May 25th


This date always held so many memories for us, all so special and to celebrate each year. I never imagined how perfect my life could of turned out becauseof meeting him on that day all those may years back. he truly is my one true love, fate truly worked it's magic on us, we were destine to be together from the moment I laid eye's on the feline beauty.


Hello Lovelies <3

Just a little short drabble from me :3

It will be in Jonghyun's P.O.V and written like a diary entries :)

Of course it will be flufy glore ^.^

Comment and Subscribe lovelies <3



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Chapter 1: I loved this! You never disappoint me! ^^
Chapter 1: Yay another sweet fic from you.a sweet and adorable love story and you described the importance of dates and years so nicely.thier being together through everything and then jonghyun confessing such a nice way.confession and proposing was the best.jonghyun's nervousness was written well and the love he showed for kibum,it was so beautiful.overall such a sweet and cute,lovely story.enjoyed reading it,thanks for sharing and good luck for the nose piercing.
KissMeInspirit23 #3
Chapter 1: Love it. Nice and sweet story as always. ♥ Have fun getting your nose pierced! Lol^^