Chapter 3

I Miss You

It was 6 pm that day. Kyungsoo was excited and nervous at the same time. He was pacing back and forth at their living room, Sehun sitting at their couch watching his brother pace. 

"Hey, can you please stop pacing and sit? Im getting dizzy watching you pace back and forth." Sehun said.

"I'm just nervous that's all. What if he does'nt show up?" Kyungsoo said.

"I'll make sure to punch the sh*t out of him if he leaves you waiting on this cold winter night." Sehun said angrily.

"Oh its 6:30. I need to start going." Kyungsoo said as he grabs his coat and wind breaker. 

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Sehun said.

"No! Were just hanging out and I can take care of myself you know?" Kyungsoo imposed. He made his way out and said goodbye to his brother and parents.

As he was walking outside to the direction of the park, he began thinking. What is Suho sunbae planning? Well, I hope he's not tricking me. Sehun hyung will beat him up, I don't want that to happen. He thought.

He reached the small park earlier than their agreed time. So he began playing in the swings. He sat and started rocking the swing back and forth. He was enjoying by himself when he was interrupted by a series of fake coughings. He looked around only to see Suho smiling at him.

"Sunbae! I didn't notice you. How long have you been there?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"I've been watching you for a while now." He said.

"Oh, you could have just told me you were here." The younger replied.

"And interrupt you while you were enjoying yourself? And besides, you looked cute playing by yourself." Suho said with a shy smile. Kyungsoo blushed at the comment he got from Suho.

"So what are we going to do here?" Kyungsoo asked.

"We play, ofcourse." Suho replied. 

The boys started playing. They hang out in the park for some time. Both just goofing around, laughing at each others stupidness. 

"Kyungsoo," Suho started.

"Yes, sunbae?" Kyungsoo smiled his usual heart shaped smile at Suho. Suho can't help but blush at the other's cuteness.

"It's been a while since we became friends. And all this time I've been wanting to tell you something." Suho said.

Could this be it? Kyungsoo thought to himself.

"Kyungsoo-ah, I like you." Suho finally said.


Kyungsoo came home that night with a huge smile on his face. 

"Hey why are you smilling all of the sudden? Kyungsoo! Answere me!" Sehun asked.

"You know, you're another word for annoying. Why? Don't you want me to be happy?" The other argued. 

"Im just asking you why you are happy. Did something happen?" Sehun aksed again.

"Suho sunbae, he... he...." He began. 

"He what?" Sehun asked.

"He asked me out." Kyungsoo blurted.

"That rascal-" He was cut off by Kyungsoo shutting him up with his hand.

"Sshhhh! Eomma and appa are sleeping." The younger said. 

"We'll talk about this some other time. I need to go to my room and sleep." Sehun said. 

"Good night hyung!" Kyungsoo said.

"Good night Kyung." Sehun said.


The next day, Kyungsoo and Sehun arrived early at school due to Kyungsoo waking up earlier than usual. They made their way to their buildings to get ready for the day. Kyungsoo was on his way to his locker when he was grabbed by the collar of his uniform. 

"Well if it isn't the school's nerd." The boy said.

"Let go of me!" Kyungsoo squirmed. 

"Not until I beat you up, nerd!" The boy said. Suddenly, there was a loud impact and the boy was suddenly on the floor.

"Touch him again and I'll kill you." Suho said. The boy began running away from the both of them. 

"Uhm, thanks, I guess." Kyungsoo said awkwardly. 

"Hey, I just saved your life, I should at least get a kiss as a reward." Suho said. 

"You're such an idiot you know." Kyungsoo pinched Suho's ear making him squirm. 

"I came here early 'cause our batch is going to a trip. I'll be back before dismissal. Bye!" With that Kyungsoo was alone again. 

The rest of the day was a blurr. Kyungsoo found himslef missing Junmyeon. He began writing scribbles on his diary during their last subject. But mostly, he wrote 'I miss you' . Then the bell rang and Kyungsoo was up  on his seat too fast and went by the gates. There he found Junmyeon waiting for him, talking to Sehun. Sehun's face was serious. As Kyungsoo made his way to the two who were talking seriously, Sehun started to walk away. 

"So, how was your day?" Suho asked.

"Boring as usual. So why were you talking to my brother?" Kyungsoo said.

"Well, I told him that starting today, I'll be taking you home." Suho said proudly. 

"Well then, let's go." Kyungsoo started walking. 

The walk home with Junmyeon was filled with laughs and jokes. Junmyeon kept complaining that they should've took the bus home but Kyungsoo insisted that they walk. When they arrived to Kyungsoo's house, Junmyeon was tired. They said their good bye's and went home. 

Junmyeon took the bus home. He was smilling like a mad man on his way home. Once he reached their mansion, he noticed that his parent's car was parked on their garage. He began to feel nervous. He went inside only to find his parents sitting at the living room.

"Where have you been?" His mom aksed. 

"I was at school." He calmly replied.

"You should've been here earlier if you were at school." His dad said.

"I walked home thats why I took a while to get here." He said.

Then his parents placed an envelope on the table. Junmyeon took his seat and opened it. It contained pictures of Kyungsoo and him. He was shocked at what he saw. 

"Stay away form him. He only wants money, and he will stop at nothing to get it. That's what poor people do. Am I making myself clear, Kim Junmyeon?" His mom said. 

Suho said nothing. He threw the envelope to the trash and made his way to his room. He loathed his parents. All they ever wanted was money. They only cared for money. He texted Kyungsoo a good night. He replied. Then he took a shower and went to sleep. 



End of chapter 3



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DyoMyeon #1
Chapter 3: update soon please~~~ :)
PaigeOfHope #2
This is good. Good luck! :)

Instead of updating my stories, I upvoted, subscribed and commented! For cheering on purposes. :p
Chapter 1: Author nim i been waiting for you to update the story. Jebal author nim
Chapter 1: Is this a kyungmyeon story..?? Please say yes.. I ship Kyungmyeon more.. :)
young_syc #5
Chapter 2: Ooooooh~ i think i'm gonna ship KyungsooxSuho anytime sooner or later <3

Congrats on your first story author~nim ^^