Fate is Bull

Just leave it all up to Fate

He checked his wrist again. His red watch flashed 9:48 AM.

            “Just a little more.”

Taemin fixed his red hair tousled by the wind. He glanced on both sides of the playground. His legs dangled from the swing set he was sitting on and faced the east. The sun kissed his skin and absorbed the cool breeze he felt. He let his shoes slide on the white sand beneath him.

            The 1000 won was snuggled in his pocket. Taemin sighed softly as he felt the bill under the fabric of his pants. It was about time to give up. He stood up and brushed the dirt off his polo. What a waste, he thought. Taemin had dressed up for nothing. With another sigh, he felt his heart get heavier. So, fate was bull.

His watched beeped and caught the attention of everyone in the playground. Taemin’s hand quickly made its way to the snooze button of his watch but a kid not more than five years old fired at him with his water gun at full force.

            “It’s a bomb! It’s a BOMB! Kill it! Kill it!” The child screamed while pulling the trigger of his neon green gun and fired rays of water at his innocent victim. All Taemin could do was shield with his hands.

            “Hey, hey, stop it please. I’m not a bomb!”

            “It speaaaaaks!” The kid gaped with his toothless mouth. He ran and grabbed a bucket. Taemin hadn’t expected the next turn of events. With one full effort from the boy, Taemin was soaked down to his shoes. He just stood there feeling the cold air engulf him. The sun was no longer there to keep him warm and somehow disappeared beneath the thick clouds.

            “Yoogeun-ah! What have you done?!” An old lady came running to the kid with a struck expression on her aged face.

            “Look, grandma! I stopped the bomb!” He grinned wide.

            “Don’t do that ever again! This poor boy is wet, Yoogeun-ah. Say sorry!”

            “I’m sorry, mister!” Yoogeun said unconvincingly and ran off to play again.

            “I apologize for my grandson’s behavior.” The lady bowed and followed her grandson in case he starts havoc around the playground.

            That’s it? Sorry? They could at least give me some napkin. I knew it. It was a bad idea to go here in the first place!

            Taemin made his way, dripping wet through the streets. He went in the nearest boutique to buy a new set of clothes for him to wear. He can’t possibly go home wet. What on earth would Key say?

            “Excuse me, I’d take these please.” He placed a whole outfit on the counter. Taemin looked past his shoulders. A tall guy was eyeing him suspiciously. He shoved the idea off his head. His main priority now was to change his clothes, go home and never to speak of this foolish incident ever again.

            His hand reached for his wallet on his back pocket but another hand took it away too quickly. Taemin had a moment to sink everything in.


            He ran after the guy while yelling out.

            “Give me my wallet back! A robber! A thief!”

            Suddenly, his shoe got stuck in the cracked pavement and with a loud bang, Taemin tripped to the concrete floor. Nothing hurt. Really. His arms weren’t bruised or anything, nor was his knees. Somehow, Taemin couldn’t stop the tears from trickling down the side of his worn out face. He was tired, tired of believing and tired of everything. It was time to face the truth. Destiny is a myth. Fate is bull.

            A hand extending a white handkerchief appeared on his side.

            “A penny for your thoughts?”

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5ShiNingStars #1
WAH <3<br />
i just have to read it all over again<br />
this is so precious <3
saae #2
OMG this is too sweet!!!!!!!<br />
And that Hawaiian girl story is too adorable...!<br />
Finally they meet each other, WOAHH!!!!!!!<br />
I wonder what'll happen next, hehe...<br />
*maybe i'll leave it to my own imagination*<br />
But this is a very nice story, i love it!!! ~<33333333
OMGeeeeee~ So cute!!! They just met, end it already ends... urgh... TT^TT It's only the beginning.
I LOVED IT!!!! So beautiful!
Magnet5 #6
Yayyyy! The begining of...
Magnet5 #9
If in the next chapter they won't meet, I'm gonna get mad :D Even though I really like this story... Good job!