Hide Away Part 1

The Quiet Ones

Hello my lovely peeps! XD I'll try to update once every week from now on since testing is almost over~ thank you for reading (and possibly subscribing) anyways! XD so here's the first part of the chapter~ enjoy


"Oppa, do we really have to leave Busan?" Jaemi quietly asked in her soft-spoken voice as she sadly watched her older twin brother pack up the last of their things into a big cardboard box.

"Meimei, you know that it can't be helped... Besides, we have to take the kiddos with us anyways..." Her older brother chuckled. 

"Why can't Leader just make peace with them?" She spoke in her fluent Chinese tongue. She then carried a few boxes of clothes, placing them by the door.

"Baobei, you know what they did. They can't be forgiven nor trusted."

"But Gege*-"

"Your brother is right Zhu-zhu*.  I don't think we could ever make peace with those mutts."A deep gentle, but authoritative voice stated as they looked at the tall figure leaning on their door way.

Quickly bowing and showing their necks in respect, the twins faced their leader.

Sighing, the maroon locks on his head shined under the sun as he put his hood down respectfully. "Jaemi-ah, how many times do I have to tell you to not do that? You're practically an alpha already Zhu-zhu." He ruffled the small girl's hair in which made her scowl out of dislike.

"Oppa, you're still the alpha. And as for the other pack, I think that you should give them a chance." She muttered as she ran a hand through her hair to fix it.

"It's amazing how you can still see the light in people, despite all they had done to try and harm you after all Zhu-zhu. That's one of the traits that will make you well-respected and a great alpha in the future. I admire you for that." He honestly complimented the small girl and smiled softly.

Feeling her inner wolf get excited with the compliments that her leader showered her in, she flushed with embarrassment and childish pleasure as she hugged the older's waist, seeing that she can't reach his neck if she tiptoed. "Thank you Alpha-Oppa." She giggled as she pulled back.

"You deserve it Zhu-zhu." He patted her head like a child as her eyes shined with happiness. Like a true leader and a father, she thought and smiled.

"DAAARRRRKKKKK!" "LEADER YOU LEFT US!" Two high-pitched voices of boys yelled as they came running into the house, the taller one  bumping into the smaller girl. 

Before she could fall, he took her wrist and caught it. " Hehe, sorry Noona! Gwenchana?" He bowed and hugged her which made her face go into his chest.

Pulling away with a gentle smile, she chuckled and lightly patted his cheek. "It's okay Chaeny-ah~ Just be careful next time pup." She assured as she pinched his cheek. Turning to the other young boy that was as tall as her, she flashed him a small smile. 

"Mianhe Alpha-noona." He bowed his head in shame.

"You little runts better be sorry!" Jaemin growled as he glared at the two young boys. "You could've hurt our future alpha!"

"I didn't mean to Hyung!" "We're sorry."

"You ignorant little pricks-"

"Enough." She growled which made him and the two younger boys immediately shut up. 

The current leader smiles to himself, proud at his disciple. She actually used her alpha tone. Ah, she's going to be a fine young alpha some day... "Ok kids, stop this madness and listen to your current alpha." He spoke up in his soft, deep voice.

Seeing how the four youngest members of his pack obidiently gathered around, he felt like a proud father. Clearing his voice, he started explaining the situation to them. "Okay, so the situation at hand is code black. I repeat, code black. The other pack are intruders and will do anything to get their hand on the higher ranks. As leader of the group, your elders and I decided to hide the most important people away. Our future alpha and beta are our priority to keep safe. Along with the youngest too, Taejun." He gestured to the said youngest as the  boy nodded in acknowledgment. "Jaemin, you're going along with them because I need you to protect the future alpha and train the future striker."

"But what about Sunny-"

"I need my Dongsaeng here with the rest of the pack, Jay-U. She's our only nurse and she's in charge of our equipment and defense." Hyungwoo sighed as Jaemi's brother lowered his head in shame for being selfish. "Well then, I guess that I'll see you kids off. And here's the address..." He took a small index card with writing out and gave it to Jaemin. "See to it that the kids are safe. And your driver with the pick-up truck is here."

"Thanks Hyung." "Bye Oppa." "Goodbye leader we will take care."








A/n: Zhu-Zhu means small pig in madarin. Dark calls Jaemi this because she was like a pig and is small in height.

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Chapter 1: Those are a LOT of people xD hhahha its cool ^_^ (btw its okay if you dont reply cause im too lazy to reply back xD)