Fruit... Food... Fight!!!

Accidentally In Love? Or Not...

One day after breakfast, Dae Na was reading a book in the balcony of Iseul’s room. It was relaxing for her, as she hasn’t met Yunho that day. Well, she hoped that it would last for the whole day. Just then, Iseul entered the room. “Dae Na-yah, I’m going to buy some groceries. Do you want to come?” Iseul asked as she grabbed her purse.

“Sure. What’s it for?” she asked as she put down the book. Iseul immediately yanked her downstairs.

“You know Changmin oppa is a monster eater. His stomach is like a black hole. He eats all the time.” She chuckled while walking down the stairs.

“Uh huh? But why does it seems like someone is coming over?” Dae Na asked curiously as she glanced at Iseul who gave a sheepish grin.

“Urm… well, Yunho oppa’s parents are away so he’ll be staying with us for a while. Omma wanted to make sure we have enough food for all of us.” She explained once they were in the living room.

“WHAT?! He’ll be staying here? With us?” Dae Na yelped which echoed throughout the living room and into the kitchen.

“Yes, just for a while. Well, he always stays here when his parents are away.” Changmin popped out from the kitchen with a plate of chocolate cake in his hand.

“Oppa! That’s the dessert for tonight! Put it back in the fridge!” Iseul whined and snatched the plate from his hands before he could take a bite out of it.

“Aish Iseul-ah, you’re acting like omma.” Changmin pouted, begging her for the cake.

“I will never fall for that!” she shook her head and glared at him.

“Having him living next door to us is annoying enough, now he’s going to stay under the same roof with us?!” Dae Na complained as she plopped herself on the couch.

“I don’t get why do you hate him so much. Yunho oppa is the nicest guy I’ve ever met. Way nicer than Changmin oppa.” Iseul whispered a compliment.

“Yah! Shim Iseul! I heard that!” Changmin yelled while smacking his sister’s head.

“Ouch! Oppa, it hurts!” she grumbled while rubbing her head. Dae Na chuckled at the sight before her, it made her thought of Yoochun, Junsu and her family. She and Yoochun always bicker like this. She has never called since she left the house. *I wonder how are they doing right now…* she thought. She enjoyed her stay at the village, aside from arguing with Yunho that is.

“Dae Na-yah, are you okay?” Changmin asked as soon as he realized her silence.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that I miss Yoochun oppa, my parents and my friends. That’s all.” She said looking down at her feet. Iseul exchanged looks with Changmin as he smiled understandingly.

“We’re your family too. There’s Changmin oppa, me, my parents and Yunho oppa.” Iseul comforted her with a hug.

“Thanks a lot. I really appreciate all that, minus Yunho.” She hugged her back.

"Aww~ group hug!” Changmin exclaimed and wrapped his arms around them.

 [You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.]
-Sam Keen-


“We need to buy some fruits too.” Iseul checked the list her mother gave her as Dae Na nodded. They head off to the fruits and vegetables market near the grocery store. Everyone in the village greeted Dae Na with a warm smile, as she was a guest in the village. She was starting to be very comfortable living there.

They passed on old woman selling fresh flowers and greeted her. She gave a smile and called out to Dae Na. “My dear, what is your name?”

“It’s Dae Na ma’am. Park Dae Na.” she smiled as the woman nodded.

“Mind telling me why does your eyes seemed sad?” the woman asked and caressed Dae Na’s cheek. Dae Na stared at her foot and bit her lip at her question. She really didn’t want to talk about it. “Seems to me you have lost someone you loved dearly.” She guessed, gazing deep into her eyes. She picked out a white rose from her flowers and handed it to her. “For you my dear, stay strong. Someone is here to heal your broken heart and I’m sure the person you loved wants you to be happy.” She comforted as Dae Na smiled and bowed to her before following Iseul.

Unfortunately, Iseul was nowhere in sight. She has gone somewhere while Dae Na was occupied at the old woman’s flower booth. She wandered around, eyes darting everywhere while trying to look for her friend. She accidentally bumped into a tall and hard figure and fell on her bottom. “Ouch! Ow…” she whined and rubbed her sore bottom.

“Omo, I’m sorry miss,” a man asked as he held out his hand to her. She took his outstretched arm and hoisted herself upwards. “I’m sorry again. Are you okay?” he asked in concern while Dae Na lifted her head to look at his face.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied before she got a perfect view of his face. Both pairs of eyes went wide in shock to see each other. They were staring into each other’s eyes as their gazes went deeper by the second. They both realized that they were still holding each other’s hands as Dae Na pulled her hand away quickly.

Yunho rubbed the back of his neck as he coughed. “Urm… what are you doing here?” he asked, with a passive tone of voice. He then realized that Dae Na was holding a white rose in her right hand as he stared back and forth at the flower and her eyes. *Why is it so similar? She reminds me a lot of her… especially her eyes…* Yunho wondered in his own thoughts.

“You don’t own this village. I can go anywhere I like!” Dae Na exclaimed as she stared at him weirdly. She left him standing there, dumbfounded as she grumbled on how annoying he can be.

“Yah! What did you just say?” Yunho turned around and pointed at her. Unfortunately, it was a bad move for him as he was unconsciously holding a tomato at that time. He accidentally threw the tomato which landed splat on Dae Na’s shirt.

“Hey! What was that for?!” she yelped as she grabbed the nearest thing to her and threw it at him. The thing landed exactly on Yunho’s forehead with a splat. He wiped off the sticky vegetable of his face and grabbed another fruit to throw at her. Before they knew it, a lot of vegetables and fruits were sacrificed as the food fight between Yunho and Dae Na began.

There was chaos at the market as people were either cheering for the both of them or saving their vegetables from being sacrificed. The havoc caught Iseul’s attention who had agape at the sight before her. “Oh My God, what’s going on?!” Changmin who appeared out of nowhere exclaimed while pointing towards the two.

“We must stop them oppa!” Iseul ordered as she charged towards Dae Na while Changmin towards Yunho to end their fight. They managed to stop as Dae na was about to throw half of a watermelon to Yunho who had a huge pumpkin in his hands, ready to throw them at her anytime.


another update~! i'm getting excited to write more on this story~! haha XD please do enjoy this fic!

it could be considered as my first full length romantic fic~ support!

comments please~^^ i really appreciate you all to tell me what you think of my updates^^*

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kpop4u #1
blackangel #2
oh my jae...i was reading like a super crazy fan,,,i was so anticipated what happened next but when i scroll down,...what the hell...."PREVIOUS"...aaaawww,,,please updated i so love the story....
I'm enjoying the story so far
Will be waiting for the next update :)
blue_oiseau #4
When will you update??! i loves this!
omgosh!!!..keep updating!!! of the best fanfic I've read!!
omg.... this fic is actually one shot, isn't it?? I didn't remember you telling me that you made a long version of it..?? hahahhaha, did I forget it?? xP<br />
anyways.... this is GREAT!! xD<br />
I'll catch up with the story.. hehehhe <br />
wait for me, dongsaeng!! hahahahahahahahhahahaha!! *I got too excited* >////<
LOL why did she have to cross out 'love'? XD<br />
Just follow your heart and accept Yunho! XP<br />
Please update soon!
Awww I hope that Dae Na now could to give a chance to Yunho^^<br />
Please update soon again^^
Aww..Yunho is sick bcoz of Dae Na. But she make it up by tending him as best she could.<br />
Really? Yunnie bear..totally suits him.<br />
@mariangel:yes~ poor Yunho. it's a big misunderstanding. but she has her reasons. thnx for supporting this and my new fic! updated!<br />
@missel:she really needs that XD poor Yunnie bear~ LOl i call him that too! the name suits him right? LOL updated!<br />
@valley: upadted! thnx for reading!<br />
@YunhoRulz:yup he looks so cute in that right? XD yup, hopefully it will end soon. updated! they'll be a resolution a somehow~<br />
@yncassie: that's ok. exam is more important^^* hopefully he'll find out the truth soon. updated!