Chapter 17 - Past.

What is "Perfection"?

"I know that Chanyeol guy is not that nice" Hyuna commented while stirring her starbucks's raspberry cheesecake frapuccino with a serious look. "You see, I already dislike his face. As what I've expected, his behavior is also not that good"

"See?" Sehun sighed. "If I let Kai to be together with that beast, he will be crushed!"

"But is Kris really telling the truth?" Hyuna raised his left eyebrow curiously.


"He's not just telling you stuffs right? Maybe he just made up stories just to meet you? Listen to me Sehun-ah. I think that guy is a little bit dangerous for you."

"What do you mean?"

"See? He keeps on asking about you! From your cellphone number, university, even your address!"

"What a freak!" Sehun jolted when Hyuna mentioned that. "And you answered all his questions?"

"No, I just give him your number. Not risking something bad if I gave him your address. That guy is twice your size, Sehun-ah."

Sehun scoffed and glanced at his wristwatch. "Hyuna, let's go. You are almost late for your TOEFL test, you know?"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Hyuna jumped and slurped all her remaining frapuccino on her tumblr while standing up. "Let's go, Thehun-ah! I don't want to fail again for the 4th time!"

Sehun and Hyuna then made their way back to the campus. Hyuna went ahead to her class while Sehun wandered around the campus for a while. Hyuna asked him to drive her home later because Hyunseung couldn't pick her up.

Well, Sehun is a best friend so he agreed.

After much threats heard, actually.

Sehun sighed and looked around, didn't really know where to go.

Should he wait on the library?

Or in the canteen?

What about sleeping on the rooftop?

Maybe he should just leave Hyuna.

And tomorrow his head surely will cut off.

Sehun sighed and decided to went to the library. Reading books will be much more useful than spending his precious time in the canteen doing nothing but drinking. He should fill his head with more knowledge anyway, since it was mostly filled with Kai's images these days.

Sehun stopped for a while when he felt his phone buzz. He took it and flipped it open.

Tsch. It's from Kris, asking him whether he had eaten or not.

What the , man. This guy is seriously try to make a move on him!

Sehun ignored it and put it back to his pocket.

"You see? I told him that he shouldn't have messed up with that Baekhyun guy!"

Sehun turned his head to saw a girl with blonde hair walked passed him. A pretty girl with blonde hair tug along beside her.

"Did that Chanyeol really beat the hell out of Namjoon?"

"Yes she did, Jessie!" The girl flailed her arms angrily. "And my stupid brother was obviously losing to that giant!"

They are talking about Park Chanyeol! Sehun gasped and followed the girls from behind. He know these two girls. They are his senior. Hyoyeon sunbaenim and Jessica sunbaenim, both majoring in art.

Sehun's feet moved to walked behind them, ears pricked to listen to their conversation.

"But that Chanyeol is too much! Baekhyun is not even his boyfriend!" Hyoyeon groaned.

"Poor Namjoon" Jessica sighed.

"But you know that Chanyeol..." Hyoyeon stopped as she pushed the door opened.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows and saw the two of them entered the bathroom.

Oh !

"...that Chanyeol came from SNU senior high school..."

Sehun widened his eyes when he heard the name of the school. He tried to focused his brain to hear what the girls were saying.

"...and he had ever had a boyfriend back then. Name's..."

Sehun desperately pressed his left ear on the door and tried hard to listen to what the girls were saying.


What? Ren? Ren what? Ren-


Sehun widened his eyes when a figure walked out from the boy's restroom and stared at him him shock.


Sehun felt like smashing his palms to cover his face when he saw Luhan was standing infront of him. Him, who was pressing to a female's restroom like a lizard. Sehun felt his blood rushed to his head and his cheeks burnt immediately.

"W-what are you..." Luhan glanced at the female's restroom and stopped.

"E-err..." Sehun stuttered. His brain desperately tried to find the way to explain things to Luhan.

"A-are you..." Luhan gasped and Sehun widened his eyes even wider than before.

Luhan must be thinking something weird!


"Stop!" Sehun hissed while dashing his body to Luhan, left hand covered up the other's mouth desperately. "It's not like what you thinking!"

Luhan just glanced at Sehun with unreadable face. Sehun sighed and closed his eyes when a sudden dizziness washed his head.

Well, .




"...that's why I've been sticking up to the female's restroom door." Sehun ended his explanation while playing with his fingers.

Luhan was staring at him with unreadable eyes.


The two of them were silent. It's a little bit awkward of course, since the two of them were once a lover a few days ago.

"So you are telling me that the yoda guy-"

"It's Park Chanyeol." Sehun corrected.

"Oh yes, Park Chanyeol, is having a bad intention at Kai? How can you be so sure?"

"His friend said it to me." Sehun said. "And after hearing both Hyoyeon and Jessica sunbaenim's words... I get even sure that Chanyeol isn't a good man."

Luhan pursed his lips, sighed as he leaned to his chair. An image of Kai's soft smiling face flashed in his mind. There's no way Kai's boyfriend is that kind of person. Kai loves him so much. He wouldn't have that heart to hurt Kai!

"You shouldn't make the decision that fast." Luhan drank his juice lightly. "Maybe Chin- Ch-... Chanyeol... Chanyeol has enemies that dislikes and started to spread rumours about him-"

"There's no way, Luhan." Sehun groaned. "Why are you defending that guy so much?"

"I'm not!" Luhan blinked, surprised. "It just... You shouldn't make a decision before having a clear information. And based on what you've told me, you haven't gotten yourself the complete information yet."

Sehun groaned even louder. He put his head on the desk and sighed. How could Luhan say those things straightly to him?

Oh, right.

He's not Luhan's boyfriend anymore.

Not a boyfriend who needs to be pleased all the time.

By the way, where's Luhan's boyfriend?


"Where's your boyfriend?" Sehun asked while raising his head from the desk.

"X-Xiumin?" Luhan was taken a back and his pale cheeks flushed red all of sudden. "W-well... He's having a reunion with his highschool friends now."

"Oh? Where? Why he doesn't take you along?"

"He couldn't take me back because SNU high school is quite far from here. I'm having a class earlier and I couldn't go the-"

"What? SNU highschool?" Sehun's eyes widened.

Wasn't it the highschool that Park Chanyeol went to?

"Y-yes..." Luhan replied with a shocked face. "Why... Are you that pale? Something's wrong?"

"Do you mean Xiumin came from SNU highschool?"

"Yes..." Luhan nodded his head. "What's wrong?"

"If Xiumin also went to that school, I should meet him now!" Sehun clenched his right fist when a sudden adrenaline increased in his blood.

"Meet me? Why?"

A voice came from behind Sehun and the two boys turned their attention to the cute chubby-cheek guy who was standing behind Sehun.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"Honey come and sit beside me." Luhan waved his hand and Sehun clearly could saw excitement written on the pale boy's face.

Ah. Luhan had never looked so excited whenever he met Sehun back then.

Lucky chubby bun guy.

Xiumin made his way to sit beside Luhan and landed a soft kiss on the smaller guy's cheek. "So, what's wrong?"

Sehun almost rolled his eyes when he saw the kissing scene but he held it.

"Do you remember Kai's boyfriend? The yoda guy that I told you?"

"Oh, yes." Xiumin nodded. "What's wrong with that Yoda?"

"His real name is... What's his name again?" Luhan turned his head curiously.

"Chanyeol." Sehun answered lightly.

"Oh yeah. Chanyeol. Sehun told me that Chanyeol went to the same school with you. Sehun had a few questions for you."

"Wait! Chanyeol... Park Chanyeol?" Xiumin widened his eyes.

"Yes, Park Chanyeol!" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you know him?"

"He was my classmate!" Xiumin exclaimed. "Oh my God, no! Not with that guy, please!"

"Why?" Luhan who still wanted to defend Chanyeol also furrowed his eyebrows.

"That guy is crazy!" Xiumin sighed. "Back then he was in a relationship with a junior, Ren. When he found out that Ren's having affair, he almost beat Ren to death!"

"No way!" Luhan gasped.

Sehun on the other hand was completely frozen. What the ?

"Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol, is a very dangerous boy!" Xiumin hissed. "I was once in a same group with him back then. His look is so deceiving. Cute and innocent, but at the same time is also very abusive and crazy!"

Sehun gulped. He suddenly felt dizziness hit him.

"So, Kai is in a relationship with Chanyeol?" Suddenly a small smirk lingered on Xiumin's face. "Wow. What's this, Oh Sehun? Do you by any chance have any feeling toward Kai?"

Sehun blinked and red blushes crawled to his cheeks.

"I've told you, right? He likes Kai!" Luhan chuckled. "Now let go of your hand, honey. You are squeezing me out!"

"Oops, sorry." Xiumin raised his hands which were holding Luhan's hands protectively before. "It's normal for a boyfriend to be alert when his lover meet their ex, right?"

Sehun rolled his eyes and Luhan chuckled shyly. Xiumin is freaking adorable.

"So what should I do now?" Sehun groaned. "Kai is having a ing relationship with that dangerous guy! I couldn't let anything happen to him just like that!"

Luhan and Xiumin exchanged their glances, silently thinking about the plans that Sehun could do to cancel the relationship between Chanyeol and Kai.

"Is Chanyeol that dangerous?" Luhan asked hesitatedly. "Based on what Kai had told me, Chanyeol is not the bratty guy like that. He loves Kai so much."

"Too much." Xiumin corrected. "Too much that it turned into an obsession. Chanyeol take his lover just like a thing. He loves it so much, and after his lover is no longer appealing to him, he'd throw them away."

"T-throw?" Sehun blinked and became slightly panicked. "What do you mean?"

"Back then when he was with Ren," Xiumin started his explanation again. "He's so protective toward Ren. He chats him, he calls him... Chanyeol is so possessive when it comes about Ren. He started off super sweetly, treated Ren like a princess... Walked him everywhere... Well... Everyone told them that they are good together. Perfect. Best couple of the years..."

Sehun was putting all his concentration on Xiumin's words.

Luhan on the other hand put his attention oh Sehun. He looked so serious and determined...

A super duper rare view.

Sehun has always been serious only when he's listening to the proffessors. He had never been serious when it comes about love.

Luhan was slightly hurt.

Why he gave his time to this guy last time? Sehun had never even pay any attention to Luhan! All he demanded was only Luhan's cooks and perfection.

Luhan huffed.

Bad guy.

"But after a feew weeks Chanyeol started to treat him differently. Limited his friends, forbid him to go out of the houses..." Xiumin glanced at Luhan who was still staring at Sehun's serious face. "...and finally Ren got tired of him. I don't know since when, but after that Ren secretly dated another junior student. Chanyeol found out and he beat out Ren so badly."

Luhan let out a soft gasp when Xiumin's fingers touched his chin lightly and turned his head to faced Xiumin's face instead. Luhan then chuckled.

Someone's jealous?

"He's really crazy!" Sehun sighed. Anger was evident on his tone. "Then what happened next?"

"He then broke up with Ren and left him. Thankfully nothing is really too serious happened to Ren. He had only got a few bruises because Baekhyun was there to calm him down."

"Baekhyun?" Sehun raised his eyebrows. Baekhyun again?

"Yes, his best friend." Xiumin explained and slightly enjoy Luhan's attention which only focused on him now. "Baekhyun knows Chanyeol damn well, and Baekhyun is the only one who was treated differently by Chanyeol."


"Chanyeol treats Baekhyun so damn different from the others. Chanyeol treats his lovers like a thing, so obsessive and ruthless. Chanyeol treats his friends with fake faces, fake smiles, and fake everything. But to Baekhyun, Chanyeol is simply different. He treats Baekhyun like a real human being. He treats Baekhyun like something so precious. He had never hurt Baekhyun. He's only different when it comes to Baekhyun."

"And what does that mean?" Luhan bit his lower lip.

"I don't know, but that's clear that... Baekhyun loves Chanyeol and Chanyeol knows that. But Chanyeol has never accepted Baekhyun's feeling. I don't know. Maybe it's an act of brotherly feeling?" Xiumin raised his shoulders lightly.

Sehun sighed heavily and groaned. "Ah... What should I do now?"

Xiumin and Luhan stared at Sehun with the same confused faces.

"Maybe..." Luhan started hesitatedly. "Maybe this is silly but..."

Sehun focused his attention to Luhan.

"...maybe you can try to make Kai fall to you?"

"That's the exact same idea that Hyuna told me" Sehun huffed. "But how?"

"You are the heartbreaker, yet you don't know how to make Kai fall to you?" Xiumin chuckled and immediately stopped when Sehun glared at him.

"He's different! Kai's different! I don't have to do something to get people's heart. Well, not so hard. I just have to glance and shoown, boys and girls are after me! But Kai?"

"He doesn't even acknowledge Sehun's charms." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun sighed again.

"Well I can help you." Luhan smiled. "But promise me that you will do... Everything that I told you to do."

Sehun stared at Luhan for a while, hesitation washed his face.

"Don't spend time lingering! Just say yes or no!"

Sehun sighed.

What else could he do?







Baekhyun cut the strawberry cake that he had just met into slices and put the biggest slice on the plate.

He smiled.

Chanyeol's favorite cake's ready.

The small guy took the plate and went out of his apartment. He went to Chanyeol's apartment which was only a number bigger than him.

Knock knock knock.

Baekhyun waited for a few seconds. Not long after, the door clicked open. Chanyeol was standing there with a huge smile. "Hi, Baek. Omo! Strawberry shortcake! Is that for me?"

Baekhyun nodded while flashing his cute smile.

"That looked yummy! Come in!"

Baekhyun entered the apartment and followed Chanyeol to his living room...

To met something scary there. Kai's photos, everywhere. It's glued on the wall, with different poses.

"C-Chan..." "Isn't he pretty?" Chanyeol grinned and circled his hand around Baekhyun's waist. "Let's go and sit first, Baek. Ah, you don't bring your own cake?"

Baekhyun gulped his saliva. His wide eyes filled with fear.

"Then let me eat first." Chanyeol smiled and cut the cake with the fork that Baekhyun had given. "Hmmm, this is yummy."



"W-why..." Baekhyun's shaky finger pointed at Kai's photos. "K-Kai..."

"Oh." Chanyeol flashed Baekhyun a sweet smile. "I put him there so I can always watch his movements. Whether he had cheat on me or not."

Baekhyun's body trembles. "W-when... Did you take all of t-this?"

"I told someone to." Chanyeol smirked. "Hmm... Baek! You seriously are a talented baker!"

"Chanyeol, don't do this." Baekhyun pleaded. His fingers where shaking when he touched Chanyeol's hand.

"Why?" Chanyeol asked while digging his cake. "You are getting too much! You promised me you wouldn't be like this again!"

"I can't." Chanyeol stopped eating his cake.

"Chanyeol, please." Baekhyun whimpered.

"No." Chanyeol's face darkened. He got up and walked to Kai's poster.


"Kai is mine, I will keep him with me forever."

"You can't, Ch-"

"I can!" Chanyeol roarred. "I will do anything to keep him with me!"

Even though that means to caging him alive...

Kai is mine.

He is meant to be with me.

He can only look at me.

He is Mine...



This chapter is dedicated for absoluteperfection X)

Thanks for waiting patiently for the new update! I love you to the moon and back!

Enjoy, my friends :)

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975 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
975 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
975 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(