
The Last 60 Seconds

I didn't make anyone call anyone else "hyung" because I don't know who should say it to who. I only know that Leeteuk is the oldest and Kyuhyun is the youngest.


No one's POV

The stage was completely dark. Each Super Junior member was guided to their places by the backstage crew and helped onto their platforms. Heechul and Siwon on one, Leeteuk and Shindong on one, Eunhyuk on one, Donghae on one, Yesung, Ryeowook, and Sungmin on one, and Kyuhyun on the last.

Each member listened with anticipation to the cheers of the audience, who could hear the stage preparations. Each raised a fist as the stage crew draped sheets over each person. They were now hidden from view.

Each member heard the click in their ears as their mics were and they waited to begin.


Heechul's POV

While we're getting ready for the performance, I can't help but feel a little nervous.

I know what you're thinking: Kim Heechul? He doesn't get nervous.

But I am. Standing on the platform, hidden by a sheet from all except Siwon, I review our dance. I'm not the best dancer, and I hope I'll do okay.

Although one fist is up, holding the sheet above our heads, I can't help using my free hand to fix my hair a little and make some minor adjustments to my outfit. And seriously? Who picked out red pants for me? Because it was not my idea. I knew I should've given them to Leeteuk when I had the chance.

Siwon's rolling his eyes at me. Well, he has nothing to complain about. Mr. Chocolate Abs next to me, looking perfect as usual. Some of us have to work harder to look good.

It's getting a little hot under here, though the sheet is thin. I wonder what we look like from the audience. Probably like wierd statues or something. When are we going to start? The longer I stand here with my fist up (my arm's starting to hurt too), the more restless I get.

Siwon's mumbling something to himself. Probably some prayer or other. I don't believe in that stuff. I don't see what he sees in it.

Wait, there's the music. Finally. Siwon and I are the first to be unveiled so to speak. I'm not sure if I'm glad or not.

The sheet's moving. It's being pulled off. Fresh air hits my face as I rearrange my expression immediately from slightly annoyed to carelessly indifferent.

Looking into the audience, no matter how nervous I am about the dance or annoyed at the outfit, nothing can overpower the thrill I'm getting.

I'm going to miss it.


Siwon's POV

I step up on the platform carefully. It would not be good it I fell or something right before a performance. I hold out a hand to help Heechul up and he takes it, using my weight to pull himself up. The sheet is draped over us and I curl my hand into a fist.

I can barely see, given I'm wearing sunglasses and covered with a sheet. I guess that'll change once we start dancing in the light. The dance. That's the one regret I have with this stong. I didn't have time to learn the whole dance because of my schedule, so I only participate in half the performance. Halfway through the song, I have to leave the stage and watch the rest.

I sigh to myself. I wish I didn't have to do that. I want to be with all my members as we sing and dance together. I feel like I'm missing out on something big. Something we should all be sharing together.

But even though I'm a little upset about that, I don't forget to do my ritual. Before every performance, no matter where it is or how many people are there, I send up a small prayer. I pray for all the members, including myself, to put on a good performance with as little mistakes as possible. I pray that no one gets hurt, for it to go well, and most of all, to have a good time.

I smile as I think of all the performances we did of No Other. Eunhyuk and Shindong would have rock-paper-scissors contests on stage, Sungmin and Ryeowook would "beat" each other up, Leeteuk would always shout something to the audience. We always had a good time. I hope we can do the same for these promotions.

Heechul saw me whispering to myself. He's rolling his eyes even as I roll mine. Being an Athiest, he doesn't really understand what I'm getting out of my prayers. I've tried to get him to believe in something, but he's firmly stuck in his belief that G-d doesn't exist. He's more interested in his outfit.

The music is starting. Our sheet is whipped off and I send one more prayer in my head as I lower my arm.

Let this be the best we've ever done.


Leeteuk's POV

I can hear the others rustling around on the stage, nervously anticipating our coming performance. Shindong and I step up onto our platform at the same time, nearly knocking each other off. These things need to be more stable. I'll talk to manager-hyung about that later. I can't have anyone getting hurt.

I run through the song in my head, but I keep getting distracted by Shindong, who's grinning at me, trying to make me laugh. I smile reluctantly at him and he looks pleased.

Each member's face flashes through my head.

Heechul looked worried about his outfit and his dancing earlier. I hope he'll do all right. I'll talk to the wardrobe noonas about giving him a say about his outfit.

Siwon was upset earlier about having to leave in the middle again. I think I'll teach him the rest of the dance tonight so he won't have to anymore.

Eunhyuk was fiddling with his bangs before. I hope they're not in his face again, blocking his vision. It's happened once and he was upset for days afterward because his dancing wasn't up to par. We'll have to schedule an appointment to get them trimmed.

Donghae wasn't practicing earlier today. Is he okay? He always practices a little before a concert. I'll talk to him tomorrow about it. He's been a little spaced recently.

Yesung was running late this morning. That's unlike him, especially the day of a performance. I hope he's feeling okay. I think he's overworked. I'll check his schedule and make sure.

Shindong's diet's been going well lately. Did he remember to write in today's journal? I'll ask him. All this dancing is good for him too.

Ryeowook was talking to his family a few minutes ago and he looked a little angry. I hope it's nothing serious, or anything that would make his performance suffer. What he does means a lot to his family. I'll talk to his brother later.

Sungmin looked nervous when we arrived. Does it have anything to do with Kangin still not being here? It's been a year, yes, but he still misses him. I'll tell him to call Kangin after the performance.

I hope Kyuhyun remembered to save his Starcraft game before we left. I almost had to drag him away. If he forgot to save it, he'll be very upset. I'll text Onew after we sing Superman to check.

I can hear Heechul and Siwon's sheet being pulled off. Whoa, gotta get focused, we're next. Shindong flashes me one more grin before our sheet is pulled away, revealing us to the audience.

As I look out, I realize I'd been worrying about this for nothing. If anyone else is feeling what I am, we're going to do great.


Shindong's POV

When we get onstage, I noticed that Leeteuk is looking distracted.

As usual.

He's a great leader, but sometimes he worries too much. I can tell you exactly what he's thinking about — everyone except himself. I chuckle, earning myself a quizzical look from my leader. Our sheet is draped over us and we wait to begin.

I start grinning, not only to make Leeteuk smile (which he did, score!), but because I'm so incredibly happy right now.

It's always right before a performance that I feel so lucky. I know how privilaged I am to have this lifestyle. To be healthy and happy, with such good friends who always have my back. I try not to forget that, especially in times like now, when the stress of promoting is almost too much.

I whisper to Leeteuk to stop thinking about us and start worrying about himself for a change. He doesn't even look at me. He must really be distracted. Well, the mark of a good leader is knowing everything at all times, I guess.

And the mark of a good member is listening to his leader, so I'd better shut up since Leeteuk told us before not to talk once our mics were .

My mind starts to wander to what we're going to do after this performance. I'm not worried about the performance at all — I know we'll do great. As long as we're having fun, we always do our best. After this, though, is what I'm really looking forward to.

When we get back to the dorm, whoever isn't being lazy will make hot chocolate for everyone and we'll just sit around and talk. Usually, someone will have videos playing of the performance from fancams and such on his laptop and we'll crowd around and watch. It's always interesting to see the show from another perspective. Eventually, everyone will fall asleep on the couch, floor, each other... But even the next morning, the feeling of comradary and accomplshment lingers.

I hear the music starting. The cue for Siwon and Heechul to be revealed has passed, which means it's mine and Leeteuk's turn next. He finally looked up at me, his distracted look fading away. I flash him a grin as our sheet is pulled away, switching instantly to a serious look once everyone can see me.

I lower my arm and gaze into the audience in anticipation of what's to come.


Eunhyuk's POV

I'm standing here, waiting to begin. I'm one of the three of us who is standing alone. I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or not. I mean, if someone were under here with me, we could talk or make faces or something. Alone though, I have more time with my thoughts without anyone else interfering.

I feel hyper right now. In the waiting room, we were all jumping and hyper and laughing with each other. It's kinda funny. Backstage, we're all totally normal and smiling and having a good time. Put us on stage though, totally focused and serious if need be.

This song, Superman, is one of our more serious songs. It sounds very dark and mysterious, which I like, but right now, I'm so much more in the mood of a happier song like No Other. It's hard to be serious and dark when you're in a hyper mood. I should ask Teukie-hyung to make us depressed in the waiting room before such a song.

I snort to myself. Like that'll ever work.

Actually, I think I like being alone under the sheet. It give me time to reflect on things alone. Also, when I'm revealed, it's only me. And I get to start out the song. I'm not being concieded or anything, but everyone likes a bit of extra attention sometimes, don't they?

The music's starting. My heart beats in anticipation. I hear the cue for my sheet to be pulled off. I immediately begin rapping, fighting to keep the smile off my face.

Yes, this is the best thing in the world.


Donghae's POV

I'm nervous.

I know it's stupid, because after doing this for so long, one would think I'd be used to it by now. But I can't make myself as noncholant about a performance like the other members can. I'm a little more sensitive than them, but I try not to bother them right before a performance.

Actually, someone once told me that if you're not nervous before a show or something, something is wrong. I chuckle. Then I remember who told me that.

I sober up instantly.

It was my father.

He called me before my very first performance with Super Junior. I'd been terrified out of my wits by the thought of opening my mouth in front of so many people. I was afraid of embarrasing myself.

We'd been in the waiting room and I was watching the other members laughing and joking with each other. I was standing apart when my phone rang.

When I heard my father's voice, everything spilled out.

I told him how scared I was and how the other members didn't seem to be at all.

I'll never forget what he told me that night. He said that they were probably more nervous than they were letting on. Because anyone who isn't nervous before something big like this has something wrong with them.

Now, before every performance, I think of my fathers words to me that night. I know he'd be proud of me to see how far I've come. This performance is no different.

I can hear Eunhyuk rapping already. I close my eyes behind my sunglasses, keeping my expression cool and blank as my sheet is pulled away and I begin to rap.

I miss you Appa.


Yesung's POV

How cool is this? The utter coolness of a concert never fails to impress me. Man, the things our company thinks up for every concert we do is pretty amazing.

I can't believe we're halfway through promotions already. It feels like we just got the news of our new album and it's title track, Mr. Simple. Time really flies, doesn't it?

Gosh, holding up this sheet is awfully uncomfortable. I shift around a little, trying to get into a slightly more comfortable position. Whoops. The sheet moved.

I hope no one saw that.

Sungmin and Ryeowook are under here with me. They don't seem too comfortable either, considering they're also moving around and such.

There's the music. I try to stop moving, but I can't help it. I've never been good at standing still. I follow the music's progress as it goes. I nod; there's Eunhyuk and Donghae rapping.

I'm next.

I lower my arm in syncronization with Ryeowook and Sungmin as I begin to sing. I forget about my previous discomfort.

Who cares about that, when I've got this?


Ryeowook's POV

I wish Yesung would stop moving. The audience can probably see our sheet ripple. He's not turning around at my look, though.

Sungmin also looks like he's thinking about something important. His eyes are far away with a serious look on his face, and trust me, that's unusual.

While we wait under the sheet for the music to start, my mind drifts back to this morning and the various happenings in the dorm.

The morning of a concert, we always have waffles. Yeah, Henry got us hooked on them. He couldn't believe we'd never had them. Whoever is up first will make a ton of them in the kitchen for everyone else and we eat them throughout the morning. This morning was no different. Leeteuk was up first (no surprises there) and the smell of waffles brought me and Kyuhyun running first.

Within ten minutes, the dorm was noisy and hyper, with us talking, laughing, and having make-a-face-in-your-syrup contests. The feeling of friendship always makes me feel good, especially first thing in the morning. We just hung out most of the day, not having a schedule the day of a concert.

The good feeling lasted until we got here. I talked to my parents a few minutes before coming on stage.

I think of what my mother said to me before we hung up — they won't be able to come visit me like they'd planned to. Something came up and they'd have to stay home.

I sigh, making the sheet ripple yet again. I really wanted them to come.

There's the music. It's our turn soon to be revealed. I hear Donghae, which means we're next.

Yesung starts to sing as our sheet is pulled down and we lower our arms. I keep my face completely serious as I look out into the audience.

And see my brother there.


Sungmin's POV

I stand next to Ryeowook and behind Yesung beneath the white sheet, arm up, fingers curled into a fist.

And the thing I've been trying my hardest not to think about comes to mind.

This is one of Heechul's last performances.

I shake my head, making the sheet rustle slightly. I don't want to think about that. I said the same thing to myself when Hankyung left because of the lawsuit, when Kangin joined the army, when Kibum went to pursue acting. And now Heechul's joined the army too. And Leeteuk will have to join him soon. And Siwon will leave temporarily to work on Poseidon.

Sheesh, what happened to 13?

But I think of the song we're about to sing. It talks about how great Super Junior is, and each person's strength. But it's Leeteuks line that gets me every time.

With the stars we've lost, we are 13 stars.

I guess he's right. No matter how many of us leae, we are and will always be 13 stars.

I can hear Eunhyuk starting his rap, which means Donghae isn't far behind. I feel our sheet moving and I lower my arm.

We're only 10 now, but we will be 13 again.


Kyuhyun's POV

I'm the last one to be revealed. Which means I have about 20 seconds more thinking time than my hyungs.

Well, extra thinking time for the evil maknae might not always be a good thing.

I'm waiting for something to happen while listening to my members moving around. They think they're being quiet, but I can hear them.

Shindong is whispering something to Leeteuk behind me. Someone in the behind me is moving, and I think someone just sighed. And did Eunhyuk just snort? It makes me wonder what they think about while waiting under here. I'm probably not the only one who likes a bit of thinking time.

I just think about doing what I love, singing. Performing is the best thing I've ever done. It comes naturally to me. I was only a trainee for two months before joining Super Junior.

At that thought, my smirk fades a little. Those first few weeks as part of this group were hard. Leeteuk was cold to me, and no one seemed to like me all that much. I didn't think I would ever truly fit in with this group.

But now....

I really see how close I've gotten with them. Being the youngest and all, I get a lot of attention (except when I'm being mean to them, then I don't get any). In 2007, in that accident, I really saw that I meant something to them. I wince at the memory of that year. Not the most pleasant one I've got.

I heard them yelling, even as I lay on the ground, broken and bleeding, waiting to die. Leeteuk crawled over to me, he tried to talk to me, see if I was okay. He was the one who seemed to hate me the most, and yet there he was.

The music is starting, shaking me from the past. The past is over, what's important is now. I'm going to hold on to right now for as long as possible. Yesung is singing. It's my turn now.

My sheet is whipped away and I begin to sing. The other members glance my way, and it's now that I feel like I belong.


No one's POV

Super Junior step down from their platforms to the area where they will dance. They begin singing, adding the dance with it.

Heechul forgets his wardrobe and dancing issues. Siwon enjoys the time he has to dance. Leeteuk stops worrying about the other members. Shindong anticipates the future. Eunhyuk dances to perfection. Donghae forgets his sadness, but remembers his father. Yesung isn't uncomfortable anymore. Ryeowook performs his heart out for his brother. Sungmin is confident in 13 members. And Kyuhyun forgets that awful day in 2007. All there is is this stage, right now.

The words of the song reflect everything that Super Junior is proud of. And although their faces are serious, one careful look in their eyes says different. Their eyes are the windows to their feelings. Their eyes tell us how happy and content these 10 boys are. They show every bit of enjoyment they are feeling.

Because they really are Super Junior — the last man standing!

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Beautiful interpretation of that mysterious few moments n an amazing capture of their feelings . Wow !
unnilovesKYU #2
I love this so much. It's exactly how they would all be thinking behind those sheets. Good job! :)
wow! this is amazing! it made me teary-eyed! Super Junior <3
this was a really great oneshot! it doesn't sound like you're new to suju (then again, i'm not an elf, but still.) because i was touched by each of their POVs- especially leeteuk's. good job! :D
I got kinda teary eyed reading this cause Heechul left for the army today :/
quexiyun #6
Ooo! Beautiful, just like the song! Don't worry about the hyung thing, you'll get it sooner or later xD <br />
<br />
Lovely! Toobad it was just a oneshot, I'll look forward to anything else you write :D
SweetLikeHersheys #7
Ohmaigatsun, Aiko. Wow. O_O<br />
I absolutely LOVED it!! It was SO well-written, I can see that you got right into their minds. I love how Donghae's thinking about his dad- did you get that from my e-mail?? Every single one was amazing, but i think I'm obsessed with Leeteuk's POV. It's so touching how he worries about every member. He's such a great leader, he takes such good care of them all and he's gonna leave soon *sobs in the corner* I'll be so upset to see him go. But Kangin's hopefully coming back soon, YAY FOR BEAR KANGIN. I'm getting off-topic... Anyway, I was surprised to see Sungmin so worried about Heenim! It was cute! I also liked how Shindong tries to cheer up Leeteuk, and Eunhyuk's cuz...he's Eunhyuk mah bias XD. Donghae's is sad and so sweet, and Wookie has a bro?? How am I an E.L.F and NOT KNOW THAT???? GAH.<br />
My main point is, yes. You did an amazing beyond amazing job. I love the title, I love the last line (so epic), I loved the pic, and I miss Heechul like freaking crazy. (I'm still mourning the loss of his hair to the razor...)Kyuhyun IS an evil maknae...but he has such a gorgeous voice and I'm glad he's still singing onstage. 2007 . And lol, Onew checking Kyu's Starcraft. If he didn't save it...the world shall end as we know it.<br />
Oh, and I laughed my off at Siwon's prayers to the Lord.<br />
Kudos to you! Unnie is proud!<br />
~Jaiya <3 <3 <3
This was absolutely beautiful <3 So strong and powerful, with a little laugh here and there~ It's perfectly chosen to match this one shot up with Superman <3 This is seriously epic~ And don't worry about the hyung thing, it's a bit confusing trust me, it took me a good few days to perfect the fact of it :I
AmudoBun #9
I'm like WOW. I really like this...
quexiyun #10
Sounds interesting! Updat e soon :D oh, and 2 subscribers...and 0 views?,?!?!?