Chapter 17

Learning to Love 2

Yeon Ae’s POV


“Yeon Ae! Go and fix this!” Min yells at me as I stand frozen on the spot. My bag drops out of my hands. What the hell am I doing?

“Is anyone getting a sense of deja vu right now?” Young Jae says. Earning glares from his hyungs. 

“What? Not that long ago we were telling hyung the same thing.” 

“Oh my god. Young Jae is right.” Jr says. 

Min grabs my shoulders and shakes me, making me look at her. 

“What are you doing still standing here?!” She goes behind me and pushes me towards the stairs. 


I look at her and there are tears in her eyes. 


“I swear to god Yeon Ae if you do not get your together I will slap you.” she says through angry tears. 

“Min Noona is scary.” I hear Bam Bam whisper to Mark, who just nods, eyes wide.

“Yeon Ae-yah. What are you waiting for?” JB says. I look up at him. He nods his head towards the stairs and I let out a breath. 

Here goes. 

I slowly make my way up the stairs. I take a deep breath before opening the door. 

I step into the room and see Jackson sitting on the floor beside the bed, knees bent and arms resting on them. He is just staring straight ahead. 

“Oppa?” I say quietly. He looks up at me. 

“Hey. Do you need me to drop you off at Mum’s?” he stands up, “Let’s go.” 

As he walks past me I turn and wrap my arms around him. 

“I’m sorry.” He turns around, making me let go of him. He holds me at arms length and leans down so we’re at eye-level. 

“It’s fine. I kind of knew this would happen eventually. I’m actually surprised you held out this long.” He has a smile on his face. I’m such an idiot.

“Oppa…” he takes my hand. 

“Let’s go.” I pull my hand out of his grip and he turns around to look at me.

“Is this really what you want, Oppa? Are you not even going to try to hold me back?” 

“If you wanted to be held back, you wouldn’t be threatening to leave in the first place.” He’s right. 

I walk past him and out the door. I go downstairs and everyone is staring at me. 

“Well?” Min asks. I pick up my bag off the floor as Jackson comes down the stairs. 

“Are you ready?” he asks. 

“It’s fine. I’ll take a taxi.” I say, not looking in his direction. He sighs. 

“If that’s what you want.” he says. 

“Yah!” Min shrieks as she stands up. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 

“Are you staying here?” I ask her.

“Yeon Ae-yah.” JB says. 

I see Min’s hand lift up before I feel it hit me. 

“Min!” Mark yells, quickly pulling her back. Min is in tears and I don’t even react to her slap. 

Jackson comes running down the stairs to stand beside me, checking if I’m okay. 


“Min-ssi…” Jackson says, standing between us. 

“WHY AREN’T YOU DOING ANYTHING?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE TWO OF YOU?!” she breaks down again, turning to cry into Mark’s chest. 

Jackson turns around and makes me look at him. 

“Are you okay?” I don’t answer him. I have nothing left to say for myself. I turn around. 

“Omma, don’t go.” Bam Bam says. I look at him and he has tears in his eyes too. 

I quickly turn away. I go to take another step forward but I’m blocked by Jackson standing in front of me. 

“Don’t go.” I look up at him but he isn’t looking at me. His head is turned to the side. 

“I don’t care if you hate me for this, but I refuse to be your burden any longer.” I start to walk away and I’m almost at the door when Jackson grabs my wrist and pulls me back towards the living room. 

“Let go!” I yell, trying to get out of his grip. “You’re hurting me!” 

“Guys, I’m really sorry but-“ he addresses the room. 

“We’ll go. Call us later, yeah?” JB says and he nods. Still not letting my arm go. 

“Come on, Min-ssi. We’ll drop you off.” Mark says, leading her out with his arms around her. 

“Bye Omma.” the two maknaes say to me. I feel bad not replying to them, but all I can think about right now is the pain in my wrist from how tight Jackson is gripping it. 

Before they even leave Jackson is pulling me upstairs. Tears are starting to fill my eyes as the pain gets too much. He pulls me into the bedroom and closes the door behind us finally letting me go. He pulls my bag out of my hands and goes to the closet, unpacking everything, as I hold onto my wrist. 

Once he’s done he comes back out. I don’t look at him as tears start to fall down my face. He walks up to me and crashes his lips onto mine. I try to push him away but he doesn’t let me. He pulls me tighter against him, kissing urgently. 

He stops for air and leans his forehead on mine. I’m still holding onto my wrist and he realises it. He removes the hand that is covering the area he was holding to reveal light bruises which are forming. 

He lifts my wrist up to his lips and places soft kisses along the bruising skin.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” I take my wrist out of his hands and push past him. I go to the bed and pull the covers back, climbing into bed and covering myself with the blanket. I don’t make any noises but tears continue to fall down my face. 

I feel the bed dip as Jackson sits down. I freeze. 

“Do you really want to leave me?” he says. I don’t answer. “I probably should have let you go sooner huh? You could have been so much happier if you didn’t marry me. I’m sorry. Sleep here tonight and tomorrow, if you still want to leave I’ll take you to Mum’s, okay?” 

I feel him get up and I hear him leave the room. How can I fix this now?



Jackson’s POV


I head downstairs to give Yeon Ae some time alone. I sit down on the couch and take out my phone, dialling the leaders number. 

“Jackson. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, hyung. Sorry about that.”

“You don’t have to apologise. Just promise me you won’t let her go.”

“I can’t do that, hyung.”


“No, listen to me hyung. I can’t hold onto her if she’s this miserable. Even if it’s just sending her to her parents house for a few weeks I have to do it. She’s not safe around us.”

“We were talking about this in the car on the way home. What if the fans find out she’s left and they hate her even more for it. They might go and find her… Look, all I know is the two of you separating after everything you’ve gone through to stay together, is not going to go down well with the haters.”

“I guess so. Did Min-ssi get home okay?”

“Yeah. Mark was holding her the whole way home. Even walked her to the door.” We both chuckle at that. “Where is Yeon Ae now?”

“She’s in bed. I left her to be alone for a bit.”

“Alright. Well we have to appear on the radio in a couple of hours. Is it going to be okay to leave her home alone?” I run my hand through my hair. 

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t think she will want to come though.” 

“Are you going to drive yourself?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you later, hyung.”

I almost completely forgot about our radio appearance tonight. I get up and go back upstairs. Yeon Ae is still hidden under the covers and I go to kneel by the bed. I gently pull the covers down and see that she’s sleeping, tears dried on her face. I gently her cheek. 

“Yeon Ae-yah.” I say softly, shaking her gently. She slowly opens her eyes. I sigh with relief that she isn’t gasping for air anymore. “We have a radio appearance later, do you want to come?” 

She moans a little before rubbing her eyes and sitting up. I sit on the edge of the bed to face her when she does. 

“Radio?” her voice is raspy and she clears . 

“Yeah. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” she nods. 

“I’ll go. What time are you leaving?” I’m surprised by her answer. 

“You will?” she nods. I give her a quick kiss on her lips. “We’ve still got a few hours. So sleep more if you want.” 

Without another word she lays down, closing her eyes again. I pull the blanket to cover and I move her hair out of her face. I place another kiss on her forehead before heading outside. 

I decide to cook dinner for once. Nothing fancy, just spaghetti. 

I get started and when I’m done I'll set the table. We have time to have a nice dinner and talk things out before leaving and I intend to do just that. 

After an hour or so I’ve set the table and everything looks good, if I do say so myself. I head back upstairs and find Yeon Ae sleeping peacefully. I smile as I walk over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. 

I lean down and kiss her lips. She doesn’t respond at first so I kiss her again. This time she does. I kiss her again and she stirs awake. 

“Oppa?” she whispers, still half asleep. 

“It’s time to get up, sweety. We need to have dinner before we leave.” she nods. I move back so that she can sit up. 

“I’ll get started on dinner then.” she says, yawning. I laugh at her.

“I’ve taken care of that. All you need to do is come downstairs and eat.” She looks at me confused so I take her hand and pull her out of bed, before leading her downstairs. 

I lead her into the kitchen and help her to her seat. She stares at the setting in front of her as I sit down across from her. 

“Did you do all of this?” I nod, taking her hand in mine. 

“This is my way of saying sorry, I guess? You’ve been through so much in the last few months and it’s not fair. We maybe should have put off the wedding until we knew about our feelings for each other. There’s so many things we could have done - that I could have done - to prevent all of this from happening.”

“Oppa, stop.” I look up at her. “I shouldn’t have overreacted like that. One article is nothing compared to what I’ve been through but I guess it’s because this one actually involved other people and was broadcast to the world…”

I place a hand on her cheek and make her look at me. 

“It’s fine. We’ll take care of it tomorrow and then it’ll be over with. I do have some news that may make you feel better though.” She looks up at me expectantly. “Our next filming for our show will be a date. But not just any date. A double date, with Min and Mark.” 

She gasps and covers . She looks like she belongs in our Girls Girls Girls MV. O-Omona. 

“Really?!” I nod. “Oh my god! That will be amazing! But… are you sure it’s okay?” 

“You said yourself, they’re situation is different.”

“Yeah but, I didn’t think they’d appear on TV. What if they misunderstand that I set it all up? I’m fine if I get hated for it but if they start to hurt Min -“

“It’ll be fine. Mark won’t let her get hurt. Have you seen the way he looks at her?” She nods. “Okay, now eat. My masterpiece is getting cold.”


After dinner, we head to the radio station. The others are already waiting inside for me and we quickly make our way in. 

“Omma!” Yu Gyeom yells as we enter. The MC watches the scene and then greets us. 

“You call Jackson’s wife Omma?” the MC asks. Bam Bam and Yu Gyeom nod. 

“Just us though. Because she always looks after us like a Mum would.” Bam Bam explains. 

“Then what happens to Jr.?” he asks. 

“I handed my title the first time Yeon Ae cooked for us.” he says making everyone laugh. 

“I have to ask you before you go on. An article came out today, right?” I tense a little. “Is it okay to ask about that at all? I mean, the fact that your wife is here must mean it’s not true.” 

“You can ask about it. We have nothing to hide.” I tell him. He heads back into the studio to get started while we wait for our introductions. 

“Did Min get home okay?” I hear Yeon Ae ask Mark. He nods. 

“She was still a bit shaken up but she’ll be okay.” he says. 

“Omma, did you know that Mark hyung walked her all the way to the door?” Bam Bam says to her and they both giggle. 

“Really?” Mark starts to go red in the face. 

“Yep. Like this.” Bam Bam puts his arm around Yeon Ae, demonstrating. 

“Yah!” Mark says. Luckily enough the staff are too busy to really pay attention otherwise another article could come out just from their conversation. JB picks up on this and pulls Bam Bam away to lecture him in the corner. Yeon Ae just pats Mark on the back before pulling out her phone from her pocket. She walks over to me, smiling and I smile back as I stretch my arm out to drape over her shoulders. 

“I think I should call Min.” I nod. 

“I think you should too.” I tell her. She sticks her tongue out at me before making her way outside, dialling as she does. 

She hasn’t returned when we’re introduced and go into the studio, but I assume the two girls have a lot to talk about. 

We have fun answering the MCs questions and just talking about our comeback and new show. Half way through the show when there is a song playing, Yeon Ae comes back in. I wave at her from my seat and she waves back. It looks like they made up so that’s a good thing. 

I move over to the MC to talk to him about dedicating a song to Yeon Ae. 

“Do you want to just play it, or do you want to sing it?” he asks. I hesitate for a second.

“Sing it, Jackson.” JB says and the others nod in agreement. Okay. Looks like I’m singing, there’s only one problem.

“Hyung, I was gonna do Yong Jun Hyung Sunbae-nim’s Anything.” I tell JB. He nods.

“Nice. What’s the problem?” I look at him and he looks at me.

“It features G.Na Sunbae.” I stare at him as realisation hits. 

“Right. Get one of the maknaes to do her part.” I give him a look.

“That would take all seriousness out of my serenade.” JB shrugs.

“At least it will get her laughing.” This time he stares at me as I approve the idea. We high five and I tell the MC our plan before going over to Yu Gyeom.

“Yu Gyeom-ah. You know Jun Hyung Sunbae-nim’s Anything right?” he nods.

“The one with G.Na Sunbae?” I nod. 

“You know G.Na Sunbae’s parts?” I ask him and he nods. “Will you sing it with me?” 

“Me? Why?” He says with a suspicious look on his face.

“I want to sing it for Yeon Ae… Well I was just going to dedicate the song to her but hyung said it would be better to sing it. Think of how much she will laugh if you do G.Na Sunbae’s parts.” I say trying to tempt him. He looks out to Yeon Ae who waves at him like a mother watching her son at a soccer game. He waves back with that eye smile of his. He turns around to me. 

“I’ll do it.” I put my arm around him and give him a small squeeze. 

“Thanks, maknae.” 


A/N: Hi guys! So sorry I didn't update yesterday! Because my chapters are so long now I haven't written as much as I thought I have haha 

I couldn't make them fight properly so I just kind of made everything okay. :P

Umm... the next chapter is the press conference so it'll be a bit serious for a bit but after that will be the double date and mini concert! Yeahhh!! *dances* 

Thanks for your comments and thank you for reading. 

Much love to you all! 

I'll try not to keep you all waiting so long again :D


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Chapter 32: Hahaha! My last comment was still here lol! But I just like re-reading this! I simply love it!
Chapter 32: Every chapter the things I look forward to is Bam Bam and Yugyeom's appearance, it's so adorable Omma this, that hahaha! Even after having a baby they still can't let go of the Omma. Funny that Shin Ae didn't call them Oppa hahaha instead Uncle lol
mrspiee #3
Chapter 34: Do you have new story?
mrspiee #4
Chapter 34: That is awesome. I love it
LimJaebumtrash85 #5
Chapter 32: This soooa scary real!! M sad for them and their future spouses.. coz this is legit real, well not to the same level as jype or the member prolly will hire a personal body guard or security..but this is scary!
And writernim, hats off ♥ . Loved this to bits. XD
Chapter 32: One word to describe the whole story. A-W-E-S-O-M-E. AWESOME! Waaaaaah. I loved GOT7 even more after reading this story. Yugyeom is such a sweetheart, they all are! But yugyeom is my bias.. Oh well, still love all of them. I enjoyed reading this. :)) yugyeom fic please! Hahaha
YoonWonSarang #7
Omg!! So excited to read this! Author-nim, the last one was written really well!! Although I cried a river, it was amazing! Looking forward to this one too!
Samantham #8
Chapter 32: I just read both learning to love again and I'm almost tearing up, such a great fic! <3