"Everything's Alright,"

"Everything's Alright,"


"Everything's Alright,"

02:19 - 02:22

My Lady - XOXO - EXO-M





            You are half asleep on the couch, with the lights out and the television softly playing in the background when the door clicks open.


            “Hey,” The lone figure stood at the door, luggage in hand and a tired expression plastered on his face. “Did I wake you?”


            You push yourself up from the couch. “Not really…” You rub your eyes to clear you mind. It’s probably sometime past two o’clock, and he is supposed to be on the plane back to Korea to prepare for their show…


            “What are you doing here, Kris?”


            Kris runs a hand through his newly dyed dark brown hair. “What, I come back and this is all you say?” He smiles bitterly and advances to where you are.


            “You’re supposed to be on a plane now.”


            He tries to pull you into an embrace, possibly leaving some more of those sweet kisses on your collar like those he left the night before, but you’re not giving in. Kris values his work very much, and it’s very unlike him to ditch it.


            You push him away with a harsh glare. “Don’t try to avoid the question, answer it.”


            “Answer what?” He tilts his head, pretending to be all-innocent.


            “I’m serious Kris. What are you doing here?”




            The television continues to play its endless commercials. Kris’s eyes shift from your face to the television. He seems to be fidgeting with whether he should tell you or not… But he did come to you hoping to crash at your place, and the two of you are dating after all…


            He turned back to you. “I’m not going back,”


            “… What do you mean you’re not going back?”


            Kris pulls something out of his pocket. It’s a business card written in Korean. “I’m suing them,” He explains briefly and hands you the card. “I’m going to try get my contact changed,”




            He tries to ignore your silence. “It’s the same attorney Han Geng used when he went for SM, so I thought I might have a chance against them,”




            “Babe? Say something?” Kris hates it when you’re just silent and don't say anything but it’s obvious that there is a hurricane hurling through your mind. His hand reaches your face and caresses it gently, as tenderly as he is bodily capable of.


            You flinch at his touch.


            “What the actual , Kris? Are you crazy?”


            Kris flinched at your choice of words. He knew you well; you didn’t usually use profanities, not even in bed, only when you were extremely mad. And the fact that you had used the Cantonese phrase for are you crazy was not helping his case either.


             You brought you hand to face palm yourself. “What are you thinking Kris? I know you’ve got a nickname for being galaxy, but this really is too out there. What if you fail, do you know how bad your career will be from then on?”


            “I know, but I think it’s worth a shot, don't you think?”


            It wasn’t the first time Kris mentioned something like this, but it really did shock you when he went about with it. Kris seemed like a mature, calm human being, but deep down he was a hot-tempered man who cannot stand being told what to do…


            “… You’re sure about this?” You really hope he has this planned out. Sometimes he worries the hell out of you.


            Kris nods and forcefully brings you into an embrace before you can protest anything. “Yeah, I know what I’m doing,”


            You let out a long sigh.


            Being inside Kris’ embrace was always something you enjoyed. He was much taller than you, and quite muscular, so it wasn’t really that comfortable, but his smell – one that smelt of sand wood and oceans was always so soothing, able to calm down all your nerves.


            Reaching up, you plant a small kiss by the corner of his mouth. Sometimes he worries you so much that you can’t even enjoy a small bit of peace with him. Galaxy huh, full of surprises and unknown.


            But that's the reason why you love him. So spontaneous, so strange, so… Kris. “Alright then,”


            Kris silently thanks you for not asking him anymore questions.


            “Trust me,” He says.


            “Everything’s alright.”


            And you wonder if he’s telling that to you or to himself. 









<3 Yoonah

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Kriiiis :(((((
Chapter 1: At the moment, I don't know what to feel or think... the only thing I can do is wait and watch... There are a lot of 'maybes' and no matter what we think, we can't do anything about it... It's perfect but it's making me sad...
Chapter 1: I am in tears~~ This issue is giving me all the worst ideas about EXO and I can't even write a single fluff scene about them anymore. :(