Chen...please don't leave...

Don't Troll Me

"Oppa, please, please tell me this isn't a joke and that you're still okay. Please!" you beg and sob as you hold his hand sitting next to the hospital bed. "Jagiyah, I'm sorry. I'm seriously not trolling you now. Please, don't cry baby," says Chen as he slowly lifts a hand to your cheek. You sob harder and place a hand over his. "I can't help it oppa. Chen please, stay. Don't leave me." He smiles sadly looking at you. "I'm sorry ___. I would stay if I could, but the sickness, its too strong. I can't stay." You sob harder at his words. "Sh, baby don't cry, " he says your cheek.  "Don't mourn me okay? Find someone else that will troll and love you. They won't be as good as me, but that's okay." You smile, looking at him. "But I want you oppa," you cry. "And I wanna be here with you to but,  aish!" He groans in pain. "I can't be here much longer. I'm sorry jagiyah. I'm sorry I fell in love with you and you with me." You throw yourself onto him. "Don't say that oppa! I love you, and you're the best thing that's happened to me. I love you Chen," you say sobbing and looking at him. "I love you too ___." With that, he pulls you for one sweet, last, trolling master kiss. As you pull away, he murmurs,  "I love you ___. Never forget your trolling king," as he closes his eyes. Holding back a sob, you whisper, "Never. I love you Chen. My trolling king. I'll never forget you."

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Chapter 1: I feel a tug on my chest when I read the title seriously.
Chapter 1: This is so sweet :') Love the gif :3