( Chapter 3 )

The Foreign Brothers

Kevin's POV 

I was about to do something but someone had tapped me on my shoulder, I turn around and saw that it was Yoohwan. 

" You need anything ? " I asked him, he started to look at my varsity, " are you on the football team? " he asked me and I nodded my head, I was gonna turn back to Minh, but he kept starting a conversation. " Hey is there tryouts for the team ? " I was suprised that he actually wanted to try out for the team, since he didn't seem to look like a guy who does sports. " Ya theres one today, come after school " he smiled and turned his head around. I turn back to Minh and she was already concentrating on the black board, I look over at Jongsuk and he was looking down at a book, I noticed that it was a notebook or some sort of diary. I wonder what he is doing in the book right now, but I just went back to concentrating on the class. I was nearly about to fall asleep, but the bell rang and everybody stood up from their seats. I was lying down my head on the desk and someone kissed me on my forehead. I quickly stood up and was about to hit the person then noticed it was Minh. 

"you don't like it ..fine then Hmph!" Minh then walked away from me, I quickly rushed over to her and linked my arms with hers in the hallwya as we walk to our next class, I was lucky enough to have Minh in all of my classes, she is the only reason I would like to come to school. I kiss her on the cheek and she starts to turn red, "I'm sorry" I said as I tried aegyo on her. She then hit me on the head and ran to class. That girl .. 


Jongsuk's POV 

So I just moved from Korea with my older brother Yoohwan, he is 5 months older than me. Me and Yoohwan came to live with our aunt and uncle, but they just recently left to go back to Korea for a business reason . So for now we are living alone, well me and my brother head to school, and as soon as we enter everybody was staring at us. I'm not the type of guy that likes to talk and bring attention, so I got a little frightened, my brother grabbed my arm and looked at me.

" It's ok, I'm here for you " he said and smiled, I just listened to him and continued to walk with him into the office, as I walked in two girls came from behind. One girl had beautiful long black hair and the other girl had wavy red hair, I've never seen a girl with red hair in my whole life. My brother was talking to the principal, and then the girl turned around. My stomach started to get this weird feeling inside, it didn't hurt but it was a weird feeling. The girl then was walking over to us slowly, and then the next thing was that she was giving me and my brother a tour around the school, she was Korean apparently, she didn't seem to really look like an Korean. 

She looked beautiful, like an angel sent from heaven to come meet me, I know thats super cheesy but that is how I'm feeling. She had the cute eyes, bright skin, beautiful hair, and the plumpled lips. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she was giving us a tour around the school, but I kept quiet and distant as she was talking to my brother. They seemed to already get along with eachother, she would try to talk to me but I would slowly try to get out of the conversation. Lets just say that it is very hard for me to get close to people and I'm very distant. 

She then finally brought us to our very first class, me and my brother just stood outside not sure what to do, she then waved her hand telling us to come in. It just seemed embarassing, everybody was looking at me and my brother, so I tried to hide from the side. Everybody then started to laugh at my brother, I was about to yell but someone had already beat me to it, it was a boy in the back row, I noticed that before he was waving at Minh. 

The teacher had seated me beside Minh and Yoohwan beside that guy, I look over and the guy was making kissy faces at Minh, it was too good to be true, Minh already had a boyfriend  plus she seems to hate me, I can tell by the look of her eyes... 


" Little bro what's wrong ? " My brother looked down at me and asked, he had a worried look in his eyes, I didn't want him to be involved in my trouble, so I just lied to him and told him that it was nothing. 

" I know you are lying, your my little brother, and I can tell if something is wrong " he crossed his arms and looked at me, I looked down back at my desk, and then stood up. " where do you think you are going ? " he asked me , " to our next class we are gonna be late " his eyes widened and rushed out of the class. I follow him from behind, I just went to see where Minh was , since me and my brother are in every class with her.


Yoohwan's POV 

Well school has been good so far, I guess. This place isn't that bad, but the thing is that all the girls are still the same here, they be always follwing or looking at us like 24/7 and non-stop. It gets so annoying plus I feel bad for my brother, he seems so lonely all the time and it's hard for him to trust people, ever since that situation happened. I would always stick and stay with my brother , plus we would always would be toghether, and do things brothers do for eachother. 

The class just had ended and my brother stayed in his seat, not moving from his spot. I walk over to him to see what was wrong, he replied to me that it was nothing, but I know him and I know when things are up, and this does not look like nothing. He stood up from his seat not answering my question I asked, he reminded me that we still have like 1 period left, so I quickly rushed out of the room to our next class.

As I was fast walking through the halls, I stopped and noticed that Kevin and Minh were holding hands in the hallway, and my brother was just watching them from behind. Ahhhh now I know what the problem is, thats so cute, my brother is in love but Minh is already in a relationship. 

My brother has got to step up if he wants Minh to notice him, and what I have seen so far by talking to Minh, is that she is a total oppsite to Jongsuk, plus I heard that she doesn't like people like Jongsuk. Well I gotta keep that infromation away from him or he will probably more heartbroken. 


Me and my brother were seated beside the exact two people again, since I'm sitting beside Kevin might as well get some information about his relationship with Minh. But is it just weird I'm asking now when I had just met the two, also he will end up thinking that I like Minh, and a huge rumor will come up and my brother ends up hating me. 

Nahh I will just wait maybe a bit later since I just came, and I will see how much he still likes her and then start doing something about it. 



Nobodys POV 


So all their classes were done and over and every student heads to the cafeteria for lunch and break time. Minh would head to her locker and Kevin would already standing in front of their waiting for her, Jongsuk and Yoohwan were on the side just watching the two acting all lovey dovey, and  Jongsuk would always try to turn around and ignore the situation. Yoohwan quickly grabbed Jongsuk away to the caferteria as the two were going in to kiss. The two hesitate as they saw the two rushing to the cafeteria, Minh lightly pushes Kevin away and reminded him that she had to watch over the two brothers, his expression drops right away as soon as he heard the names of the two brothers come out of Minh's mouth. 

" Do you have two ? " Kevin said in his aegyo voice, Minh hit him in the head 

" yes I do, and plus stop using aegyo it does not work on moi " Minh joked and walked over to find the two brothers



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Chapter 34: Great story=') sniff....^^ so sad!!! Ü maybe do a little story about what happened next? Idk^^ <3
Believeitornot007 #2
Chapter 35: Well that was an emotional roller coaster :') Great story!! <3
keziahlee #3
Chapter 1: Like the story from the start haha
mk8346 #4
Chapter 35: awwww love u too ~(^_^~)
mk8346 #5
author nim you made me cry~~~~~~ :(
Giorginaomana #6
Chapter 5: I love it, update sooooooooon~