
Just One Childish Fight

 Water droplets started to form and splatters onto the ground. Not long after, the sky started to bawl itself out. Sunny grabbed onto the side of the door and worriedly looks out.




It was twelve at night. He hasn't came home. 


The television was off. The lights were dim. The house was quiet, she's the only one at home. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the falling droplets of water. 


She tried to dial his number, but the only person who picked up was the telephone operator.


Making up her mind, she steps out of the house and puts on her shoes, followed by the blue rainboots lying at the side of the shoe cupboard. She took out the pink umbrella with flowers designed on it.


Despite the several nags from him not to go out of the house when it rains, she had to this time. She had to find him.


Just as she was about to step into the rain, the front gate opened and Taecyeon runs in, all drenched. "Where were you? I was about to go out and look for you!" She worriedly asked. He ignored her and enters the house.


"Hey.." Her voice died down as she remembers the recent fight they had. Keeping the umbrella and going back in, she moves to the kitchen, getting a towel.


He suddenly felt a slap from the back of his head by a towel. He turns around and picks it up, drying up himself while she walks out of the room.


"Where are you sleeping tonight?" He blurts out.


"Guest room!" She turns around with sparkly eyes and excitedly answers, will he finally talk to her?


"Take this room," He offered and grabs his things. "I'll take the guest room tonight," He walks out.


She sadly pouts and enters the room. 


Taecyeon, on the other side was cursing himself. Silly guy, what was he doing? He knocked his head and lies down, he wanted to go to her and apologize immediately, but his pride wouldn't allow him to do so.


Afterall, she was the one who sent his plushie to the laundry! After millions of reminders not to clean that OKcat plushie, she still daringly sent it to the laundry. He decided, he'll not talk to her for the rest of the week but care for her secretly.


Making sure that the door is locked, Sunny grabs her handbag and slumps onto her bed. She sniffs the 'smell' of her husband cutely. 


She pulls out a black-and-white photo and kept staring at it. "Your appa is angry with me..." She mumbles and keeps it. What could she do to stop him from being angry?


She knocked her head. No, what was she thinking? His darn plushie is stinking, of course she had to wash it. 


Sunny decided to call it a day and sleep. She's dead tired for no reasons, and didn't even bothered to take a bath or even brush her teeth. Her mother will scream at her if she found out that she was being lazy again.


Taecyeon would do that too, she thought. An idea came to her mind as she sat up. She'd make him worried and he'll eventually talk!


The corner of her lips form into a smirk. That'll do it, he'd obviously be worried!



Checking the time (8:00pm), she made sure the living room lights were on and her room is in a mess. She quickly grabs her handbag and heads out, not locking the door as she knew that her husband would return home in another few minutes unless something big happens, which is occasional.


She was right, a few minutes later, Taecyeon came home, surprised to find that the door wasn't locked. He drops his bag, searched high and low for his wife and kept calling for her. He took out his phone and dialed her mother's number.


Her mother told him that she wasn't at her place either, which caused him to get into panic mood. Where could she be?


Thunder starts to roar again and the sky started to cry like the previous night. God, why? What if she was out and couldn't return home?


He quickly ran out and locked the front door, forgetting his umbrella and everything else and went to all the possible places he could think she might be at. The nearby park she goes to when she's bored, the little cafe which she enjoys taking a break at, and even the rooftop of his old house where he proposed to her.


She's not at either of these places. Should he make a police report? What if... she was kidnapped?! A thousand thoughts rushed through his mind. He then questioned everyone he saw if they had seen a 'short girl with shoulder-length brown hair and a pink-coloured handbag', which all of them replied with a 'no'.


He looked at his (waterproof) wrist watch, 12am. It's late and he's all drenched like the day before. Groaning in annoyance, he decided to go to Sunny's mother's house which was quite near to his current location.


He was greeted by a more-than-normally-surprised mum. She immediately got a towel for him and wrapped it around him.


"Did you see Sunny?" He asked as he dries his hair with the towel.


She shook her head as Taecyeon gave her a suspicious look. She shrugged and tries to hint something. "At her room?" He asked. Mrs Lee made a 'shhh' gesture, telling him not to talk to loud. He lowered his voice. "When?"


"Two hours ago. She told me not to tell anybody." She whispered.


Taecyeon, who got slightly angry but relieved that he found his wife, stood up and heads to her room, only to find her fast asleep on her bed comfortably. Seeing her sleeping face, his anger extinguishes. 


After he took a bath, he gently climbs onto her bed and backhugs her, which apparently woke her up from her dreamland. "Why are you here?"


"I was looking for you for the whole night." He mumbled, snuggled in her hair. "Why didn't you tell me," He yawns. "That you were here?"


"You wouldn't talk to me. So i guess making you worried would make you speak"


That got him awake. Snap, he forgot that he said he wouldn't talk to her for the rest of the week.


"You're not telling me that you're gonna ignore me again!" Sunny said, "I've been talking to myself for the past few days!"


"I wouldn't, but don't lie, Soonkyu. You talk to 'it' too." He hugs her again and gently places his hands on her tummy. "How has it been?"


"Bad, without you. Hmph." She pushes his hands away. "Who would be happy if their daddy is ignoring her mummy and wouldn't talk to him or her because he was angry?"


"Hey, it's not my fault! You were the one who sent my precious baby to the laundry!"


Sunny turned around to face him, "It was stinking like the sewer, how could you expect me to be trapped in a room with a thing smelling like a sewer?"


"Okay, lets stop this before we get into another fight," He said, admitting defeat because he did not want another childish fight. "Let me cuddle you to sleep, please?"


Sunny chuckles and allows him to backhug her again as she turns back to her original position. "What should we name our child?" She suddenly asks.


"You decide" Taecyeon replied. "How about, if it's a girl, i'll decide the name, and if it's a boy, you decide it?" She suggests. 


"I'll probably name him 'TaecSoon' if he's a boy"


"It sounds like a girl's name though," Sunny comments. 


"So, if it's a girl or a boy, we'll still name it Taecsoon, right?"


"Probably," Sunny smiles. "Goodnight, oppa."


"Goodnight, honey,"

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ayrie08 #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha this is so cute~ ^_^
Chapter 1: so lovely.. ^0^
Lisasa #3
Chapter 1: Taecsun^^ so cute
SungHaJoon #4
Chapter 1: Omg,this was sweet ; n ; )/
Thanks author !