Office Warfare


War declarations and fiery battles, but what's really going on behind the scenes? As Sun Tzu said, all warfare is based on deception.


Happy Birthday Sunny fic! Because she's the most awesome sunshine <3


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taejellybean #1
Chapter 1: this was funny indeed :) can't believe I have stumbled upon it only now, but still glad that I did! :) the fake war to identify spies (or spy) :D but omg poor Jessica's secretary, that girl certainly couldn't get a break with those two :D
Chapter 1: Definitely liked the build up and story. Fun read. Sunsica is amazingly hot.
Chapter 1: Hur hur *smirk* Didn't know SunSica can make sucha great and comedy pair! Thumbs up for the story, Author :D Update soon~~
Chapter 1: Lmao this was a great read. Sica's txt msgs weren't what I expected especially when she said, "oooh ~" cuz Sunny was telling her to go into her office before she spanked her pahaha xD! Loved how Sunny seemed smitten cuz of how detailed she explained Sica's 2part personality, very cute.

Thanks for posting this. Would love to see if Soonkyu won the war to become CEO :3.
Chapter 1: share more please
Chapter 1: Lol~~ Daebak!! This is so cute and funny and hawt~~ Dayuumm~~
connie56 #7
Chapter 1: This is so awesome ^^
A y comedy heheh
SunSica <3