
My fiance is a J.E.R.K

Jongin sighed dreamily as he flopped on his soft bed.

He just couldn't get the picture of sehun out of his head.

He just had this feeling of something connecting him to sehun. Jongin hugged his pillow tightly and couldn't help the smile creating on his face. Jongin didn't understand what love felt like and how it made a person behave.

But he had a feeling that he'll soon experience it.

All the afternoon spent with sehun was wonderful. Even though at first, both of them were quiet awkward with each other, but that one incident with sehun on top of him, somehow, made them more closer. They discussed about the wedding for about half and hour, and the shopping will be done tommorrow, since both the mothers want to be a family soon and did not want to waste anymore time. After that, the mothers freed their sons and jongin thought of taking sehun to his room. Both of them, chatted, talked about stupid, useless stuff and a whole lot more.

Jongin also found out that sehun and him, shared a hobby which was dancing and made a mental note to see sehun dance one day.

Soon it was time for sehun to go home and though, jongin didn't want him to leave (and afterwards he realised he was acting like a five year old kid) sehun promised that they'll spend more time tommorrow since they are gonna go shopping.

Jongin didn't know why he was acting all pouty when sehun was about to leave but when he looked at sehun smiling at him, it was enough to bring a smile on his face.

Jongin turned to the side and started to slowly dose off to his dreamland filled with sehun since he took a bath and already changed his clothes.


Was the only thing he thought before he finally went to sleep.



Sehun went to his room and closed the door. His mom had all the way while coming back home saying that he had already fallen hard for jongin.

Sehun suddenly blushed at the thought of jongin. He felt all giddy thinking about him.

He's like way too handsome for him.

Sehun changed his clothes, took a bath since he doesn't like to stay icky and quickly climbed on his bed. He muffled his squels threathening to come out of throat by covering half of his face with his blanket.

Maybe he was in love.

Yea maybe.



When morning came, jongin immediately woke up.

He quickly brushed his teeth, took a qucik shower, styled his hair to make sure he looked good enough for sehun and fled down the stairs to eat breakfast. It was only six o'clock in the morning, his mom was a morning person so she had already had made the breakast.

"My,my you're quiet early to wake. . .someone is eager~", mrs kim commented while flipping some pancakes.

Jongin fake coughed and poured some maple sirup onto his pancakes before stuffing them into his mom.

His mom can sure read him like an open book.

Since, jongin and sehun had school today, the mothers decided to do the shopping after the school ended.

After finishing to eat, jongin got up and kissed his mom's cheek before bidding goodbye. He slung his backpack on his shouldier and walked out of the house.Jongin decided to call sehun to make sure he was atleast awake when he went to pick him up since his mom told him to. Moreover, he would have done that task without being told since he really wanted to see sehun again.

"Hello", came a cute and filled with lisp voice.

Jongin had to refrain himself from squeling since well he was a manly man.

"Hi, it's me, jongin", jongin said in a kind voice. He was quite surprised by himself cause this kind of voice automatically came whenever he was talking to sehun.

"G-good morning, jongin", came the reply of the other side. Jongin was sure that sehun was blushing. He can read the other one perfectly. It sounded so good when sehun said his name. He wanted to hear only sehun and only sehun saying his name.

"Same to you, so how was you're sleep?", jongin asked wanting to hear that voice again and again.

"F-fine", sehun said trying to conceal his lisp as best as he could but failed miserably.

Jongin smiled at the reply,"Okay then i'm coming to pick you up so be ready".

"O-okay then", came the reply which jongin found way too cute.

"Bye then", jongin said while walking towards his car.

"Bye", sehun said before canceling the phone.

"I need to get ready fast", sehun muttered to himself before getting up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom to get cleaned and freashened up.

Jongin went to his car and got on the driver's seat before starting the engine. He drove to sehun's house and stopped infront of the house. He got out of the car and went to sehun's house to knock on the door. He koncked on the door and after sometime was opened by mrs oh who smiled looking at him and welcomed jongin inside.

"So jongin, are you here to pick up sehun?", mrs oh asked looking at jongin.

"Yes", jongin answered.

"Well, he'll come down in a short moment, for now why don't you eat breakfast with me?", mrs oh asked motioning to the food served on the table.

"It's okay mrs oh, I just ate my breakfast", jongin said, making sure he didn't sound rude.

"It won't hurt to eat some more, when sehun comes down, both of you can eat together and please don't call me mrs oh, you can call me umma since you are gonna call me anyways", mrs oh said having a teasing glint in her eyes while giving kai a smile.

Kai now knew from where sehun got his beautiful  smile.

Soon after, sehun came down all dressed and entered the kitchen. He looked at kai quite surprised to see him there but smiled nonetheless. Kai looked at him and returned his smile before softly petting his head. Sehun again blushed.

All of them settled and started to eat breakfast before mrs oh looked at the two boys with keen interest.

"So when am I and my dear friend gonna get grandchildren?", mrs kim asked, putting alot emphaisis on the word 'children'.

That question was followed by chokes from both the boys.


so how was it?

Please excuse the grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes since I don't usually re-read it.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter^^

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Chapter 5: Wonderful story. Please finish it. Please!!!!
Chapter 5: That is so cute!
Chapter 5: Cuteeeeeeeeerr sekai ><
xmaybellex #4
Chapter 4: Oh My GOSH THIS SCENE
"So when am I and my dear friend gonna get grandchildren?", mrs kim asked, putting alot emphaisis on the word 'children'. That question was followed by chokes from both the boys. i can imagine my mum like this XD
Chapter 5: I like this story so muchyy. So cuteyy, squishyy, and everything in betweenyy.
chubbymorie #6
Chapter 5: this is soo cute. cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 5: Idk, maybe sinc Sehun doesn't connect to people explore his engagement/marriage insecurity with students/Kai-ex's mildly bullying. Or Sehun gaining confidence in dancing and both gaining odd feelings of attractedness with kaisoo and hunhan. Then you could develop several situations for conflict but still keep it fluff romance. Misunderstandings is the strength of kdramas.

why did you come up with J.E.R.K.? Maybe rewatch your sekai feels. Authornim? Fighting!
alita94 #8
Chapter 5: Cute couple
ayanesakura #9
Chapter 5: Ahhhh supahhh cutee
barawa #10
Chapter 5: omoooo this couple too adorable..