
The Distress Felt by Kim Jonghyun


                Minho pushed up his glasses to see Jonghyun arrive at school, and subsequently waved a hello, until he froze and dropped his hand to his phone to call the police. Whatever was going on didn’t seem right, what with the look of pure terror on Jonghyun’s face and the uncanny smile shown on the face of the man holding on to him.

                Minho cautiously walked up to the two, poising his hand right on the call button with 911 already typed in. Fabricating a pleased expression, Minho greets his best friend. “Hey there Jonghyun. How’s it going?”

                Jonghyun opened his mouth to speak but was halted by Jinki, who raised his hand to quiet him. “Jonghyun has told me that he doesn’t really want to talk to you right now. So may I have your name, date of birth, and relation to said person for my records?”

                Minho stared for as long as eleven seconds before nodding towards his shorter friend. “I’ll see you around, maybe.”



From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo

if you truly care about me and actually worry for my safety and place as your best friend you will call the principal for help bc im stuck


From: minhoo

To: jjong hyung

lol where r u


From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo

im beside jinki idk man hes been staying by my side ever since he became my “frneid”


From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo



From: minhoo

To: jjong hyung

lol dude whats goin on is he obsessed w you


From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo



From: minhoo

To: jjong hyung



From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo

Please refrain from texting Jonghyun any more private text messages because I /will/ find out. Thank you.


From: jjong hyung

To: minhoo

Wait I take that thank you back. You’re NOT thanked.


During P.E.

                Physical education was definitely not one of Jonghyun’s best subjects, and Jinki, of course, knew that, after spending months “watching over” the boy. So when Jonghyun was called up by the coach to run a mile around the track, Jinki was the first to jump up and sacrifice himself in order for his prince to be happy.

                Jonghyun had never let out a louder, more satisfying sigh than as he watched Jinki run away with lightning speed (he was probably going as fast as possible. He didn’t want his poor Jonghyun to be alone for even a minute).

                The shorter boy used his time wisely and ran all the way to the boys’ locker room, in hopes of seeing his best friend. Sure enough, he was standing there just slipping on a new shirt.

                Minho had just pulled his face from out of the darkness in his shirt through the neckhole, when the front of the shirt was grabbed by his best friend. The boy fell to his knees, letting out loud sobs as he gripped Minho tightly. “Dude, Minho, my friend. You have got to save me. He won’t let me breathe without his supervision!”

                Minho tried to casually nod to the other guys in the locker room changing, embarrassed at his friend’s actions. “Uh, Jonghyun, stand up,” he said, pulling the other up. He muttered, “You’re short enough as it is,”

                Jonghyun had no energy to glare at the snide remark and instead chose to cry into Minho’s shirt. The taller awkwardly patted the boy’s head, sighing at how desperate his tone was. I don’t know what to do bro. Sorry!

                The boy in his arms froze. Jonghyun pulled back with a loud gasp. “I have an idea! How about you-“


                “But you didn’t-“

                “I know what you’re going to say, but no.”

                “Come on Minho, just this once. I’ll owe you, I swear.”

                “…Hyung this is ridic- oh my god.”

                Minho inwardly groaned at the use of Jonghyun’s last resort. The shorter boy bit his lips and slightly shook the grip he had on Minho’s shirt. A sound, almost like that of a whine, came from his mouth. And to top it all off, he used the eyes.

                “ you, Kim Jonghyun.”

                “Hey, I’m older than you! Don’t you dare walk away from me!”

                Jonghyun was about to chase after him when he heard a sound from the locker room entrance. “Oh, Jonggie-ssi” That was his cue to run like hell.


The Next Day

                The whole school was scattered with gossip, spreading like wildfire. A cute boy would be joining them as students, and they were excited, because hey, who doesn’t like a new friend, especially if he’s cute.

                Jinki was walking and holding on to Jonghyun’s arm (“It felt like a death grip, I swear,”) and chatting with him about his parents, who lived in another city. Jonghyun had gotten used to Jinki’s relentless and obsessive tactics, to the point where he had stopped struggling and even contributed towards the conversation, although Jinki was still just as annoying as he was before.

                Minho, as it turns out, was able to withstand Jonghyun’s cutesy attempts to try to get Minho to pretend to be his boyfriend, and he happily chatted alongside Jinki and Jonghyun, as long as Jinki was between the two friends.

                The three were walking by the main office when Jinki stopped. His heartbeats froze and the breath was caught in his throat. Through the window, Jinki saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen. The two best friends turned towards what had stopped the oldest. It was the new student, or as his name tag said, “Lee Taemin”.

                Jinki whispered under his breath, “I have to know him,” and rushed off without a glance at the other two.

                Jonghyun and Minho’s jaws dropped at his sudden change in target. Then, while Minho laughed and patted Jonghyun’s back at his reinstalled freedom, Jonghyun had his hands on his hips, almost angrily staring off at Jinki. “Who does he think he is? He can’t just leave and ignore me completely! How dare he, why I oughta-“

                Minho dragged him down the hall, sighing at the stupidity that surrounded his every waking second.

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vicistar #1
Chapter 1: LOL XD
seri1412 #2
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha...Jinki! Seriously?!
LOL Jjong when he complaint Jinki leave him for Taemin ;)