Chapter 2

Cinderella's Aegyo Prince

"Mother, I'm home!" a pretty young lady entered a small house.

"Sunny, how many times do I have to tell you you don't have to work" the girl's big brother scolded at her.

"Brother, I have to or we will not be having our dinner later" the girl said.

The girl was pretty and cute, she always uses her aegyo to her brother everytime he scolds at her and her brother was always giving in to it. You're right! This girl is Sunny, the child who was always been protected by her family, a child orphaned to her father. 

"Morning mother!" Sunny kissed her mother Sooyoung.

"Morning sweetheart, why is your brother screaming again?" Sooyoung asked.

"Nothing mother, he is just---practicing his vocalization, because he---joined a choir" she alibid.

"A choir? Is there such thing here in our place?" her mother asked again.

"Yes mother there is, it's just---it's inside the palace church, sooo--"Sunny hit Ryeowook's sides, secretly giving him a sign that she couldn't think of an alibi.

"Uhmm mother, do you want to eat?" Ryeowook changed the topic.

"Oh, uhmm you go first, I'll just follow" Sooyoung replied.

"Okay" Sunny said pulling his brother.


"Why?" Ryeowook annoyingly replied.

Sooyoung could hear the two arguing but she just smiled, she got the picture of her husband and looked at it.

"My love, both of our children grew up beautiful and handsome. Your only daughter, she's 18 now, she should look for someone to be with her, and your son, I hope he would stay strong, I know it's hard for him but he is trying his best to support us. We missed you now, Siwon" Sooyoung said while hugging the picture.

After fighting with her brother, Sunny passed by her mother's room and heard what her mother was saying, she stopped in front of the door and listened to her.

"I miss you Father!" she whispered to her self.




At the palace, people were asusually busy and were all preparing for the Royal Family's breakfast. 

"Gotcha sister!" a handsome young man poked her sister.

"Sungmin, I'm tired let's rest" her sister pleaded, but he didn't stop.

"Yuri, Sungmin, mother and father's calling for you" their other sister who stopped by their room said.

You're right again! It's the royal siblings, Sungmin and Yuri did not change a thing, they're still the same as they were. 

"Alright, your mother and I will visit your grandmother's palace, who would love to join" King Leeteuk said.

Yuri and Jessica both raised their hands excitingly while Sungmin just pouted his red pouty lips.

"Why my baby Sungmin, something wrong?" Queen Taeyeon asked.

"Mother, don't baby Sungmin he's 20 now" Yuri said.

"I know, but he is still my baby boy!" Queen Taeyeon added while Sungmin nodded.

"Mother, I don't want to join you, I'm too lazy to travel" Sungmin used his aegyo.

"Sungmin please stop it, you did not change a thing!" Jessica giggled.

"It's okay my prince you can just stay here but no going out of the palace" Queen Taeyeon warned him.

"Of course mother! King's rule!" he hugged his mom.

And so, everyone went back to their rooms to fix for their things that they'll bring for their vacation. Sungmin, who stood by Yuri's bed was busy playing with the bed's curtain while his sister was busy packing her gowns.

"Sister, why don't you just stay here? I don't have someone to play with" Sungmin pouted.

"Stop it, it's making me uncomfortable" Yuri threw a pillow on Sungmin's face.

"Why isn't my aegyo working on you?" 

"It's working, you're already making me uncomfortable" Yuri joked.


"Just stop it Sungmin. Your sister is already 22, I still have to find my---" Yuri stopped.

"Your?" Sungmin asked.

"My Seoulmate" Yuri whispered.

"You're really unbelievable Sister" Sungmin took a leave and left his sister by herself inside her room.

When everyone's okay, the Royal Family gathered in the Palace Hall to say goodbye to their servants and to Sungmin who chose to stay at home and play by himself.

"Sungmin, be good okay?" Yuri hugged him before saying goodbye.

"How long are you gonna stay there?" he asked.

"2 months maybe" King Leeteuk replied.

"2 months? That's not a visit dad, that's a vacation" Sungmin exclaimed and his family laughed at him.

"You should come with us" Jessica said.

"It's okay, you just enjoy it okay?" Sungmin said.

"Sir Kyuhyun, please take care of my son, guide him here at the palace" King Leeteuk ordered to Sungmin's personal guard, Cho Kyuhyun..

"As you ordered, you're majesty" Kyuhyun bowed to the king.

When everything was settled the carriage moved on and left the palace, and as the gates open Sungmin saw people having fun outside. He then thought that he wanted to experience having fun as well.

Not far from the gate, he saw a young lady walking by, he tried to see her face clearly but he couln't so he walked closer. He remembered that people must not see him, so he walked back to the palace instead.

"C'mon bro" he embraced his knight.




On the other hand, Sunny was sewing her dress that she accidentally tore when her brother came in and laid down on their small humble couch.

"La, la, la, la, hmmmmmm"

"Sunny, is your dress torn again?" he asked.

"Yes, but it's okay, I can fix this" Sunny proudly said.

"Are you sure?" Ryeowook added.

"Of course!" Sunny cutely nodded.

"Okay, and you know you're really the aegyo queen" Ryeowook joked that made Sunny giggle.




Back at the palace was the prince who kept on walking back and forth. He was holding his chin and was thinking.

"Kyuhyun, I have a bright idea!" he snapped.

"What?" Kyuhyun impolitely asked.

"My friend, look outside, you see they're having fun. Do you know the feeling of socializing with people? Knowing them, but I couln't wait 'til my coronation to do that" Sungmin pouted.

"What are you trying to point out?" Kyuhyun stopped him.

"Kyuhyun, would you help me get out of the palace" Sungmin asked.

"NO! Your father's gonna kill me" Kyuhyun shook his head.

"You're disobeying your Prince's order?" Sungmin mocked.

"NO your highness" Kyuhyun said.

"Then follow me, help me, PLEEEEAAASSSSEEE" Sungmin pleaded while using his aegyo.

"You know, I'll help you just---don't do that aegyo again" Kyuhyun said.

"Thanks! And of course I'm the aegyo King!" Sungmin added.

"And you're proud of it?!" Kyuhyun wondered.


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[CAP] I think this needs a major editing~ I've read it again and still too many wrong grammars~ =_=


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kpoplover009 #1
Chapter 21: love it !!... I love sunsun, a worry that he is married now, but okay...
oraangi #2
It's really really really wonderful story and interesting I really like it the point of death Haha what else?!
I really liked the atmosphere of the story and events iiiiii :"( it is very perfect
I wish can you write more stories like this and to be heroes
Sunny and Sungmin
unnie jaang :")
SpringTempo21 #3
Chapter 15: "Are you in or are you out?" lol Now, that I think author-nim is Filipino, I can't help but find random phrases that are typically said by Filipinos in this fic. I hope the later chapters have more Jessica. She's the forgotten sibling in the family it seems.
SpringTempo21 #4
Chapter 13: "Why? Affected?" LOL That phrase is SO Filipino. Are you Filipino?! I just bursted out laughing reading that. I suddenly heard Sohee's voice with a Tagalog accent. xD
SpringTempo21 #5
Chapter 8: Wow! I'm a WonderFul, and this is the first time I've read a fic where they're the "bad girls". lol I'm not mad, though. I think it's funny. ^o^ Actually, it makes me even happier to see that WG is in a Sunsun couple fic!
DreamCatcher13 #6
Chapter 21: good story author noona! :)~ Keep on writing! <3
I re-read it again. It's really cute~!
-SoneAndElf- #8
Chapter 21: OMO filipino ka po pla author. :)
-SoneAndElf- #9
Chapter 20: Ohh~ auch a beautiful storyyy. OMG~ it's 1:07 in the evwning now ? o_O or should I say , 1:07 in the morning? XDD my cellphone now is low battery. Good thing I finish this atoryy. Love this~! <3 byeee :-)
-SoneAndElf- #10
Chapter 19: Hope SunSun is the next to be marry. <3