Heenim , WAIT A MINUTEEE !!!


Heechul's POV

Today , everyone knew about my enlistment in the army.

I really want to handle this quietly. I want to go quietly.

But , I know. If I go quietly , I will hurt my fans for sure. I will hurt their hearts.

Huhh , I can still remember last week. When I told my groupmates about my decision. Almost all of them burst out criying over it.

Especially Leeteuk. The best Leader. The best Hyung , eventhough only 10 days difference between our age. And lastly , of course my best friend. He's the one that always motivate me when i have problems to handle.

Eunhyuk too crying hard over me. Eventhough , we're actually not that close and awkward with each other before. But , we've been more close lately. Almost like how Donghae close to Eunhyuk. Maybe that's why he cried so hard. However , it was just almost. No one can be close to Eunhyuk like how Donghae did.

Talking about close friend. My close friend. Hangeng. My Hangeng. Huhhh.. God. I miss him like hell. Does he know about my enlistment ? How I wish I could meet him before i go.

I'm wondering if he feel the same way like me. Did he miss me too ?

I start to play a song called 'Memories' sung by us , Super Junior in my iPod. My sweet and bitter memories with him keep on running all over my mind. This song really fits my situation so well.

Tears starting to form in my eyes.

We were in love, weren’t we?
All those days we spent together
We shared our pain, didn’t we?
Even when we didn’t know what was wrong

Where are you now?
Don’t you hear my voice?
My aching heart searches for you
It calls out for you, it’s going crazy

My heart, my tears, again the memory of you
Drop by drop they fall onto my chest
I cry and cry, and with these memories that won’t be erased
Today my empty heart is drenched again

We liked each other, didn’t we?
I used to make you laugh just by smiling
We cried together, didn’t we?
You would hurt too when you saw my tears

Where are you now?
Don’t you see how exhausted I am?
My aching heart searches for you
It calls out for you, it’s going crazy 

Won’t you come back to me?
Every day I call out your name
As I wait, exhausted, I wander and look for you 



8 days later.

Tomorrow will be my enlistment day. Aishhh ! So damn sad ! I feel sorry to my groupmates for leaving them in the middle of promoting our 5th album , 'Mr.Simple'. But , what can i do ? I can't turn back time and cancel this enlistment.

All my groupmates will not accompanying me tomorrow.. SMENT didn't allow them because their schedule is tight for tomorrow. It will be great if they could accompany me. But , what can i do ?

Uhh , Hangeng. I wonder if he already knew about my enlistment or not.

Hmm , he haven't call me for a long time , now. Should I just call him ? To ask for his condition ? To tell him about my enlistment ? If he still didn't know. Should I ?

Aishhh , why i'm being so nervous ? Only imagining me talking to him on the phone already make my heart beating so fastly.

Relax , Heechul.. Just relax.. Okayy.. Call him NOW !

I dialed his number.. It's already 8 in the evening. I'm wondering what is he doing right now.

" Hello ?, " OMO ! He answered ! His voice.. I really miss this voice !

"Ohh , Hangeng-sshi. Thi-this is me. Chullie hyung. " I replied stuttered a bit.

" Of course I know it's you , hyung. Why did you call me ? " He asked.

" Emm , i just want to ask for your condition. How are you doing ? Where are you right now ? Are you busy ? " I asked so many question.

" I'm fine , hyung. I'm in the middle of shooting right now. I'm kind of busy. But , it's okay. I'm actually taking a break for a while then , you suddenly call me. " He answered. Of course he's busy , you stupid. He became popular as a solo artist now.

" How about you , hyung ? Are you sure you just want to ask for my condition ? Nothing else ? " He asked curiously. Arghh ! What should I say ? Should I just tell him ? Hmm , he doesn't seem to know about my enlistment yet.

" I'm fine too. Actually I want to tell you something if you still didn't know. I'm going to enlist in millitary on the 1st of September. You seems like still didn't know about this , don't you ? " I asked him. I'm kind of disappointed because it seems like he still didn't know and that proves that he don't really care about me.

End of POV

Hangeng's POV

WHAAAATTT ? Is he kidding me ? Or did i heard wrong ? He's going to ENLIST IN MILLITARY ? Plus , on 1st of September ?! That will be tomorrow ! Only less than 24 hours left ! I don't believe thiss !

" Mworagu ? You're going to enlist in military , TOMORROW ? Oh , hyung. Stop it. I know you're kidding me right ? " I said chuckled a bit.

" I'm not kidding , Hangeng ! I know I'm kind of person that loves to fool around. But , this time I'm being serious , okay ! I'm not going to joking about something that important like this. " Heechul replied a little bit of angry , i guess. But , don't blame me. I'm still in disbelief okay ! It's just too sudden !

" Okay , okay.. I believe you. Sorry , hyung. I'm just in shock. Why so sudden ? Why you didn't you tell me sooner ? I have a tight schedule tomorrow. " Why , Heechul ?  If i knew sooner , maybe I already there , spending my time with you.

" I thought you already knew ! I'm Kim Heechul , man ! This news absolutely already spreading all over the internet and tv ! How can you still don't know about this ? You really didn't care about me anymore , huh ?" Heechul questioning me. I can hear him sobbing a bit through the line.

" I'm sorry , hyung. So so sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. Of course I care for you. But , please understand me. I've been very busy lately. I don't have time to surf the internet and watch tv like I used to." I explained everything to him.

"tsk..tskk.." I heard heechul sobbing.

Teeet-teet-teeet... It's the only thing that I could hear after that. He hang up.

I really want to call him again. But , due to my work. I don't have time to call him again. 

Huuhhh... Heechul , please believe me. I'm begging you. 

End of POV

Heechul's POV

Don't lie to me , Hangeng. Don't fool me. It's been a week the news about my enlistment had spreading all over the world. Busy ? It can't be that bad. I don't believe you , Hangeng. Why don't you just tell me that you really didn't care about me anymore ? Is it that hard ?

You have broke my heart , Hangeng. Broke it into pieces.

I just can't control my heart. I can't hold back my tears. I burst out crying hardly for hours that night. I'm crying over him.

Just end it ! I will never call you again ! Never again !


1st of September

" Thanks ELFs for coming all the way from all over the world just to greet me. " I said after bowing to them all.

" Thanks ELFs for supporting and protecting Super Junior and me since our debut time until now. Until I'm enlisting in millitary. Without you guys , there will be no Super Junior. Without Petals , there will be no Cinderella , Kim Heechul. " I said gratefully. Without them , we , Super Junior , will never achieve this kind of achievement.

" You guys don't have to wait for me. Just go on with your life. I know it will be tiring if you wait for me. It's 2 YEARS ! " Tears starting to form in my eyes a bit.

" We will still wait for you ! Don't worry , Heenimmm !! " an ELF shouted at me. I can see tears fells from her eyes. I feel a bit sorry. They all cried because of me.

" I'm so sorry , guys. You have wasted your tears , because of me. " I said looking the ground.

" Gwaenchanayo , Heenim !! I said , you don't have to worry ! We cried because we love you !!! " That ELF shouted again. It gave me a spirit.

" Thank you , ELFs. You guys always know how to make me more cheerful. " I said grinning a bit.

" Okay , guys , time's up. I guess I have to go now. See you 2 years from now ! I will come back as an adult ! " I shouted while forming my step to the entrance. Leaving ELFs.

" SARANGHAEYO KIM HEECHUL ! GIDARILKE KIM HEECHUL !! " ELFs started to chanting together.

I just smile while waving to them , leaving them. Huhh , thanks , ELFs..

It will be great if Hangeng was here. If I could meet him just one more time.

Aishhh !! Shut it , Kim Heechul ! He will never be here. HE'S TOO BUSY WITH HIS WORK.

Goodbye , Hangeng... We will meet after 2 years...

" Heenim , WAIT A MINUTEEEE !!! " I heard a voice calling for me as I almost reach the entrance.

Huhh ? I think I recognize that voice. That voice belongs to.... HANGENG ??!!

Then , I felt someone hugging me from behind. Those hands.. It's HANGENG'S !!

" Wait a minute , Heenim.. I came.. I came all the way from China to meet you. To prove that I really care for you. And to prove that I STILL LOVE YOU. Nothing had changed. I'm still the old Hangeng. My feelings towards you , STILL THE SAME. Please , stay for a minute.. "

Am I dreaming ? Hangeng flew all the way from China just to meet me ? Please don't tell me that this is just a dream. Please let us stay like this forever.

Hangeng turn me around facing him. I could see his eyes teary. He did care for me. He did miss me. He did LOVE me. My eyes starting to form with tears too.. I can't hold back my tears anymore.. I'm too happy. Happy because he felt the same way as I did.

" Heenim , can you forgive me ? " he asked after a while we looked into each other's eyes.

" Yes , of course I forgive you , Hangeng-sshi. I'm sorry too , Hangeng. I'm just being too emotion yesterday. " I asked for forgiveness too..

" No , it's not your fault. You don't have to feel sorry. " He said , smiling at me. I just love that smile.

" Okay. Oh , anyway. How did you get here ? Don't you said that you're too busy with your shooting this whole week ? " I said curiously.

" I just canceled all my schedule for today. How can I leave my Cinderella just like that ? " He said. I felt so moved.

" Thanks , Hangeng.. For all that you've done for me. Thank you so , so , so much.. " I thanked him again.. There's no word that can describe how I feel right now.

" You're welcome , Heenim. " He welcomed.

" I guess I have to go now.. " I broke the silence between us after staring through each other's eyes again.

" Okay , Hyung. I wish you a good luck ! Be a strong man , okayy !! " He shouted trying to cheering me.

" Of course I will ! " I shouted cheerfully. Trying to hide my sadness.

Hangeng suddenly pull me into his embrace. Hugging me.

" I will wait for you , Heenim. " He whispered to my ears.

" I promise that I will be here next 2 years. When you will be out. I promise."  he promised me. Makes me more moved by his word.

" Okay , I keep that promise. Hmm ,  I'll get going now. Goodbye , Hangeng. " I said while releasing myself from his embrace.

" Okay , bye , my Cinderella " He said.

Then , I star to forming my step to the entrance once again , still eyeing on him. He too , his eyes never leaves me.

I'm entering the millitary with a new goal. I will do my best here to be more mature. So I could make my Hangeng proud of me.


HUHHHHHH !!! Finally finished ! So damn tired ! And proud of myself XP hehehe.. Now I know how hard it is writing fanfic. Btw , I know this fanfic is boring and many grammar mistakes in here. So , please forgive me. Please tell me your opinion toward this fanfic. I know I'm lacking in many things since this is my first fanfic. Once again , please forgive me , okay ? ;D

NEXT FANFIC : I'm going to write a sequel to this. Just wait and see , OKAYY ;D

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know what i actually cried that time when heechul goes to army huhu because i'm a certified petal and forever will be
blastoise #2
miss hanchul
110 streak #3
Omo! I'm missing HanChul a lot :(((( this is a nice fic! I hope it really happened :) I'll wait for the sequel :)
ffsaddict001 #4
What a sad fanfiction.Heechul had to leave them all.<br />
But i love this oneshot.Hope that you would make the sequel
so taouching!!! i loved it...
so sad
I like it you should write a sequel to it
update soon, love it