatic, mostly because of Doojoon. He clearly likes you, states Yoseob. They continued teasing till Junhyung threatened to hang up. After that it was mostly about their boring lives back home. Before hanging up, Dongwoon had the nerve to dare Junhyung to go out with Doojoon. Shaking his head, willing for that part of the telephone conversation to be forgotten. Junhyung decides to watch tv before going to bed. As he turns on the tv and sits on the sofa, a boy is standing just to his left and shouting at him.

"What are you doing in my apartment?"

It takes every ounce of will in his body not to scream because the boy's appearance scares the out of him. Junhyung continues staring at him.

"Are you deaf or something? Why are you here?"

Junhyung snaps out of his trance.

"I don't know what you are talking about or how you get in but this place is mine. I bought it!"

"No you didn't. I live here so how is it that this place is yours?"

"I have papers to show that...."

"I don't care about that. Just get out! Bring back all my other stuff too!"

Junhyung begins to feel that this boy is annoying. He stands up and attempts to push the boy out but his hands pass right through the boy's body.

"Holy crap!"

They both stand there in silence until the Pikachu clock chimes, signaling an hour has passed. They both jump in surprise. The strange boy starts the conversation again.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! My hand just went straight through your hand. That's what happened!"

They both stare in silence again. Junhyung is beginning to think that this boy is a ghost. A wandering spirit. A restless soul. What has he gotten himself into?

He clears his throat and tries to think of a way to get his message across. Before the ghost boy is able to say anything more, Junhyung quickly opens his mouth.

"Try grabbing that card on top of the rack."

The ghost boy looks at him warily but after a moment of hesitation, he walks over to the rack and tries to grab hold of the card. Like before, his fingers pass right through.


Junhyung is right after all.

" are a ghost!!!"

The ghost turns around.

"I....I'm not a ghost!"

"Then how do you explain that?"

"I...I don't know. How can this happen?"

The ghost boy looks sad and lost and Junhyung almost feel pity for him. Almost.

"I don't care what happened to you but just go away alright? You don't belong here anymore. Go to the light. Shoo!"

The ghost boy's eyes are being to tear.

Oh dear.

"But I don't know where else to go or what happened. I'm scared."

The ghost boy looks up at Junhyung with such pitiful eyes that he feels sorry and his heart melts at the sight. He sighs.

"Very well. I don't think I have a choice. Just stay here. Don't go into my room no matter what. We will solve this tomorrow. I need to get ready for bed, if I can sleep." How is it possible for him to fall asleep knowing that a ghost is living with him!

Junhyung notices that the ghost boy's eyes lit up and nods vigorously. He takes the tv remote to off the tv. He doesn't look at the ghost boy and immediately walks to his bedroom.

"My name is Hyunseung."

So this ghost remembers his own name. Junhyung contemplates if he should tell his name but this ghost seems harmless. 

“Junhyung. My name is Yong Junhyung.”

Hyunseung nods again.

“Nice to meet you Junhyung. Sleep tight.”

Surprisingly, Junhyung sleeps soundly, throughout the night. He wakes up thinking that he dreamt most of it. It isn't true that he is sharing his apartment with a ghost. He rubs his eyes and goes to the bathroom to take a long shower. When he walks out of his bedroom, he expects Hyunseung to surprise him but no. The hall is quiet and Hyunseung is not there. Junhyung is beginning to think that perhaps he did dream all that has happened. He walks to the kitchen to fix his breakfast. He is about to eat his cereal when Hyunseung appears in front of him. 


"! You scared me!" His milk spilling all over the table because of his sudden movement. 

"Oopps. Sorry." Hyunseung smiles sheepishly. 

So it isn't a dream. Tough luck. Junhyung sighs as he cleans the table. 

"I need to go to work. I'll only be back after 6"

Hyunseung nods. 

Junhyung hesitates before saying, "Stay out of trouble although I doubt you can do anything. Then maybe later...we can try to figure things out." 

Hyunseung smiles and nods. Junhyung, feeling a little bit queasy, quickly finishes up his cereal and dashes out of his apartment. Before he closes the door Hyunseung bids him farewell and he thinks that something is really wrong with his life. 

"Are you alright? You don't look so good." Doojoon seems to notice that Junhyung isn't acting like his usual self. Junhyung just smiles and ensures Doojoon that he's alright. 

Doojoon believes him and asks him out for dinner. 

"My treat." Doojoon says while flashing him a gorgeous smile. It's hard for Junhyung not to say no. 
"I'll drive." And even more so. 














By the time Junhyung reaches home it was way past 9. He is still giggly and tipsy after the drinking session with Doojoon. He can't remember when was the last time he had so much fun. He staggers his way through the apartment and goes straight to the bathroom to try to cool himself out. 

He is still feeling over the moon whenever he remembers conversations with Doojoon, to the extend that he doesn't realise Hyunseung is sitting beside him on the sofa. When he does, he nearly screams. 

"Oh my gosh. You have to stop doing that!" 

Hyunseung merely shrug his shoulders. 

"Not my fault that you aren't observant. Had a great evening I suppose." 

Junhyung blushes and quickly turns on the tv. There is a rerun of CSI and usually he will be excited to watch but today he can't seem to focus on the show. 


Junhyung turns to face Hyunseung and he immediately shrinks back when he realises that Hyunseung's face nearly touches his, not that he can feel it anyway. 

"What?! What is it?" 

Hyunseung pouts. "Aren't you going to help me?" 

Junhyung doesn't want to deal with Hyunseung at the moment but he knows he can't put this off forever. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighs and looks at Hyunseung. 

"Very well. Tell me all about yourself and what you remember." He swears that Hyunseung's eyes sparkle whenever he's happy. 


He is supposed to complete his report but he's doing research instead. Research about Jang Hyunseung. He still can't believe that he is the same age as Hyunseung. Hyunseung had a little sister and he lived with his parents. He studied in a school nearby and he loved dancing. 

He is browsing through some newspaper articles when his eyes catch on something interesting. 
Family of four died in car crash. 

He quickly clicks on the link and his breath hitches when he sees Hyunseung's face. He reads on. 
The Jang family was on their way for a vacation when the brakes of their car failed. All died on the spot except for their only son. However, he succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. 

Junhyung reads on with interest. He doesn't notice Doojoon walking towards him. 

"Hey! Joining us for lunch?" 

Junhyung quickly closes the page. 

"I'll join you guys later. I need to print this out first." 

Doojoon doesn't question him and just nods his head. Once Doojoon is far away, he opens the same page and prints it. 


"So,this was what happened to my family?" Hyunseung asks while he stares at the newspaper article Junhyung printed out.

Junhyung nods. He doesn't know how to react. So he just nods.

"I....I...I can't believe it. My family, they are dead. I'm dead. How? Why?!" Hyunseung starts to cry and his body is shaking.
Junhyung doesn't know what to do. He wants to console Hyunseung but he's not sure how. He can't touch Hyunseung and he is not good with words especially when it comes to telling someone who is dead that...he is dead.

"I'm sorry. I really am."

Hyunseung sobs harder. For the rest of the night the only sound emitting from Junhyung's apartment is the sound of Hyunseung's sobbing.


"You look tired. Didn't get enough sleep?" Doojoon asks as he walks by.

"Yeah. I was with a ... friend. He's in a difficult situation at the moment."

"Ahh...I see" For a moment, they both stay silent. Then suddenly Doojoon perks up.

"Let's go out for dinner then."

Junhyung is very tempted to say yes but he promised Hyunseung that he will visit his family graves tonight. Junhyung actually managed to find out place where the accident happened as well as Hyunseung’s family’s graves. 
"I can't. I need to help my friend." Junhyung gives an apologetic smile.

"It's alright. I understand. Another time then."

Junhyung nods and stares at Doojoon's retreating back. He wonders when he starts calling Hyunseung as a friend.


"Can you get out of the house?" Junhyung asks. He realises that he didn't ask this before.

"Of course. I wander around the neighborhood when you are not around."

"So, you can find your own way to those places right? You don't actually need me?" Junhyung is a little angry because he misses out on having dinner with Doojoon.

Hyunseung looks down to his feet, feeling guilty. Junhyung sighs. “Come on. Let’s go.”

Junhyung opens the door of his apartment and steps out, waiting for Hyunseung to follow suit. He waits while tapping his foot. 

“You know. I can just walk through the wall.” Hyunseung gives him a small smile.

Junhyung immediately slams the door and locks it while taking deep breaths to cool himself down. As soon as he finishes locking the door, Hyunseung is already standing beside him. Junhyung grunts and walks ahead.

“Wait Junhyung.”

Junhyung stops but without turning back.

“I don’t dare to go there myself. That’s why I need you to accompany me there. I… I don’t have the courage to face it on my own. I’m sorry.” Hyunseung feels like crying again.

“It’s alright. Let’s go before it gets too late.” Junhyung gestures towards the lift.

“Don’t you have a car?”

Junhyung ignores Hyunseung who is sitting beside him in the bus. He has to stop people from taking the seat beside him because Hyunseung is there. He had to apologize countless of times and he can still feel their stares. Why is it that he can see Hyunseung and not everyone else? He hopes that the bus moves faster.

Junhyung and Hyunseung get down from the bus few paces from the accident place. Junhyung waits patiently for Hyunseung to start walking.


“It’s ok Hyunseung. Take your time. I’m here.”

It takes Hyunseung ten minutes before having the courage to walk over. Junhyung can still see the tyre marks and he can’t bear to imagine the scene. A gust of wind sends shivers down his spine. 

In the meantime, Hyunseung bends over to have a better look at the broken license plate. He recognizes it. It belonged to his dad’s car. Hyunseung breaks into tears again and Junhyung hasn’t seen him cry this bad before. Without thinking, he bends over and hugs Hyunseung. Hyunseung immediately places his face against Junhyung chest and cried to his heart content. Junhyung starts rocking him back and forth while rubbing his back. Hyunseung appreciates the warmness that he misses so much. Junhyung enjoys having someone to hold on to. Junhyung actually likes this feeling of being able to hold someone this way. Both don’t realize that they are hugging each other until Junhyung moves to wipe away Hyunseung’s tears.

“Oh my gosh. I can touch you!” 

“What do you… oh my gosh! You are right!”

Both stare at each other. The only sound they can hear is the slight wind. All of a sudden, both start to laugh. This is the first time Junhyung hears Hyunseung’s laughter. The wind carries around the sweet melody and it rings in his ears. This is the first time Junhyung really sees Hyunseung and he loves it. He stands up and holds out his hand.

“Next stop.”

Hyunseung gladly takes his outstretch hand and they walk hand in hand to the nearest bus stop. As they are waiting, Hyunseung timidly asks if it is possible for Junhyung to buy some flowers. 

"Of course. It'll be rude of me to go there empty handed. What type of flower do you reckon?" 

"Roses! Those are my mom's favorite..and mine too!" Hyunseung exclaimed with too much enthusiasm. Junhyung chuckles. He is beginning to like Hyunseung's cute antics. 
"Sure Hyunseung. Sure" 

The journey to Hyunseung's grave is a solemn one but not as tensed as before. A bouquet of roses is place between them. When they reach their destination, both walk in silence. They pass through rows after rows of gravestone till they reach to the one they are looking for. 

Junhyung’s eyes are fix towards Hyunseung’s.

Jang Hyunseung

3.9.1989 – 3.4.2011

Junhyung places the flowers in front of Hyunseung's mom's grave and bows. He knows that Hyunseung needs a moment alone. So he walks away. Far enough to not listen but he can still see Hyunseung's shaky body. 

They are waiting at the bus stop again. It is dark now and Junhyung thinks he hears owls hooting. 

Hyunseung breaks the silence. 

"Why do you think I'm still here for?" 

Junhyung thinks for a moment but he doesn't know either. So he merely shrugs his shoulder. Hyunseung seems to be pondering over his own question and starts swinging his legs back and forth. 

"Probably you have some unfinished business to take care of." 

Hyunseung frowns and then he smiles. 

"I've always been a loner. My family is the only thing that kept me going, apart from dancing." Hyunseung stops before continuing. "I guess that I just wanted to have someone that I can be with. To share my passion. A companion. It doesn't matter anymore. Is it even possible to find one now?" 

Junhyung looks over at Hyunseung. Staring at Hyunseung's face, illuminated by the moonlight he feels the sudden need to protect this boy. Why the sudden change of heart? Junhyung isn't sure why. He isn't sure why his heart flutters at sight of Hyunseung right now, all glowing and pure.

He reaches out to hold Hyunseung's left hand.

"I'll be with you. Stay with me."

Hyunseung eyes are wide with shock. Then he starts to shake his head.

"No. No. I can't do that Junhyung."

"Why not?"
"Because of what I am! It's...we..this! This cannot happen between us!"

"I change my mind about you. I really like you Hyunseung."

Hyunseung hesitates. His eyes focusing on anything except Junhyung. Sure, Hyunseung is fond of Junhyung. He loves looking at his face when he’s sleeping peacefully. Hyunseung likes whenever Junhyung is mad because his lips will turn into a grim line and he has the urge to touch those lips. Hyunseung loves it the most when Junhyung blushes because the tint of pink on his cheeks reminds him of his favorite strawberry cupcake. 

But, is Hyunseung ready to fall in love? Yes. Yes he is but not in this kind of situation. Hyunseung still isn't sure. He needs assurance. 

"Hyunseung. Trust me. I'll make it work. We'll make it work." 

And that's all Hyunseung needs. 

It has been a week. Junhyung spends more time with Hyunseung and he's happy. Content. Although there is always something nagging him at the back of his mind, he brushes it off. He refuses to see the signs. Hyunseung is all that he wanted in a partner. Sweet, charming in his own way and lovely smile. Junhyung doesn't realise that he has been spending lesser time with Doojoon and that made Doojoon quite upset. So, Junhyung is a little shock to see Doojoon hovering over him during teabreak. 

"Junhyung, did I do something wrong? Tell me. I'll fix it." 


"You have been avoiding me whole week." 

Junhyung realises that maybe he has been avoiding Doojoon but not intentionally. His mind has been occupied lately. 

Junhyung laughs. 

"I'm not mad at you or anything. I'm just busy with some stuff lately." 

"Yes, really." Junhyung assures him. 

Doojoon flashes his gorgeous smile and immediately asks Junhyung out for dinner. When Junhyung hesitates, Doojoon pouts and Junhyung can't seem to say no. He merely nods. Doojoon claps his hands happily and says that he'll fetch them both to a good restaurant later. Before he leaves the pantry, he winks at Junhyung. Junhyung blushes a little and at that moment his heart is torn apart. 

Junhyung is a little jittery during the journey to the restaurant. He is a little confuse at the moment. A part of him craves for Hyunseung. The soft skin he begins to love so dearly. The silky hair and the irresistible lips. However, when he looks over at Doojoon, he is able to see himself having a future with Doojoon. He remembers how Doojoon greeted him with his big smile. His gimmicks and bold moves to take Junhyung out. Junhyung is greedy. He wants both. He needs both of them.

Junhyung actually enjoys the rest of the evening. There are so many things to talk about since they didn’t talk to each other for a week. Junhyung feels at ease and is beginning to let his guard down when Doojoon suddenly holds his hand. Junhyung is surprise and he doesn’t know what to do. 

“Junhyung. I’ve been meaning to tell you this.”

Junhyung isn’t really use to seeing Doojoon being this serious and it’s freaking him out. 

“Junhyung…” Doojoon begins. “I really like you, ever since the very first time we met. I… “ Doojoon trails off when he notices that Junhyung is crying. 

Junhyung doesn’t know why he’s crying but he can’t stop his tears from flowing. 

Doojoon panics. He’s afraid that he has ruined their friendship. He’s afraid that his confession will drift him farther apart from Junhyung than it already has. 

“Doojoon, I want to go home.” That is all Junhyung manages to say.


Doojoon drives him home and the silence in the car is deafening. Upon reaching Junhyung’s apartment, Junhyung makes a move to get out but he turns back and gives Doojoon a hug. Doojoon first instinct is to hug Junhyung back. Junhyung breathes in Doojoon’s scent and he admits that it is nice to feel the warmth from Doojoon’s body. He likes the smell of Doojoon’s cologne and the feeling of having Doojoon’s arms around him. Something that Hyunseung can’t give. He lets Doojoon go and walks in to his apartment without turning back.


Junhyung enters to an empty apartment. For a moment, he panics. He walks straight into his bedroom and sees Hyunseung sitting at the corner of his bed. There is something in Hyunseung’s eyes that is different. Junhyung can’t seem to decipher the look on Hyunseung’s face. 

“Come here Junhyung.” Hyunseung pats on his bed. Junhyung automatically slides his way towards Hyunseung. 

Hyunseung pulls Junhyung over his and slowly plays with Junhyung’s hair. Junhyung knows what Hyunseung is going to say but he is afraid to hear it.

“I want you to be happy Junhyung.” Hyunseung’s hand stops playing with Junhyung’s hair. 

“And this isn’t the way to make you happy.” 

Junhyung weeps. He knows where this is leading to. He doesn’t want to let Hyunseung go.
“You have to let me go.” 

Junhyung doesn’t trust his voice so he shakes his head. 

“I can’t thank you enough for what you have given me over the past one week. I’ll cherish it forever.” 
Hyunseung rubs soothing circles behind Junhyung’s back and lulls him to sleep. Junhyung refuses to sleep. He’s afraid of losing Hyunseung. Hyunseung knows this.

“I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Trust me.”
Junhyung nods. 

“Promise me you’ll be happy.”

Junhyung nods again.

Just before Junhyung closes his eyes, he says, “I love you Hyunseung.” 

Hyunseung pecks him on his forehead and he allows sleep to take over. 

The next morning, Junhyung doesn’t want to get up. He doesn’t want to open his eyes because he knows that Hyunseung is gone forever. He just wants to curl himself up in bed and cry. He lies in bed and tears begin to flow. He wants to just stay this way forever but he suddenly remembers his promise to Hyunseung. He’s never the type to break his promise.


Junhyung buys a bouquet of roses. He puts it at the back seat and Doojoon drives off as soon as Junhyung buckles up. 

“Are you alright?” Doojoon asks while using his right hand to squeeze Junhyung’s hand. 

“I’m alright Doojoon. Don’t worry.” Junhyung squeezes back and pecks Doojoon on the cheek.

It has been two years.

Junhyung pulls out the weeds and any unwanted plants around the gravestone. He continues doing so until he’s satisfied. He places the roses in front of the gravestone. He fingers traces along the words engraved on the gravestone. 

“I kept my promise Hyunseung. I’m happy.”
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ImThatKiD #1
Chapter 2: love your story!! There is NEVER too much 2jun lol
oh i dunno how to pictures this. it's completely out of boundaries kinda reminds me to my past girlfriend ghost
Lucifer98 #3
O.Mi.God This is ad and sweet at the same time >< I love the way you write >< Even if im a JUnSeung shipper and it ended with 2jun, i still found it beautiful ><
bohyemi #4
such a beautiful fic but i ship junseung more but this was sad i reminds me of me
i'm a little disappointed with 2jun in the end. but, its okay since this fanfic is yours :) nice fanfic, really ^_^
@princeJang sorry T.T I don't really write fics where one of the character dies but this just came to me and I HAD to write it out. So, as much as it pained me but I think Seungie suited that character most . I'll definitely write more Junseung. They are my OTP ~<br />
<br />
@JoranXjunseung Thanks for your compliment. Really appreaciate it! Longer chap as in this one? XD<br />
<br />
@sarahle898 I love junseung too but I find the ending more fitting :P but it hurts me to write it though >.< Thanks for reading and commenting!
soo2k_ #7
omg that was so sad, I like junseung not 2jun. Seungie look so cute, he understand what good for junhyung
JoranXjunseung #8
such a sad story..-.- though it wasn't much fluffy but it's beautiful..well-writen..keep up the good work,n that longer chap satisfied me so much...but deep in my heart i hope miracle will work everything out..will it happen in any way?