Chapter 2

Ten Million, Cash


“Aw Nayoung why not?” Himchan whined. His arms were laden with what must have been eleven cans of Pringles.

“Because why the hell do you need all those Pringles?”

“To eat! Duh.” He dropped the cans in her cart. Nayoung reached in and grabbed one, tossing it at him.

“Put them back.” She said, irritated.

“I don’t want to.” Himchan pouted.

“Did you bring your own money?”


“I’m not wasting my money so you can have ten cans of Pringles Himchan. Now go put them back!”

He glared at her but scooped all but one Pringle can up in his arms and sulked back to the chip aisle. Nayoung sighed loudly. Why was it that they always conveniently forgot their money when they went shopping? So far she’d had to force Youngjae to put the candy back; convince Daehyun that, yes, four cheesecakes were too many; and tell off Youngguk when he’d tried to sneak extra ice cream treats into the cart. Jongup came up behind her and dropped the fruits she’d sent him off to get in.

“Yah, don’t bruise them.” She smacked his arm.

“They’re fine. What’s this?” He held up a box of brownies that had been hidden under the bread.

“Yoo Youngjae!” She cursed. The older woman a few feet down looked at her disapprovingly.

“Jongup, why do I keep doing this? Why don’t I ever learn my lesson?” Nayoung rested her head on the cart’s bar, exasperated.

“Because you’re insane Nana.” Jongup teased. She groaned and lifted her head. She was going to whack Youngjae over the head with those brownies. “Well obviously. I’m friends with you.” She made like she was going to hit him with the cart and laughed when he flinched back. “Let’s go find the others before they can get into any more trouble.

It was pretty late, so the grocery store was almost deserted. They managed to locate Youngjae and Daehyun in the toy aisle; pushing all the buttons on the toys.

“Guys, have you seen Yongguk and Himchan?”

“Nope.” Daehyun said, pressing the button on a Totoro toy. It roared loudly, and he proceeded to push everyone on the shelf so that they were all going at once.

“Hey Youngjae. Put these back or buy them yourself, got it?” She smacked the back of his head with the box.

“Ow! Fine.” He muttered, snatching them out of her hand before she could hit him again. He cradled them close.

“Hey Nayoung, I bet you five bucks that you can’t beat me in a cart race.” Jongup interrupted, leaning against the wall. His smile was a challenge.

“Oh it’s on now.”

“Who’s up for cart racing?” Yongguk came around the corner, followed by Himchan, and they were both dragging an empty cart with them.

“Nice timing.” Daehyun said.

“Let me inspect my ride.” Nayoung bent down to look at the wheels on the cart Yongguk had brought. Opposite of her, Jongup was doing the same. Youngjae said he was scared for life after his last cart race, (he had ended up crashing, but it had been the pillow aisle!) and decided to sit this one out and watch their cart, so Daehyun volunteered to referee.

“You are so going down.” She hissed to Jongup as they lined up at the designated starting line. Himchan cackled on her other side. “That goes for you too!” She her hand and wiped it on the bottoms of her sneakers.

“That’s gross.” Himchan sneered.

“That’s strategy Channie. It’s all about traction.” Just to prove a point, she did it again. “You’ll be eating your words when you’re slipping and sliding all over the place.”

“I’ll wipe the floor with all your asses.” Yongguk chimed in. They all laughed at that because Yongguk was the least competitive of them all.

Daehyun stepped out in front of them. “You know all the rules. Don’t knock over old people and avoid running over children. Stick to the designated track and don’t get caught by an employee.” He stepped to the side and raised his arm.

“On your marks!” Nayoung’s heartbeat sped up in anticipation.

“Get set!” Her hands tightened on the handlebar. She could see the boys tense up, ready.

“Go!” Daehyun bellowed, slashing his arm down. Nayoung launched herself off. She’d had an advantage of being on the farther side; it was hard to get these carts to take sharp turns. She was neck and neck with Himchan, Jongup and Yongguk right on their heels. She ran faster, banging her cart into his, trying to veer him off course. It worked, Himchan was forced to slow down at the next corner, but Nayoung pulled the cart hard to the left, lifting it off the front wheels, using her extra traction to swerve easily around it. She left Himchan in the dust. The few people scattered through the store jumped out of her way. She was grinning like mad as she nailed the next turn. Then she saw Jongup fly by her, pulling ahead and cutting her off. He stuck his tongue out as he passed and disappeared around the next bend. How dare he! She smiled evilly as she took a fast detour, pushing her cart into the makeup aisle. Dodging a couple of girls, she managed to spot Jongup through breaks in the aisle. Running harder, she got in front of him and swerved back out, causing him to come up short.

“Cheater!” He yelled after her as he yanked his cart in the right direction again. She barely heard him as the finish line came into view, Youngjae standing  ready to announce the winner. Jumping onto the cart, she raised a fist, ready to sail into victory, only to have Himchan speed past her from the left.

“Hey!” She shouted.

“Eat my words huh?” He asked smugly. Nayoung jumped off her cart.

“You so cheated! I left you in the dust!

“That’s strategy Nana!” He stuck his tongue out at her, and held out his hand. “Cough it up.” Scowling, she shoved five bucks at him and pushed her cart away. Jongup trailed after her, snickering.

“I should have won.” She fumed.

“You raced well.”

“But I should have won! Himchan so cheated.”

“Well, so did you.” Jongup teased, bumping his cart into hers. She smiled.

“You almost beat me there.”

“I would’ve if you’d played fair.”

“Well at least we all beat Yongguk.”

“We always beat Yongguk.” She had to laugh at that.

Himchan ended up with enough money to buy his Pringles, which he rubbed in Nayoung’s face on the way back to their home where Zelo and Kyungmi were in a heated game of Call of Duty with Natasha, Nayoung and Yongguk’s older sister. He crunched another chip loudly, chewing with his mouth open.

“That’s revolting.”

“I don car!” He said around another chip. Nayoung averted her gaze. And found Jongup watching her. He quickly looked out the window.

“Yah, Uppie,” She prodded him. “Is there something on my face?”

“Nothing that shouldn’t be.” He answered.

She nodded. “Good.” From the corner of her eye she saw Youngjae watching them, a smirk on his face.

“What?” She asked him.

“Nothing.” He said, shrugging.

“Is there really nothing on my face?” She asked Jongup again.


“There is?”

“No! I mean yes there’s nothing on your face!”

“Are you lying?” she asked suspiciously. “Do I have a booger?”

“No, you’re good Nayoung.”

“Then why are they snickering?” She pointed to Youngjae and Himchan, and now Daehyun, who all seemed to be in on a joke she didn’t get.

“Ignore them. They’re being s.” Jongup glared at them. “Cut it out guys.”

“Sure Uppie,” Himchan snorted, using Nayoung’s nickname for him. “Whatever you say.”


“Why does Himchan have eight cans of Pringles?” Natasha leaned against the counter. She was supposed to be helping Nayoung put the groceries away.

“He won the cart race.” Nayoung said darkly.

“Aw you guys went cart racing?” Kyungmi complained from the fridge.

“I should have won. I would’ve if Kim Himchan wasn’t a big fat cheater!” She raised her voice so she could be heard from the living room. She got a middle finger and laughter in response. She huffed and shoved a can of soup into the cupboard.

“I need some air; it’s too full of testosterone in here.”

She headed for the back doors and stepped out onto the porch; taking a deep breath. She let herself relish the alone time for a few moments. They were hard to come by when everyone treated their house like a bus stop, coming and going whenever they pleased. She’d walk down and find Youngjae in his boxers eating cereal or Zelo and Himchan building a fort in the front room. Just a week ago she’d walked out of her room to find Daehyun blow drying his hair after using her shower. She wasn’t really complaining about that one but still! She’d even find some of the younger neighbor boys, Yoongi and Jimin sprawled over the couch with Yongguk watching a movie. Or find that Yongnam, Yongguk’s twin, had his friends over, or Natasha’s friends were giving each other manicures at the kitchen table. It was difficult to get a moment to herself. Her alone time was interrupted though, when she heard low voices from the side of the house. Tiptoeing over she glimpsed Yongguk and Youngjae. She couldn’t hear what they were saying but it seemed like they were arguing. Yongguk said one last thing then stalked off in the direction of the back door. Youngjae stood there a moment, looking lost and upset before he followed. Well. That was definitely strange.


Mostly nonsense filler...I don't even know.

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Chapter 4: Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo OTL
That was like, no, just, no
Yongguk, don't do this!
You have to let Nayoung know! And Jongup too!
You can't leave everyone out like this!
Or does Youngjae know too?!
This involves Youngjae doesn't it?!
Yah Yoo Youngjae, if this has something to do with you, I will beat you!
Update sooooooooooooooooooooooon! <33
Chapter 2: Aww, is something going on between Jongup and Natasha ~~~~~? <33 ooh
I smell dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Update soon!!
Chapter 1: LOL Jongup <33
I love Yongguk ~~~ he's so perfect!
I like it so far! :DD
Update sooooooooon <33
Seems interesting!! :DD
I haven't read a B.A.P story in a while and this seems like a good story! <33
So update soon ~~