Chapter 16 - Thump.thump!!

What is "Perfection"?

"If it is the coolest one, it is..."

"Song Ji hyo!"

"Kim jong kook!"

"No, it's Song Jihyo, the ace!"

"Of course it's Kim Jongkook, the commander!"

"Kim Jongkook is nothing but muscles! Oh, are you a fan of muscled men, Kim Jongin?"

"Hey, I'm talking about power! Power! So what if I love muscled men? Ah, and I know that your main reason to like Jihyo... Is just because she's pretty, right? Playboy! Playboy!"

"What? I couldn't like pretty girls? Everyone knows that Song Ji Hyo is a perfection! Smart, pretty, killer-body!"

"No! I'm done talking to a playboy!" Kai huffed and turned his attention back to the television.

"What playboy? Don't you think Song Ji Hyo is pretty?" Sehun protested.

Kai just gave a troll face to Sehun before fixed his attention back to Running Man.

"Oh, are you jealous because I called Song Jihyo pretty?"

Kai turned his head back to Sehun when he heard the teasing tone. "W-what? For what? There's no way I'm getting jealous of Song Ji hyo-"

"Wow, easy, easy there" Sehun held his hands infront of his chest, signed Kai for calming down. "I'm just kidding, okay? Now put off your scary face haha."

Kai panickedly pressed the buttons on the remote control to covered his blushing face.

What? Jealous? There's no way he becomes jealous just because of Oh Sehun!

Beep Beep

Sehun glanced at his ringing phone and frowned when he saw the unknown number.

"Hello?" Sehun asked lightly.

"Hi, Sehun." a crispy deep voice replied from the other line. "It's me, Kris"

"Kris?" Sehun twisted his eyebrows in confusion as he recalled his poor memory about whoever is this Kris.

"You forget?" A chuckle was heard from the other line. "I'm Kris, the one who talked to you two days ago"

"Ah..." Sehun widened his eyes. "Ohh, I remember. Hahaha. How do you get my phone number?"

"I asked Hyuna. I have something important to tell you."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Emm... I'm just wondering if we could meet up this week."

"Meeting up?" Sehun blinked. "For what?"

Kai turned his head and watched Sehun curiously.

What happened?

"Nothing, just a few friendly chat here and there... And to tell you more information about Chanyeol"

Sehun glanced at Kai who was still staring at him curiously. Luckily the tanned guy didn't hear anything that Kris said.

"Ok" Sehun bit his lip. "Is Hyuna coming along?"

"No, I kinda want to talk to you privately"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows but then shrugged it off. He needs an information about Chanyeol. Maybe Kris is going to tell him the giant's rotten personality so he didn't have that heart to invited Hyuna along. Hyuna is 'falling in love' with Chanyeol after all.

"Okay" Sehun said. "When and where?"

"How about tomorrow at Banana Tree cafe on 2 PM?"

Sehun silently remembered his schedule and nodded. "Okay, deal. So it's only two of us?"

Kai widened his eyes at the statement but kept his sudden increased heartbeat for himself. What?

"Yes. See you tomorrow, Sehun."

"Hmm." Sehun replied and ended the phone call.

"Who was that?" Kai asked while focusing his attention back to the television.

"My new friend" Sehun answered while grabbing away the remote control and jumped a little when he accidentally touched Kai's hand.

"Oh" Kai mumbled a small reply.

The two of them didn't talk at all afterwards until Kai excused himself to go to sleep since he would have a tight schedule on the next day. Kai entered his bedroom and silently walked to his bed. He threw himself onto the fluffy pillows while sighing. His hand then reached for his neglected phone on the night-stand beside his bed.

There's one new message.

From Chanyeol.

Kai read Chanyeol's message for him with a flat face. Nothing is too important. Chanyeol just asked him whether he had eaten or not, and asked him where he was. Kai wasn't in a mood of replying messages. He just threw his phone carelessly and buried his face onto the soft pillow.

Why his head was filled with Sehun's phone call?

Who's Kris?

Kai was so sure that Kris and Sehun had just met. How dare that Kris to take Sehun out that fast? Sehun had just broken up with Luhan. Was he trying to flirt with another man? That fast? What a playboy! How does this Kris looked like? Kai wonder. Is he as pretty as Luhan? Or maybe prettier? Kinder? Sweeter? ie-


Why should Kai even care? Kai sighed and pulled his blanket over his body. Since that day on the ice cream shop, Sehun had been filling his mind. Kai couldn't deny the sudden increased on his heartbeat whenever Sehun came too close to him. What's wrong with him lately? Kai sighed and closed his eyes.

Sehun had been driving him crazy!






Sehun went to the Banana Tree cafe on 1.45 PM. He's a perfectsionist and he always come at the right time. He hates procrastination and he hates it if his time is spent uselessly. Sehun ordered a hot chocolate for himself and waited for Kris to appear.

One minute...

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

20 minutes...

Sehun stopped sipping his hot chocolate and groaned.

Where the hell is that guy?

Kris on the other hand swayed his long legs and spotted the cafe where he and Sehun had promised. He sighed and glanced at his wristwatch. 2.16. He was late by 16 minutes. But that's alright. Sehun wouldn't be that on time anyway.

Kris entered the cafe and froze in his track when he saw Sehun was staring at his phone with an annoyed expression.

Omg. He's here already!

Kris prepared his killer smile and walked to approached the annoyed young Oh.

"Ah" Sehun said when he saw Kris. "You're here"

"I'm so sorry, I got stuck in traffic jam" Kris let out his flirtious smile.

Classic reason. Sehun rolled his eyes secretly and leaned down closer to Kris. "So what kind of news that you bring me?"

"Well" Kris smirked amusedly when he saw how close his face and Sehun's was. "Park Chanyeol is actually not as sweet as he seems"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. "Mind to explain more?"

"Chanyeol is a temperamental guy" Kris started to explain without took his eyes off Sehun's face. "You know, when he lost his control, he could become a monster"

Sehun frowned got deeper as he tried to understand what Kris was saying.

"Baekhyun is the only one who can calms Chanyeol down whenever he gets angry. And Chanyeol gets angry... A lot."

Kris took his phone and scrolled down to searched for something. "And Chanyeol is very possessive. Toward both Baekhyun and his boyfriend Kai"

Sehun almost winced when Kai's name was mentioned.

"Today there's a guy who tried to hit on Baekhyun" Kris turned the screen of his phone to Sehun.

Sehun widened his eyes when he saw a boy who got all bruises on his face down to his neck-line. He got his school's uniform torn up by forces and Sehun immediately pitied him.

"This is Namjoon who is majoring in art. He got beaten up by Chanyeol this morning just because he kissed Baekhyun's hand"

"What!" Sehun looked back to Kris's eyes. "How could Chanyeol do that?"

"Chanyeol is a very possessive person" Kris sighed and put his phone back inside of his pocket. "He is so protective toward both Baekhyun and Kai. He had beaten almost 4 person this far just because they tried to approached Baekhyun"

"Baekhyun is so important for him, huh?" Sehun hummed. "And what about Kai? Does he know anything about Chanyeol's behaviour?"

"Well I don't really know Kai, since he is not in the same university with us. I've never even seen his face before! Chanyeol never shows it to us. Except his very-very close friend. And yeah, I'm not counted." Kris tapped his finger on the table. "But... I don't think that Kai know Chanyeol's real personality. I'm not sure, but... I guess Kai and Chanyeol's relationship hasn't even reached 1 month yet. Chanyeol surely hadn't shown his real self to Kai... yet"

Sehun blinked as he recalled the pool's incident. Well that's clearly show how jealous Chanyeol was toward him.

It's that a sign of possessiveness?

But is it true that Kai hadn't known it yet?

Well that's dangerous!

It's all the information that I got about Park Chanyeol" Kris smirked as he silently admired Sehun's beauty with his eyes. "You know that you have the most beautiful eyes, Oh Sehun?"

Sehun blinked, unfocused with what Kris had just said. "Sorry?"

"Your eyes. They are beautiful"

"Well, thanks" Sehun flashed a smile at the compliment. Of course, he know he's beautiful. What the point of saying that?

Kris smirked even wider and was about to say another things when Sehun suddenly stood up.

"Then I'm going now. Thank you for the information, Kris-ssi. I'm going to tell Hyuna about this."

"That fast?" Kris also got up, surprised. "Well are you in a hurry, now?"

"Yes I am" Sehun said while pulling out some money from his wallet. "I have a class coming up"

"Well that's bad." Kris frowned. "What about meeting again next time?"

"Sure." Sehun gave Kris a quick nod. "Then I'm going now. Thank you again, Kris-ssi"

Kris watched as Sehun went out of the cafe and quickened his pace to left the place.

"Not really easy, huh?" Kris put his hand under his chin, smirking. "Well next time, huh..."

When should it be, then?






Kai sighed as he entered his house. It's just 3 PM and it's actually quite surprising to saw him had come back home. Kai laid his body on the sofa and sighed. The final exam test that he just had was Kai spent hours frowning over the test paper and circled the answers. Thank God he got all the answers right.

Kai grabbed his phone and saw 7 new messages. All from Chanyeol. Kai gulped as he opened them one by one. He hadn't reply Chanyeol's messages even once. All the messages asked him what he was doing, why he didn't reply the messages...

"Oh my God, he must be angry" Kai bit his lower lip and was about to reply one of the message when his phone rang.

"H-hello?" Kai answered. It's a call from Chanyeol!

"Where are you?"

Kai winced at the sharp and cold tone. "I'm... I'm in my house now..."

"Alone?" Chanyeol asked. "No Oh Sehun?"

"A-alone" Kai almost lost his voice.

"Why didn't you reply my messages?" Chanyeol asked again, voice even colder than before.

"I was so tired, baby." Kai whined. "This is my last exams before christmas holiday and I had to study extra harder for them"

"Is it so hard to pick up the phone and text me even a short sentence back?" Chanyeol asked again. "Or were you too busy spending your time with Sehun?"

Kai sighed again. He's really not in a mood of fighting. "No. I was studying the whole night"

"How long he gonna stay in your house? That Oh Sehun?" Chanyeol asked again.

"It's... 2 months left and he would be moving back to his apartment." Kai answered while staring at the calender on the living room. Suddenly his heart clenched at the realization that he only had 2 months left to be with Sehun.

"It's a long time to go." Chanyeol scoffed. "Do you still have any exams tomorrow?"

"Yes I am." Kai sighed again. "I'm sorry that I didn't reply your messages, honey. I will reply it next time. But I'm really tired now. Can I cut the connection off?"

Chanyeol was silent for a moment before finally sighed. "Yes. Go to sleep, baby. Take a good rest. I miss you"

Kai was totally exhausted, both physically and mentally. He suddenly got so exhausted when he heard Chanyeol's voice. "Yes... I will... Thank you, honey. I miss you too..."

And this time, the word "I miss you" that he said was not as sincere as he did before...

Kai pressed his head on the sofa and closed his eyes. Slowly his mind drifting away and he fell to a deep sleep.






Sehun opened the front door hurriedly and went inside. He was about to rush his steps to his bedroom when he caught a sight of Kai sleeping on the sofa peacefully.

"Kai?" Sehun widened his eyes, surprised. "Isn't he suppose to comeback on eigh- oh, this is final exams week, huh. No wonder he comeback this early"

Sehun approached Kai a little and observed the beauty for a while. Kai was curling his body like a ball, hands laid helplessly infront of his chest. His kissable lips parted open a little and he was breathing regularly. Sehun had to control himself so much to not jump on the vulnerable boy at that time. Sehun tip-toed and walked to stood beside Kai. He slowly sat on the floor, watching Kai's pretty sleeping face closer.

How could this boy be so beautiful?

All the imperfections that Sehun seen before had faded and turned into a pretty view that blinded Sehun totally.

Those tanned skin which he used to hate, turned into a milky brown skin which smelt like chocolate and as soft as a baby's skin.

Those half-lided eyes that Sehun used to mock because that made Kai looked sleepy all the time now become dangerously y and the way those eyes stared at Sehun's were tempting the blonde to melt under the gaze.

And those lips. Oh my God, those plump lips.

If back then Sehun said that those lips were thick because they were bitten by a bee, now Sehun feels like he willingly will turned himself into a bee just to taste the sweetness of them. Sehun lowered his body to took a closer view of Kai's face.

So pretty... So beautiful...

How could that nose be freakingly cute? Sehun feels like eating them. Kai's nose isn't as tall as Sehun's but it definitely looked cute on Kai. Sehun escorted his face to inhaled the chocolate scent from Kai's neck and the blonde guy went mad when his lips accidentally brushed Kai's collarbone. Sehun really wanted to and bit them but he shut his eyes closed tightly, tried to fight those urges to consume the smaller guy under him.

And when he opened his eyes... Kai's lips were back on his view.

Sehun was hypnotized and without realizing, he had landed a soft kiss on Kai's lips.

It didn't last long, it was only a second. But Sehun demanded more. He kissed those lips again, lovingly.

It was the most addicting taste in the world. And when Sehun was about to landed the second kiss, Kai's body moved.

Sehun widened his eyes and pulled himself to a fully standing position, eyes glued panickedly at Kai who was slowly opening his eyes.

"Ah!!!" Kai was so surprised when he saw Sehun was standing beside him. "S-since when you were h-here? W-why didn't you w-wake me?"

"Uhmm... I am..." Sehun was flustered, tried to find the right words. "I... I was about to shake you awake but you wake up first so..."

Kai's face was burnt all red. He pulled his body to a standing position and awkwardly faced Sehun.

"H-had you eaten?" Sehun asked, desperately tried to change the topic.

"N-no" Kai shook his head. "Oh... Well then I'll cook us lunch" Sehun said as he ran to the kitchen.

"M-me... I will change my c-clothes" Kai said and excused himself to went inside of his bedroom.

When the door was closed, he fell to the floor. Face all red and body shaking wildly.

"Omo" Kai clutched both his cheeks roughly.

"Why am I acting like this?"




Once again, I'm super sorry for the late update DX

This is really not my style, chingu !! Hiks. There's some problems that had been bugging me these days so I couldn't update it but here comes the next chappie for you guys :*

Hehehehe Btw did you find out Rap Monster in this chappie? XD

I'm sorry and have a nice time reading this, girlfriends!


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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962 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
962 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
962 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(