EXO Kyungsoo

Ways To Punish a Teenaged Daughter (or son)

Hye Mi's POV

My name is Park, Hye Mi and I work as a waitress in my family's restaurant as a waitress since a week ago because... I forgot about a very important business dinner that the whole family was supposed to be present for.

But, it wasn't really my fault. My mind was on other things. I had been at school all day so my head was full of information and it was easy to forget aomething.



Day of the incedent

It was after school and I was heading home because I had a feeling that I had to be somewhere today (I just couldn't remember what). 

"Yah, Hye Mi," one of my classmates, a girl called Hana, called to me across the courtyard, "The video store downtown is having a promotion for "Cart". Would you like to come with me?"

I puffed out my cheeks considering her offer. 

"Ah, Hye Mi you're so cute. Come on, the prize is tickets to the premier."

So I went and I got home late. My father was furious.


So now I'm waiting tables trying to earn back my ticket to the premier.

Today in the restaurant everyone is really nervous for some reason.


Kyungsoo's POV

The car pulled up to the restaurant. This had better be good.

It was sometimes hard to tell what was more tiresome; Filming or promotion.

His agent, who rode in the car with him to the restaurant looked at him and sympathetically said, "Just a little while longer, the premier is in three weeks and then you'll be done for a while at least.

I turned to him with a less than thrilled expession on my face, "What about this restaurant that they've sent me to? Is the food they serve even decent?"

"They have gotten good reviews recently, I'm sure you'll find something you like on their menu." He got out of the car and ran to open my door for me. 

The hostess at her podium bowed low to the floor, "Welcome. Please follow me to your table." She turned and led us to an empty section and stood by our table as we seated ourselves.

I pusshed The menus she offered away, "We will take one of everything." I didn't mean to look so serious, sometimes it just happens.

Hye Mi's POV

"What? He wants one of everything?" My hazel eyes must have been wide because the hostess patted me on the head.

"You'll be fine Hye Mi-ah. Tell the chef at the kitchen and take it slow." with that she left and I went to the kitchen hoping my older brother and the staff could handle this order.


As I wheeled the cart of appetizers into the empty section I put on a winning smile and bowed in greeting.

"Hello, I'm Hye Mi, your server today. I hope you don't mind that we serve this meal in courses." I started placing the plates on the table. When the Table was laden with food I looked around at the dining party, shocked by who was there.

I bowed again and turned to leave when a familiar voice said, " The server is cute. Let's hope the food is good."

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Chapter 3: AWW, this is cute. I didn't know what to expect as the title of the shop was 'Ways to punish a teenage daughter (or son)' and i was hoping that it WASN'T going to be . It was really sweet tho, keep up the good work!!
Chapter 1: Group: Kyungsoo from exo

OC: Hyemi

OC Information: long brown curly hair, hazel eyes and has a cute personality

General Scenario: i'm not sure, surprise me ;)

Hey, i changed my mind (I'm glad to be the first request too :D)