Chapter 10 - Kiss...?

What is "Perfection"?

"I don't like that kid"

Kai widened his eyes. "Sorry?"

"That kid, Sehun"

"Ohh" Kai smiled. "Why? Did he do something bad to you?"

"No. It just..." Chanyeol sighed. "I don't like him. He gets to see you everyday while I couldn't. I hate that fact"

Kai stared at Chanyeol before smiled. "Well distance doesn't matter, right? What matters is that my heart is yours, right?"


Kai silenced Chanyeol with a small peck. The tanned guy pull away with playful smile lingering on his lips. "Don't get too jealous"

Chanyeol stared at his boyfriend for a while before shot forward and claimed Kai's lips, pushing him to tall to the bed.

"Ahh, don't" Kai whined while trying to push Chanyeol away. "I get a fever, pabbo! I will infect you!"

"Who cares" Chanyeol showed his toothy grin and leaned down again to kiss Kai. "I'll take the risks!"





Sehun stared at his phone's screen for a while.

How are you?

Sehun stared at those words for a while before deleting them again.

...How's dad?

Wait, he sent a text message to his mom and yet he's talking about his dad? Delete again. Sehun stared at his phone, concentrating much on the words he gonna type.

...I miss you...

Sehun sighed and was about to delete it when his room's door was kicked open.


"Hwoaaa!!!" Sehun jumped on his bed, turned to saw the uninvited guest and threw him the dead glare. "What do you want!"

"Don't you feel hungry?" Kai asked, showing his flashing teeth. "Don't you feel like eating hamburgers or something?"

"No" Sehun said as he turned his attention back to his precious handphone.

Oh no, the message had been sent. Seems like Sehun had pressed the send button due to his shock before.

Congratz. Thanks, Kai.

"But I do!" Kai huffed and jumped to Sehun's bed. The bed shifted due to additional height and Sehun cringed.

"Yakk, go away!"

"Come on, cheeseburgers wouldn't hurt!" Kai pleaded while shook Sehun lightly. "I'll double your hamburger's size!! I will treat you!"

"You are just recovered! If you want to eat something, then eat porridge!"

"I've eaten all Luhan's porridge"

"Then eat mine!"

"But yours are tasteless..." Kai said, blinking cutely. "Err- I mean.. I want to eat mc.donalds now! Please! Please! Pleeaasseee?"







Sehun staring unbelievably at Kai who was calling the mc.donalds seller happily and ordering two set of mc.donalds's cheeseburgers. . How could he agreed to such a childish pleads of Kai? Especially that sickening puppy eyes!

While waiting for the delivery order to arrive, Sehun and Kai watched the television. It was a documentary film, about anorexic.

"Darn that girl is so thin" Sehun mumbled. "So scary"

Kai just nodded.

"I wonder if girls like her truly exists... Around us"

"She does" Kai said and turned his head to Sehun's. "We may don't notice, but they exist. It could be anyone around you. It could be your neighbours, your friends... Or even your siblings"

"Why would they do that?" Sehun cringed. "I mean, should they just throw away all the foods that they'd eaten, only for losing some pounds? That's ridiculuous"

"For you guys, it's something weird. But for some of us, it's something truly normal" Kai said as he toyed with his fingers.

"Have you ever met someone who got anorexic?" Sehun asked due to curiosity.

"Yes, my junior high school friend" Kai said lowly. "My first boyfriend"

"Y-your first w-what?" Sehun shot up his body.

"B-boyfriend" Kai stuttered by Sehun's sudden outburst. "Why you always act weird whenever I mention you about my love-life? Do you think I'm such an amateur when it comes to these things? I've ever been into relationship, you know? Once!"

"Oh? Only one?" Sehun laughed. "Well, because I had 6 ex if you want to know"

Kai blushed furiously. "I- it's because I'm too picky!"


"And I have Chanyeol now!"

Sehun felt his blood boiled again at the mention of Chanyeol's name. He couldn't help but commented about it harshly. "Well if you are that picky, why you end up choosing someone like Chanyeol at the end?"

"What do you mean?"

"He's not even that good"

"He's good!"

"He's fat"

"HE'S NOT!" Kai yelled angrily, turned his body fully to Sehun and shot his hand to choked the other.

"Woa woa woaa" Sehun winced and grabbed both of Kai's wrists. Damn, they were so small it particularly fit perfectly on Sehun's palms.

"Would you stop calling people fat? I hate it so much!"


"Do you know that it was the word that almost brought Kyungsoo to death???"

Sehun stopped immediately. He widened his eyes and watched as how Kai's eyes got teary and all of sudden he had already been a sobbing mess. Kai's arms went woobly and he slumped his body beside of Sehun. "W-what do you-"

"Kyungsoo-ah almost died because of suicidal. He got into anorexic and yet people kept annoying him with those words. If only I was stronger back then, I'd kick away all those people away. They didn't know what they were saying!"

"Wait wait" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about? Who's Kyungsoo?"

"My ex" Kai sobbed. "My first boyfriend ever"

"And he... Died?"

"He didn't, thankfully" Kai said sadly. "He just almost died"

"What happened?"

"Those bullies" Kai gritted his teeth. A pure anger was clearly written on his eyes. "How could they just say those reckless words such as jerk, fat, worthless... to Kyungsoo? Didn't they know how much their words have hurt people?"

Sehun just pressed his lip into a thin line, didn't dare to comment since this is his first time to saw Kai got angry. "S-so... Where's Kyungsoo now?"

"He's in USA" Kai said. "Taking a major in singing. He also had gotten himself a nice boyfriend who understands him perfectly. I'm so glad that he lives well now"

"That's nice" Sehun mumbled and looked away. "So... People are that sensitive, huh?"

"Yes of course. You should think twice before you say something" Kai said as he straightened his body. "Because once the words were said, it could only be forgiven, not forgotten"

Sehun glanced at Kai who was hugging a girraffe plush closer to his chest. "I... I called you one though"

"Yes, and I hate you for that" Kai answered shortly.

"W-well, that's not what I really mean"

"I know that I'm a tad short, Sehun-ah. Fat, disgusting, ugly, tan. I know you disliked it so much when your mom engaged you to me. I understand it completely. I used to got disgusted with myself too because of that fact" Kai said, hurt was evident in both his voice and facial expression.


"But that's okay" Kai's voice then lightened up again. His gloomy face turned back to a cheerful one. "Now I have someone that loves me dearly for how I looked, someone that loves all of my flaws. Someone that I also love. Someone that told me to never hate myself because out there, there's people who love everything that I hate about myself. I couldn't be much happier than this"

Sehun felt his heart sank. A sharp pain stung to his chest at those words. He clearly know who Kai refers to.

Chanyeol. Who else?

"I'm all okay now, but don't ever call me names again" Kai said, warning Sehun. "Because it still hurts. Okay?"

Sehun didn't answer. He felt like his throat was choked. Waves of guilt splashed through him over and over.

"And... I want to ask one more thing..." Kai leaned a little closer to Sehun. "Err... It's about you and Luhan..."

"What about us?" Sehun looked right into Kai's eyes, curious.

"You guys had made up right?"

"Hemm... Yes..." Sehun stratched his neck. "I know I was too much back then"

"Oh..." Kai lowered his eyes. But Luhan didn't seem happy at all with the make up. He looked even more desperate. Kai's head flew to Luhan's face and he couldn't help but ask. "What do you like from Luhan?"

"What kind of question is that?" Sehun raised his eyebrows. "Should I answer that?"

Kai nodded, serious.

"Well... He's pretty" Sehun said, tried to count the reasons one by one. "Small, easy to hug, white-skinned, slender, smart, elegant... Well he's just... Perfect"

Kai nodded. Seems like there's no problems between these two.

"Why are you curious?" Sehun asked, his heart beat a little faster than before. Could it be... Kai's jealous?

"Ani, I'm just curious. Luhan is pretty, but I hope you don't love him just because he's pretty"

"What do you mean?"

"Well because if you only love his appearance, it's not love" Kai said. "Pretty face gets old and nice body will dissappear. But if you love someone for who they really are, that's immortal"

Sehun bit his lip. "What about you? What do you love from Chanyeol?"

"Well" Kai sighed. "I always gets confused every time my friends asked me this. It's like asking me how the water tastes like. I don't know how to explain how that feel but I could swear... loving him is really bringing me to life. Just like a water. Without him, maybe I couldn't breath"

Sehun's hand clenched as more and more pain stabbed his heart. Why is it so hurt down here when he saw the way Kai's eyes twinkling at those words?

That night, even after got his tummy filled with mc.donalds, he couldn't even sleep for a blink. Suddenly his phone vibrated and he took a peak on it.

From his mom.

"I miss you too honey, but it's kinda rare for you to text me all of sudden. Mom is so happy but dear, Is there something bothering you?"

Sehun blinked and sighed. Maybe he's sick. Maybe he got caught by an unknown virus that ruined his heart lately. It will comeback whenever he sees Kai with Chanyeol. And even when he only hears how they talk by phone.

Sehun is not okay. Not as long as Kai's together with Chanyeol.




Luhan panted as he threw all the food he had eaten that day to the closet. He tightened his grip on the closet's bowl and leaned on the wall beside him weakly. Hot tears were b at the corner of his eyes and he brushed it off slightly.

"Ahh" Luhan groaned when he felt pain on his throat. "It hurts..."

Luhan took quite a minute to stay beside the wall before finally pull himself up and walked out from the restroom. Last week Luhan had decided to ask his mom that he wants to has his own apartment, a lot nearer to his college. Well you guys know that's not the main reason, right? But Luhan felt quite happy indeed. He wouldn't have to desperately tuning his voice down when he throws up since nobody would hear or give a damn to whatever he's doing.

Luhan laid his body powerlessly on the sofa, stared at the ceiling. He closed his eyes as the flashes of images turned around in his head.

Sehun... Sehun... Sehun... Xiumin...

Luhan opened his eyes when he saw the image of Xiumin appeared. He clutched to his head desperately, trying to get rid of the image immediately.


Luhan opened his eyes and glanced at his phone. He sighed annoyedly at the caller. Xiumin. Luhan decided to ignored the call and curled his body into a ball. Cklek. Luhan immediately straightened his body to a sitting position. Somebody had opened his apartment's door! How come? Luhan rushed to the door and frowned when he saw Xiumin was standing there.

"You ignored all of my calls"

"H-how..." Luhan stuttered his words. "How do you know... My password?"

"Of course I know. You always use your own birthday number as the password" Xiumin said.

Oh, damn. Of course, they've been a best friends for like years and years already. Xiumin knows Luhan inside and outside.

"I'm sorry that I interrupt here..."

"What is it do you want?" Luhan asked coldly. "I couldn't risk it if my boyfriend came and saw us together again"

Xiumin was silent.

"So what is it do you want?"

"Stop this"


"Stop your relationship with Sehun! Damn it, you are hurting yourself!"

"How dare you!" Luhan widened his eyes, shocked. "Who do you think you are to tell me that???"

"As your bestfriend, I just want you to have a good relationship!" Xiumin said, tried to sound as soft as he could.

"Bestf-" Luhan felt a heavy pang on his heart. Bestfriend. Well that's all that Xiumin ever think himself as. Luhan just scoffed. "Best friend? Well, we are not anymore!"

"You chooses that sick boyfriend of yours over your best friend??"


"That sick boyfriend of yours! The one that demands for perfection! You can never be perfect Luhan, no one can be perfect!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Luhan screamed and clutched his hands on his ear desperately.

"I CAN'T!!!" Xiumin also raised his voice and he approached Luhan, grabbed his wrists.


"LISTEN" Xiumin shook Luhan's smaller body roughly and then lowered his volume. "He's not the one for you, Luhan-ah. Break up with him"

"No I can't..." Luhan cried while shook his head. "I love him... I love him so much"

Xiumin felt his heart clenched painfully at those words.

"Why it bothers you so much?" Luhan cried. "It's not like you care anyway! Let me live the world by myself! You don't have to care for what I do... I could just slit my wrists or starve myself to death or ju-"

Xiumin couldn't handle it again. He leaned down and kissed Luhan, hard and desperate.

Luhan widened his eyes, froze at the moment. He couldn't believe it. Xiumin... Is kissing him. Is this even real? Xiumin pull away from Luhan, still grabbing both of his shoulders tightly.

"I can't do that..." Xiumin whispered while leaning his head to the crook of Luhan's neck. "...because I love you so much that what killing you is killing me too"





Hitting 300 subbies yehett~ *dance*. Please spread bott!kai's love more and more my friends!! XD

Finallyy!! Xiumin make a move!! Sorry, Sehun-ah, it's just... I just want to see Luhan happy :( Nahh, you are going to be happy to at the end. Go to Kai and steal him away from Channie!!

I see a lot of you responding so nicely to my previous chapter, the scene when Kai explained to Luhan about love Really glad that you can voice out your opinion, I'll always be here to listen, learn and share it to another one :)

Thx for being such an inspirational reader guys, have a nice rest :)

*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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974 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
974 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
974 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(