I'll Get That Girl

Sweet As Suga

“No you do it.” I’ve been listening to my friends go back and forth for a while now. They’re arguing over a bet where one of them has to get the nerdy shy girl to fall in love with them, and the reward is a dinner at an expensive restaurant that the others have to pay for.

I thought about the delicious food at a particular expensive restaurant I had in mind as I listened to their cries of cowardice.

They proceeded to walk towards me with a smirk on their faces. “Hey Yoongi…We dare you to get the nerdy shy girl to fall in love with you.”

I looked over to the shy nerdy girl in our class and smirked; this would be a piece of cake.

I looked back at them and snickered. “I’ll do it.”

They looked at each other and smirked. “Alright then, it’s not like you’re going to get that meal anyway.”

After class I looked over and watched her movements. She was packing her things and immediately got up to leave. I was kind of surprised at how fast she got up.

I quickly packed my things and rushed into the hallways to follow her. As I was following her, I passed by a few people I knew and waved to them, as she continued to walk towards the library without any human contact.

I watched her sit down at a nearby table, so I sat down in front of her. She looked up briefly, then back down as she took out her books. I took out my books as well and decided to actually do some homework to pretend I’m here to study.

“Hey.” I whispered. She looked up at me with a puzzled look. “I don’t understand any of this stuff…can you by chance help me?”

She nodded in response, so I got up and brought my things beside her. I showed her what I didn’t understand, and she explained it to me so well.

“Ohh! I think I remember the teacher saying something like that…you know when I wasn’t sleeping in class.” I told her.

A smile appeared on her face which got to my heart a bit. I shook myself out of my thoughts and smiled back. “You know you’re a lot cuter when you smile.”

She immediately blushed at my remark and pointed back at my books. “Wh-What else do you need help with?” she asked.

I smirked and responded with, “What else? You think I have more that I don’t know?”

She began to panic as if she insulted me. “N-No! I didn’t mean it like that!”

I laughed at her reaction and smiled back. “I’m just teasing you. You know well enough that I sleep during class, I mean that is if you even notice.”

She brushed her hair behind her ear and calmed her expression. “I do…”

After that I tried to spend more time with her, I mean how else am I supposed to get her to fall in love with me if she doesn’t get to know me?

I caught a cold, so I had to postpone the wowing.  Least that I knew, she showed up at my door.

“Yoongi! Your girlfriend is here~!” my mom yelled up at me. I turned over in my bed to hide my embarrassment.

My mom then entered my room with some refreshments for us both and smirked as she pointed behind her with a thumb up.

She sat down beside me as she took out her notes. I told her to stay away from me as she might catch my cold, but she said she didn’t care. She gave me her notes saying that she took them for me.

“Do you mind if I sleep a bit? I didn’t get any last night.” I asked her. She shook her head and began to clean up the refreshments my mom brought.

When I woke up, I immediately looked to my side to see if she was still there, but she wasn’t. I don’t know why I was expecting her to still be there; hope just overcame me.

I looked by my head and noticed a post-it on the notes she gave me, it read, “Get well soon, and don’t push yourself that much!”

I smiled at it as my mother came into my room. “Thinking about your girlfriend~?” she cooed.

I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up more. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

She smiled at me and pointed at my forehead. “Would someone who’s not your girlfriend take the time to go out and buy a cold compress to bring down your fever?”

I immediately reached for my forehead and felt a slightly cool fabric on my head. My mom took it off and gave me a thermometer to take my temperature.

Turns out my temperature went down significantly thanks to that patch and the medicine I took before. I turned around and buried my face into my pillow. Why is she this nice to me? Is she this nice to anybody who talks to her? Either way, I’ve fallen for that kindness.

I can’t help but think about what she would do if she found out about the bet. Part of me doesn’t want her to find out, but the other part wants me to be honest with her, even if it means losing her. I need to get myself out of this bet; I need to talk to them tomorrow.

As I walked towards class, I saw her talking with my friends and looking sad. What did they say to her?

I walked in and she grabbed my hand as she led me to someplace private. “What is it?” I asked. She looked really upset.

“Is what they said true? They dared you to get close to me so I could fall in love with you?” she demanded.

I gulped and nodded. “I’m sorry, but I got to really know you and you’re amazing!”

She bit her bottom lip to hold back the tears. “Well I’m glad it was a bet; I always hated you anyway.”

She then walked back into the classroom and sat down at her spot. Those words really hurt me.

“No dinner for you Yoongi~!” my friend said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I brushed his arm off and walked towards my desk and sat down without a word.

After school I waited for her outside the gates, since she has to come past here to leave.

When I saw her I quickly ran up to her, but she ignored me. “WAIT!” I yelled. “Just let me explain myself.”

She stopped and glared at me. “What is there to explain?”

I took a deep breath and began. “Yes they did dare me to make you fall in love with me, because I really wanted a delicious meal that they would have to pay for. I thought it would be a piece of cake getting the nerdy shy girl in the class to fall for me, but it really wasn’t. I got to know you and I ended up falling for you.”

She looked really stunned when I said that.

“Wh-What?” she stuttered.

I scratched my head and took another deep breath to get myself to finish. “I’m saying that I really like you…please don’t make me say it again.”

A tiny smile appeared on her face, but soon vanished. “How do I know you’re not lying?”

I shrugged. “You don’t.”

I turned around thinking that I pretty much blew everything, but then I suddenly remembered about when I was sick.

I turned around and said, “Oh yeah…and thank you for taking care of me when I was sick…I really appreciated it. And I’m sorry that my mom assumed that you were my girlfriend.”

I turned around to leave just as she said, “Maybe she was right.”

I stopped, but didn’t turn around. “Don’t play with my feelings.”

She then walked in front of me and smiled. “You’re still a jerk for betting on me, but I’m also an idiot for falling for you.”

I couldn’t exactly process what she just said, until she poked my face.

“Say…I’ll tell them that I fell for you, that way we can both get that expensive dinner.” She said.

I smirked. “I like the way you think.”

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Sarah694 #1
I really really REALLY love your story. ^^
It was perfect, cute & lovely ♥
Thank you ^^
Pandabear1122 #2
Chapter 1: I like this story it's short and sweet
Chapter 1: He got a nerdy shy girl with brilliant yet evil mind lol like it ;)
Chapter 1: Naaww super cute <3 it was so fast though