Winter - Spring

Together We Crash (Like Waves of Catharsis)


Their love starts as Joonmyun’s time starts to tick. Slowly, menacingly, as it counts every second left of his existence. Only a few hours ago, he’d been told he has a stage 4 Lung Cancer.
“We can only hope for the best as you go through chemotherapy. That is, if you would allow chemo treatment” The doctor, Choi Minho, says in a not-so-sympathetic tone
“How much time do I have?” Joonmyun asks as tears well up in his eyes while he tries hard not to cry
“12 months at most” Dr. Choi says, schooling his face into a timid frown. His whole body goes numb with shock. Twelve months seems like an awfully short time to live the rest of your life. And as if summoned by the evil deities from below, he hears a clock ticking above his head. He must be hallucinating, he thinks, as the rest of the conversation whirrs past like credits at the end of a movie. He shakes himself awake from the horrible memory. He’s been walking around aimlessly ever since he got out of the hospital, he realizes. Was it not long before the coughing fits became unbearably painful? How could he not have realized it?


He meets his Guardian Angel when winter starts to fade. It had been the longest winter of his life. And as it slowly fades, he feels himself waking up from a deep sleep. One that’s so consuming, he almost lost the will to live. He’s faced with a new challenge.That is, how to live his life to the fullest until he ceases to exist. A stroll in the park is the best way to start, he decides. The moment he hears the familiar commotion in the park, he instantly feels like he back to being a human, not the boring, half-dead organism he was only a few days ago. He sits in a nearby bench, thinking that he would somehow miss all this beauty when it would be his time to go. He feels a pang in his heart as he watches the children play in a carefree manner
“I wish you weren’t so sad” he hears a whine beside him. Slowly, he turns his head sideways and sees an angel. Literally. The tall blonde boy has ing wings and all that . He can’t quite believe his eyes! The boy couldn’t have been older than Joonmyun
“Wha-what are you?” Joonmyun stammers
“Wait. You can see me?” The boy’s doe eyes widen in surprise
“Of course I can see you! Do I look like I’m talking to somebody else?” Joonmyun snaps with a quiver in his voice
“Oh! Well, my name’s Sehun! I’m your guardian angel!” The boy says and he scratches the back of his neck. At this, Joonmyun instantly faints.


Joonmyun wakes up to Sehun’s face hovering only a few inches above his. He sits bolt upright.
“So y-y-you weren’t a dream?” Joonmyun asks, shock evident in his innocent face
“No. I’m not” Sehun replies
“Wait, let me get this straight. You’re my guardian angel?”
“Yes. I am. Although I can’t explain why you can suddenly see me”
“I thought you did that on purpose?” Joonmyun asks
“Did what?”
“You know, be suddenly visible” Joonmyun replies, gesturing wildly with his arms
“Me? What do I have to do with this? I’m only doing my job!” Sehun retorts
“Okay so why are you suddenly visible?”
“Maybe it’s because you’re … you know” Sehun replies awkwardly
“I’m what?”
“You know… dying” Sehun says helplessly
“Maybe?” Joonmyun replies while trying not to feel affected by what Sehun just said


After a month of hanging out with Sehun, Joonmyun ultimately feels as though he wasn’t dying. Albeit a little surprising, he finds out that Sehun is entirely different from what he expected. The bubbly energetic boy’s personality doesn’t exactly suit his ever-impassive face.
“What are you thinking about?” Sehun asks as he enters the living room, interrupting his train of thoughts
“Nothing” Joonmyun replies and smiles at the latter
“I just wish you aren’t dying” Sehun whines as he takes sits beside Joonmyun on the sofa. After that, everything seems to go fast-forward. Sehun’s face slowly nears his. Joonmyun closes his eyes, anticipating what Sehun would do next. As soon as he feels Sehun’s lips pressing against his, he feels the incoming waves of catharsis. Sehun stops kissing him and presses his palms against Joonmyun’s cheeks
“Why’re you crying?” Sehun asks gently
“Sehun-ah, why do I have to die?”  The latter asks as all his composure gets thrown out of the window. Joonmyun’s body is soon wracked by sobs and coughing fits. Sehun patiently holds Joonmyun’s body, rubbing soothing circles on the elder’s back.

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Chapter 2: You better update this , Sophie!! You told me yo read this! Hdu!? I'm going to kill you. /glares at you
of course he died
hanah03 #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww...why does Joonmyun have to die/....him and sehun-ah are so sweet can't wait for Kris and kai to be in the story.
jackie_06 #4
Chapter 1: Seho Kaiho krisho my otps ♥...this is beautiful...why does Joonmyun have to die? T.T