[insert good chapter title here1:]


Himchan was rushing down the mountain side on his sleigh. The air rushed by and the adrenaline coursed through his veins. Gleefully he let the world know about his excitement, yelling as loud as he could. This was the life

Looking behind him, he concentrated on the top of the mountainside until a large crack sounded. With a smile, he looked to the front again and maneuvered around a cluster of trees at the last second. Behind him the familiar rumble of a lavina started. This was the life.

He took a quick glance backwards to check how close the lavina was, before another larger cluster of trees took his attention. Slowing down a little bit, he maneuvered through the trees with the perfection of someone who had done this a hundred times. This was the life.

A blur of red caught his attention to the right. Nothing red should be here. He slowed his sleigh down slowly, turning it to the right at the same time. When it finally stopped, he stood up and with the string attached to the sleigh in his hand, he walked upwards to where he had seen the red thing.

He hurried as much as he could in the deep snow. Soon however the red appeared from behind a tree and ran past him. It was a person. .

Hey!” he yelled at the person. The person stopped and turned around.
“Hurry and run! There's a lavina coming!” the person yelled in a deep voice. It was a male.

I know a place we can take shelter,” Himchan told him as he walked closer. The rumble was coming closer. Sitting down on his sleigh, he threw his head to the side. “Hop on and hold on to the sleigh.” The person did as told and Himchan kicked off again. Every now and then he would give the ground a kick, gaining speed. Mindful of the extra weight on his sleigh, he let his attention focus solely on the trees.

Sooner than he had calculated, they were out of the trees and gaining speed faster. Himchan leaned forward with a smile on his face. This was going to be close. Not even looking backwards to check how close the lavina was, he looked for the big slab of rock that would be their shelter.

He spotted the rock without too much snow on it and slowed down his sleigh. When they reached it, he leaned left, turning the sleigh in under the rock. He then put his feet out and stopped the sleigh completely.

Are you sure this is going to protect us?” the male asked, doubt lacing his words.

Of course, I've done this tons of times,” Himchan answered with a shrug of his shoulders and walked all the way up to the rock. “Come on, or you'll be buried,” he told the guy and waved him over. The man (or boy) in the red jacket hurriedly went over to him at his words. The rock covered their backs and heads. Himchan would take care of the sides if the snow came in from there.

Just as he held up his hands in preparation, the snow was over them. It went fast. The light was gone in an instant and all they could see from their position was a little bit of rock and snow. It rumbled deeply in the earth.

We're going to be buried alive,” the guy beside him whimpered. Himchan smiled but kept on concentrating on keeping the snow away from them. His powers were strong, but they required concentration when he had to control so much snow. After a long period of silence between the two, he felt the snow still, coming to rest. He pressed on the snow for a little longer, making sure it wouldn't collapse when he let go.

So,” he started and turned around as he let go. “What's your name?” he asked.

Yongguk,” the guy answered. “Yours?”

Himchan, nice to meet you,” Himchan said as the other held out a glove covered hand. Remembering his own bare hands, he didn't take the held out hand.

Are we going to die here?” the other asked. Himchan laughed.

No we're not, I'll get us out,” Himchan told Yongguk, who didn't look like he believed him. “Let's just wait 'til the snow settles a little bit, before I dig us out.” The other nodded and sat down.

Aren't you cold?” he asked from the ground.

Nope,” Himchan answered and shook his head. “The cold never bothered me.”

I believe that. You're barely wearing clothes,” Yongguk told him with a throw of his arms in his direction. Himchan looked down himself. He was wearing a shirt, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes. Looking up again, he shrugged his shoulders. It was more than enough in his opinion. The other was wearing a thick jacket (with more layers underneath probably), thick pants and a pair of boots. Not to mention gloves and a hat.

What were you doing with your arms spread out so dramatically?” Yongguk asked him.

I can control snow, ice, stuff like that,” Himchan told him and sat down next to the boy (though remembering to keep his distance), whose eyebrows disappeared underneath the fringe that stuck out from his hat.

You're kidding me right,” the boy said doubtfully.

No I'm quite serious. Do you want to see?” The other nodded slowly. Himchan stretched his arm out in front of him and willed a simple snowman into existence with a twirl of his hand. He looked at the boy next to him. His jaw had dropped.

Y-you...” the boy stammered and looked at him before looking back at the snowman that adorned their little hollow.

I told you, didn't I,” Himchan said and Yongguk nodded. His face scrunched up as if he was thinking hard.

Wait a minute...” the boy said after a while of silence. “That means you're the witch!”

Ok first of all, do I look like a girl?” Himchan asked irritated. The other shook his head. “Good, so if you call me anything, call me sorcerer or something like that,” he said, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice. He didn't like people calling him names as if he was a bad thing. That was why he fled from “home” in the first place. Yongguk went silent.

You're not going to bewitch me and make me your slave forever, are you?” he asked in a small voice after a while.

No, what the hell?” Himchan exclaimed and silently asked him where in the world he had gotten that idea from.

Good, 'cause that's what they say,” Yongguk sighed in relief. Himchan frowned.

So that's what they say about me these days, huh,” he mumbled and sent a dagger of ice through the snowman.

Sorry,” the boy apologized. Himchan sent another dagger through the snowman.

So why did you come up here, if I'm so vile?” he asked as he sent another dagger towards the snowman.

I didn't believe you were real,” Yongguk answered in a quiet voice. “I mean, it was all rumors and I don't believe in rumors.” Himchan shot a dagger at the snowman that was now starting to fall apart. “To be honest you don't seem like an evil person,” Yongguk continued on, gaining confidence in his voice with every word. “Maybe we could even be friends?” Himchan snorted.

Let's get out of here,” he told the other and stood up. The boy stood up next to him. “Keep close, but don't touch me,” he told Yongguk and concentrated on the snow directly above them. Slowly and carefully, he dug away the snow while making sure nothing fell within a certain distance around them. As the he dug his way up, he created a pillar of ice underneath them that slowly took them upwards.

Soon they saw the light break through and a minute or two later, they were out. For a while they stood in silence, letting the wind play around them.

Thank you for saving my life,” Yongguk thanked him, breaking the silence. Himchan nodded in reply.

It was my fault your life was in danger in the first place, so it was the least I could do,” he said after a while. He could feel the other's eyes on him. Looking at the boy, he found a confused look on his face. “I created the lavina,” he told the other.

What? How? Why?” Yongguk asked.

I control snow remember. It takes a little bit of concentration to move the snow and then it comes tumbling down by itself,” he explained.

But why?”

I need a new house. I was getting tired of my old one.” Himchan shrugged his shoulders. “Now goodbye.” And with that he started walking away from the boy, not looking back.

A witch. Bewitching people. Enslaving them. What the hell? Why would people make such rumors. In the years he'd lived on this mountain he'd never harmed anyone. That was the whole point of moving here. So he'd live in peace. Away from people. So he wouldn't hurt them when he couldn't control his powers. So he wouldn't have to live through be shunned again. Trudging through the snow, he made his way up towards the top of the mountain again. He probably wouldn't reach it tonight with this pace. Sighing to himself he headed towards a lone group of trees. He would build a small hut there and sleep there until tomorrow.


The wind was increasing, tearing at the trees outside of his window. The small hut he had made was simple. No extravagant towers or complex architecture. Just four walls with a door and two windows. Inside he had made a bed, a table and a chair. A single ice crystal on the table lighted up the hut. Currently, he was sitting on the chair lazily making patterns on the ice walls.

An unnatural sound came from outside, making him stop mid-movement. The snowflake on the wall was left unfinished as the sound came again. Standing up, he headed over to the door and opened it. The cold wind ripped at his hair as he listened.

'Himchan' the sound seemed to say. What the hell? Staying in the doorway, he listened for the sound as the wind tried to open the door further.

Himchan!” someone yelled. It was a person, no doubt. Who the hell was out in a storm at this hour? And knew his name for that matter?

Himchan!” the voice yelled, closer this time. A figure appeared from behind one of the trees he had built his ice-hut beside.

OI! YOU!” Himchan yelled back and the figure stopped before it started moving towards him. As the person came closer, he recognized the clothes. It was Yongguk. “What the hell?” he muttered to himself.

Hey,” Yongguk greeted him with a sheepish smile when he reached the door.

Come in, quickly,” Himchan told the boy and stepped back to let the other into his hut. As soon as the other was inside, he closed the door, silencing the wind. “What the hell are you doing outside in a storm? I thought you'd gone home?”

I couldn't just leave you when you looked like that,” Yongguk answered and scratched the back of his head. “It's warmer in here, out of the wind. Are the walls made of ice?” he asked and went over to touch the nearest wall.

Yes?” Himchan answered slowly. He didn't get why the boy hadn't just gone home. The other turned around and looked at him with a smile. His eyes went to the table where the ice crystal shone.

Whoooaaa, how do you make that shine?” he asked and hurried over to the table, crouching down to get on eye level with it.

I don't know, I just have to think of light when I make it and then... You know what, I don't know why I'm telling you this,” Himchan interrupted himself.

Can I touch it?” Yongguk asked.

I wouldn't recommend it, as I don't know what would happen if you did,” Himchan told the other. The boy took off his glove and reached for the crystal.

I'm gonna touch it,” he announced. Before Himchan could do anything, the boy was touching the crystal. The second Yongguk touched the ice, he retracted his hand with a scream. “It's burning cold!”

I told you not to touch it,” Himchan reprimanded the other.

Sorry, I was just curious,” the boy apologized with another sheepish smile and scratched the back of his head. He then looked around. “The walls are really pretty. Did you make all those snowflakes?”

Yeah,” Himchan answered not really knowing what to do with himself with this person. It had been years since he last talked with a person.

Cool! Can you make people too?” Yongguk asked excitedly. Himchan nodded. “Oh, draw me, draw me!”

What, why?”

Because it would be awesome!”


But what?”

Nothing...” Himchan trailed off and looked at the hopeful boy, who wanted his picture in ice on the wall. “Fine, stand in front of the window over there,” he pointed at the said window. Yongguk immediately set in motion to do as said. He then turned around to look at Himchan excitedly, who turned his chair and sat down. Studying every detail of the boy in front of him, he sketched it into the side of the hut. Everything from his clothes to his gummy smile was painted upon the wall with ice.

The boy stood in complete silence, smile never wavering as Himchan concentrated on painting the boy onto the wall with ice. It had been a long time since he drew human beings. Ever since he gave up on his family coming to look for him he stopped drawing people and started drawing beautiful shapes, patterns and lots and lots of snowflakes.

There, done,” Himchan announced when he finished the last detail. It wasn't as pretty as he used to draw people, but it was pretty good when you thought about he hadn't drawn a person in years. Yongguk stepped forward and looked at himself.

Wauw, you're really good!” he complimented Himchan, who snorted.

Yeah, whatever.”

I mean it! I mean sure, you could probably do better, but it's still really good.”

Yeah, yeah, sit down,” Himchan told the other and swung his hand up once, making a chair of ice. Yongguk's eyes widened considerably.

You're really good at making things,” he complimented once again as he sat down.

As long as they're made of ice, yeah,” Himchan accepted the compliment. After years of making things of ice, he'd better be good at it.

Are you hungry?” Yongguk asked and took off his gloves to place them on the table.

A little bit yes,” Himchan answered slowly. He hadn't had anything to eat since lunch, which had been rushed as he wanted to go sleighing as soon as possible.

Good, cause I have food... somewhere,” the boy told him as he started looking through his pockets. He went through two pockets before some carrots appeared on the table. Some dried meat was found as well. Soon there was enough food on the table for a small meal for two.

How is it possible to have all that in your pockets?” Himchan asked.

I'm good at packing,” the other smiled brightly before motioning towards the food. “Dig in.”

Himchan did as told and went straight for the carrots. He hadn't eaten carrots in years. Actually he lived off of ice and snow and occasional meat when he went low enough on the mountain. The taste was heavenly. Better than he remembered. He was going to stuff himself with all these carrots.

Woah there, slow down, the carrots aren't going to run away,” Yongguk told him with a laugh. Himchan stopped mid-chew and looked at the other. “You eat like you haven't eaten carrots in years.”

I haven't,” Himchan said after he swallowed the carrot piece in his mouth. The boy frowned.


It's not really possible for carrots to grow where I live,” he shrugged his shoulders.

Oh yeah, you live on top of the mountain,” Yongguk nodded.

How do you know?” Himchan asked and took a bite of yet another carrot.

That's what the rumors say,” the boy said slowly and looked at him sheepishly.

Whatever, it's true anyways,” he waved the boy off with a frown.

What do you eat then?”

Ice and snow mostly.”

What? How does that work out?” Yongguk asked, with a confused look on his face.

I don't know. It keeps me alive that's all I know. But a real meal is better.”

Odd.” Himchan nodded in agreement to the statement.

Silence fell over them as they finished the food. It was nice.

So why did it hurt so much what the people in my village think of you?” Yongguk asked, breaking the silence. Himchan shrugged his shoulders and looked down. He didn't want to talk about other people. “You shouldn't listen to what other people say about you. Most people are s.”

Easy for you to say,” Himchan mumbled. He didn't want to talk about this. It hurt too much.

I'm not exactly Mr. Popular you know,” the other told him. “When I was little, I liked to dress up as a girl and pretend I was a princess, so I wasn't exactly accepted by the general public. And now... now people think I'm scary because of my face.” A smile broke out on Himchan's face and he looked up at the other.

You dressed up as a girl?” he asked, trying to fight the smile.

Yeah,” Yongguk chuckled slightly. “I was a pretty princess.” Himchan let out a snort of laughter. “So I know what it's like to be alone. One shouldn't think about what people say about you behind your back.”

I wish I had that luxury,” Himchan sighed, his smile dying away with the thought of what happened at “home”.

What do you mean?”

Being able to be around other people.”

You're around me right now.”

And you're the first human being I've talked to in years,” Himchan told the other. Yongguk's eyes widened as he fell silent.

Don't you have any friends that come visit you?” the boy asked quietly. The pity was laced through every single syllable in the question.

I have friends. They're just not human,” he mumbled back in defense and thought of Snowie and all the others. They would camping out on the top of the mountain until he came to get them.

What do you mean by that? Do you mean animals?” Yongguk asked curiously. Himchan shook his head.

You know what, it's actually none of your business. The only reason I'm allowing you to be here is because there's a storm outside,” he told the other off and stood up. He then walked over to his bed and sat down on that. “Do you want a bed to sleep on?” The boy nodded in answer, frowning. Himchan waved his hand back and forth and up, willing a bed of ice into existence in the other side of the hut. He then laid down and turned over so he was facing the wall. “Good night,” he told the other. A shuffle was heard behind him, but he paid no mind.

Good night,” he heard the other answer quietly.

The only sound that could be heard in the hut was the sound of the wind outside. It was nice. Soon Himchan's eyes turned droopy and he closed his eyes, letting the wind's lullaby lull him slowly to sleep.

I wouldn't mind being your friend,” Yongguk's deep voice told him just before sleep took over.


When Himchan woke up, the sun had been up for a couple of hours judging by the angle it stood in the sky. Making a small piece of ice, he popped it into his mouth and on it. He missed the carrots from last night. Looking over on the other bed where Yongguk was still sleeping, he sighed. He was split between waking the other up and just getting out of there.

Sighing again, he got up and went out of the hut. The storm last night had the snow clinging to the ice hut. Going over to one of the trees with low hanging branches, he picked a twig out and broke it off. With the twig in hand he went back to the hut. Leaving the door open behind him, he walked over to the sleeping boy. With the edge of the twig he poked the boy.

5 more minutes,” the boy mumbled and turned over. Himchan poked him with the twig again. He could feel the ice forming underneath his palm.

Wake up!” he told the boy sternly.

Don't wanna,” Yongguk mumbled and snuggled into his jacket. Himchan poked the boy harshly, so the twig broke. “Ok, ok, I'm awake,” the boy sat up hurriedly.

Move around for a bit to warm yourself up and then head home,” he told the other and turned around to walk out.

Hey wait up!” he heard the boy call out behind him, but he kept going. The boy soon came into view, running up in front of him. “Can I come see you again?”


Aw, come on, please? You seem really nice,” Yongguk pleaded with a very odd looking pout.

No,” Himchan stood by his decision. “And stop pouting, you look odd.” The other immediately stopped pouting.

Please? People need people,” the boy persisted. Himchan was starting to regret waking him up.

I don't care! Now go home before I turn you into an ice statue!” he almost yelled and decisively stomped around the boy towards the top of the mountain. He could feel his control slipping. This was not good.

I don't believe you would do that!” the boy yelled after him.

Himchan trudged on through the snow, wanting to get away from the boy with the many questions. He wanted to go home. Home where he didn't have to worry about controlling his feelings, so he didn't hurt those around him. Home where his friends would play and laugh with him. Home where he didn't have to worry about anyone thinking anything about himself.

After walking a considerable distance he turned around to look down the mountain. The boy wasn't following him luckily. No he could see a red dot against the white on its way down. Good. It was dangerous for the boy to be around him. That he hadn't turned him into ice or accidentally killed him in the short time they had been together was a miracle in itself.

Turning around he walked the rest of the way up the mountain.



So, first chapter. Sorry it took so long to update, I have no proper excuse, but I'll throw one out there anyways.

I was too lazy to go get my usb stick which was in my jacket pocket downstairs. I didn't get it when I was downstairs because I forgot about it then.

Yes I am that lazy.


I hope you liked this first chapter. There are more to come. Sometime...

Next update will be in a few weeks as I have loads to do... ok I'm lying, I don't have a lot to do, but I'm feeling so lazy lately as my mind just wants to relax after those exams and all the stress it brung with it. I'm even too lazy to watch dramas. All I do is read, sleep, lay in my bed, eat and paint.

But anyways, I'm rambling. Next update will be there in a couple of weeks. I'll try to make it before, but I can't promise anything.

Peace out (^_^)v

(btw, I have not read through this, I just wrote it. Might come back later to fix it up. Feel free to point out mistakes to me, so I can correct them)

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Chapter 1: Are you going to continue this?? I hope you do.. Please? Pretty please?
MAN THIS IS AWESOME :D Yongguk is actually an adorable dork :D :D aw. Im rele excited to see Himchans freinds thou :D WOOOOOT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE UPDATE :D :D Hope you dont get too lazy to update again!
Chapter 1: Uaaaaaa! That was reaaaallyyyy nice!! I Love it! I love it!
But, why didn't you named the snowman olaf instead of snowie?
I really looveeee Olaaf! And I love Banghim more!!
And I love you too xD
Please update soon!
blueberry_muffin #4
I love Frozen!
I can't wait to see how you'll adapt that plot to Banghim!! xD
MyCuteBunny #5