Chapter 9 - Fever

What is "Perfection"?

Sehun woke up by the sound of thunders and immediately sat on the bed. He glanced at the heavy rain pouring from the inside of his room.

Oh, crap. Kai.

Sehun immediately grabbed his coat and went outside. It's 10.24 PM. Kai's house is so empty and Sehun could see that Kai hadn't go back home. Maybe that kid is still waiting for him? That's impossible, right?

Sehun headed to the front door and tried to dial Kai's number. When he was about to open the door, someone had pushed the door opened first.

Kai. All wet.

The boy pouted while glaring at Sehun. "That's not polite to leave me alone in Myeongdong after I treated you eggbreads and bubbleteas!"

Sehun felt sorry and immediately pull Kai inside of the house.

"I'm so... I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" Sehun took off his coat and wrapped it around Kai. "I'm so sorry, I was just... Argh"

Sehun felt like the most idiot person alive. How could he forget about Kai? And why it was raining all of sudden?

"That's okay" Kai said softly while looking at Sehun.

"What?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. How could Kai forgive him that easy? He had expected Kai to be angry or swearing at him but Kai didn't do that all.

"I saw what happened to you and Luhan" Kai said while stratching his neck awkwardly. "Err... I... Kinda understand why you just left"

Sehun felt even guiltier than before. "B-but that doesn't mean that I can just leave you there, right? A-and you are all soaked up now! Geez I'm so sorry, Kai"

"That's okay, that's okay" Kai said quickly. "It's no use to get angry though, but if you really feel sorry to me please get me a set of clothes. I want to take a bath"

Sehun gone and took all the things Kai needed. From the oversized shirt, underwear and other things before got back to the front door. While waiting for Kai to bath, Sehun prepared the tanned guy a cup of hot chocolate. When Kai had finished bathing, Sehun put the chocolate on the table.

"Once again, I'm sorry" Sehun said. Regret was clearly heard on his tone.

"I told that's okay, right?" Kai bounced to his hot chocolate. "Hmmmm, this is lovely! Thank you!"

Sehun watched as Kai sat down and enjoying his chocolate. He still couldn't understand the other. How could he be so forgiving after what Sehun had done? Well it's super impolite to leave someone alone in the crowd of Myungdong just because of a jealousy after all.

"Err, Sehun" Kai called out Sehun awkwardly and Sehun turned his head to the tanned guy.


"I don't think... Luhan is cheating on you"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh?"

"He cried so hard when you left him" Kai tightened his grip on the cup. "And even though his friend tried to cheer him up, Luhan just didn't stop crying"

"You followed them?" Sehun raised his eyebrows.

"Well Luhan looked so terrible I couldn't help but worrying him" Kai bit his lip. "Don't you think... Your words were too... Harsh? I mean, you didn't even let him explain anything to you"

"No explanation needed. He went out with Xiumin and I dislike it"

"Who's actually this Xiumin?" Kai asked. "Is he an ex of Luhan or what?"

"He's.." Sehun stopped for a bit. "...a friend of Luhan"

"Just a friend?"

"Well" Sehun hesitated. "They are a childhood friends but I realize something is off between the two of them"

"What do you mean?"

Sehun started to tell Kai everything from the way Luhan's lingering gaze fell on Xiumin's... Or the way Xiumin will pat Luhan's head whenever they passed by... And he stopped when he saw Kai smiling. "Why are you smiling?"

"You are so cute" Kai smiled wider and Sehun blushed furiously.


"You are clearly jealous and that's really cute"

Sehun tried hard to redeem his thumping heart down. Kai's words had just affect his poor heart greatly.

"But that's okay, that means you love Luhan so much" Kai still didn't erase his smile at all. "And I'm so so so sure that Luhan will understand your jealousy. But next time please don't just leave your boyfriend like that alone. He must felt so terrible. Try to contact him soon"

Sehun nodded and he felt a pang of guilt washed over him again as he remembered Luhan's painful expression when he left the petite guy alone. "Thanks, Kai"

Kai smiled and finished his chocolate. He and Sehun then went to the bed after bid each other good nights, prepared themselves for the active day on the next day.

But on the morning... Sehun found out Kai got a fever.




Sehun was absent today. He decided to stay at home and took care of Kai.

"Here, eat the porridge" Sehun said as he slowly helping Kai to sat.

Kai didn't really eat all the porridge, he just ate half before pushing the bowl away and laid back on the bed.

"But you should finish all the food!" Sehun protested. "Here, eat more"

"Nooo, I don't want to~" Kai whined. "It's tasteless and I feel sick. I don't want to eat!"

"Such a stubborn kid!" Sehun hissed and put the bowl of porridge on the table. He was about to look around for another things to eat in the kicthen when he spot his phone rang. Sehun walked to the table and picked his phone to saw who's the caller. He froze when he read the name.





Sehun opened the door to found Luhan was standing nervously outside of the door.

"Ah.. Sehun-ah..." Luhan bit his lip.

"Come in" Sehun said as he opened the door wider.

Luhan awkwardly made his way to inside of the house. "S-so where's Kai?"

"This room" Sehun said as he guided Luhan to Kai's bedroom.

Luhan entered the bedroom and spotted Kai was lying on the bed, sleeping. He approached the sleeping boy and slowly moved his hand to the younger's forehead, checking his body's temperature. "It's still high. Has he drank any of the medicine?"

"No" Sehun shook his head.

"Why?" Luhan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because he doesn't want to eat!" Sehun whined. "And he couldn't drink the medicine if he didn't eat"

"Force him..." Luhan stopped for a while and sighed. He knew his boyfriend is not good in handling sick people. He got not enough patience to do so. "Okay, let me handle him to eat. Where's the porridge?"

"It's on the kitchen, cold already"

"You cooked by yourself?" Luhan raised his eyebrows.

"I did"

Luhan chuckled. "Okay, I will cook another one. Just stay there and changed his towel"

Sehun nodded and Luhan slipped to the kitchen to cook another porridge.

After a few minutes, Luhan had done with the porridge. He put it on a bowl and brought it inside of Kai's room. He stopped midway when he saw Sehun was staring at Kai's sleeping face. Sehun stared at Kai with a gentle and loving eyes, very unusual. Something tickled Luhan's heart but he decided to brush it off. He then entered the room and put the tray of food beside Kai's bed.

"Wake him up" Luhan said softly and Sehun nodded.

"Yakk.. Kai, wake up" Sehun said as he shook Kai's shoulder.

Kai didn't shift at all.

"Yakk... Wake up and eat. Then drink your medicine" Sehun still didn't stop.

Kai just whined.

"Yakk" Sehun shook Kai harder and Luhan gave him a disapproving look.

"Let me do it" Luhan sighed and shooed Sehun away. He sat on the chair and leaned closer to shook Kai's body. "Kai-ah? Please wake up for a while"

And Kai opened his eyes.

"Why the hell does he only react to your voice?" Sehun protested.

"Because you were so annoying" Kai whined at Sehun.

Luhan let out a chuckle and took the tray. "You should finish this one and drink your medicine"

Kai smiled, ignored his thumping head. "Thank you"

The porridge made by Luhan was very delicious. Knowing that Kai wouldn't eat the usual porridge, Luhan made him a nice chicken porridge. It tastes wonderful, and Kai finished them all.

"Drink your medicine" Luhan said as he offered Kai the pills.

Kai obeyed all Luhan's words and Luhan smiled at him. Sehun had gone to the bathroom and took a nice shower after taking care of Kai for a day.

"You and Sehun, you guys make a very perfect couple" Kai said as he grinned.

"A-ah, really?"

"Yes, but you are too pretty for him. What did you see on him anyway?"

Luhan blushed at the compliment Kai gave to him. "S-Sehun... Is... A nice guy"

"Nice" Kai grinned wider. "Well he's only nice to you. He doesn't to me"

Luhan smiled. "Err... Thank you"

"For what?"

"For advicing Sehun to forgive me"

"He should" Kai smiled. "I know you only went out with your friend to have fun, right?"

Kai couldn't help but noticed a slight change in Luhan's expression.

"...yes..." Luhan replied finally with a small but sad smile. "We are friends"

Kai just blinked. He was about to ask more when his phone vibrated. Chanyeol's picture appeared on the screen and Kai hurriedly picked it up.

"Hello, yeobo?"

"Kai-ah? I heard you are sick?" Chanyeol sounded worried.

"A-aniyeo. I just don't feel really good" Kai lied. Chanyeol is a worried freak and if Kai told him that he had a fever, he would definitely come and send Kai to the hospital.

"Are you sure? But Taemin told me that-"

"Naahh, Taemin missheard me. I'm perfectly fine" Kai said while closing his eyes. His head started to pound again.

"I don't believe in you"

Kai sighed. How should he convince this giant?

"I'm coming to your place"

"Uhn..." Kai said at the end, gave up. He then cut off the call and put his phone back on the night-stand.

"Your boyfriend?" Luhan asked hastily.

Kai nodded. His pale face brightened immediately. "Yes, this idiotic big yoda is my boyfriend"

Luhan's expression changed a little. "Id-idiotic big yoda?"

"Yes, because he's so big and his ears are like Yoda's"

"That green monster?"

"Yes" Kai grinned while showing his boyfriend's photo to Luhan. "He looks like one, right?"

Luhan chuckled at Chanyeol's funny expression on the photo and nodded. "This yoda guy... Since when did you guys get together?"

"Since 2 days ago" Kai answered while smiling. A healthy blush appeared again on his cheeks.

"You guys looked awesome" Luhan sincerely complimented. "But he's also so handsome, no wonder you really like him"

"He's actually not so handsome" Kai said as he stared at Chanyeol's photograph on his phone. "He's just a big idiot giant that I love so much"

Luhan stared at Kai for a while. Something on his heart shifted and he couldn't help but leaned forward Kai. "Kai-ah... How do you ensure yourself that... You are fall in love?"

"Huh?" Kai raised his eyebrows then started to think for a while. "...hmm... You know you are fall in love when... You love this person so much not only for his good sides but also his bad sides"

Luhan blinked.

"Someone that love you... Will surely make you love everything about him, even without you knowing why. His flaws, his dumbness..." Kai's lips curled into a soft smile as Chanyeol's image flashes through his mind. "But the most important thing is..."

Kai turned to Luhan still with the adorable smile of his.

" becoming your real self whenever you stay around him. And he teaches you to see your own flaws as a beauty, just like what he sees with his own eyes"

Luhan felt a tear roll down his cheeks and Kai was taken a back so much when he saw it.

"Lu-Luhan? D-did I say something wrong?"

"N-no" Luhan erased his tears with his sleeve. "Nothing is wrong. You just make me feel so touched"

Luhan then started to smile again, ensuring Kai that he's really okay.

But Kai didn't think so.




"How's Luhan?" Sehun asked after Luhan had gone home. "Did he... Do or say something bad to you?"

"No, why would he?" Kai asked innocently.

"Well... You know... He is my boyfriend and yeah... You know, we are soon-to-be-married couple so I thought he... Err..."

"We are soon to be married couple?" Kai replayed again with eyebrows furrowed. "No we are not, it's the second week already and our 3 months will be ended soon"

Sehun's face fell when he heard that. Oh, right. That's true.

"Luhan is a very nice kid" Kai said without realizing what he had done to Sehun. "He's so kind, patient and gentle. So much like mom. Ah, I miss her"

"Then call her" Sehun suggested, tried to ignore his aching heart.

"I don't want to make her worry" Kai pouted. "She only has to know that I'm doing well. She's a worry freak, she will dash right away from Busan to here"

"Your mom still lives in Busan?" Sehun asked. "And so does uncle Soohyun?"

Auntie Ji Hyun and uncle Soohyun are Mrs. Oh's best friends. Sehun didn't really bother when he had to visit them when he was still a kid. He's attention was only to annoy little Kai.

"I guess your mom never told you" Kai said hesitatedly. "Err... My dad has gone"

Sehun felt like a lightning just blazed onto his soul. What? Uncle Soohyun? "H-how come? W-when?"

"5 years ago" Kai said as he played with his fingernails. "Due to a cancer"

Sehun felt sudden cold and hot washed through his body. "I- oh God, Kai-ah I'm so sorry. I di-didnt know"

"That's okay" Kai smiled. "It happened years ago, anyway"

"But still..."

"That's why I told you to show your affection and love to your parents" Kai said as he poked Sehun's cheek. "I regretted that I didn't spend most of my times with him back then. So don't repeat the same mistake that I did. Okay?"

Sehun was about to opened his mouth to reply when a sudden bell rang on his door. "

Eoh?" Kai raised his vision. "Omo, my Yoda is coming"

"Y-Yoda?" Sehun stuttered.

"My boyfriend is coming! Sehun-ah open the door for him! Yeyy"

And Sehun's mood once again perfectly ruined that night.





Ayeee!! Who read my previous fanfic "Possession"? When I clicked krisyeol's story and filtered it with 'subscribers', I was beyond mesmerized when I found "Possession" on the 12th place! I mean, I never thought that my fanfic would appear on the subscriber's area since my writing skill is not very good...yet... But what makes me happier is... Well, err... It's bottom!kris. Ha-ha-ha~ there's also another bottom!kris fanfic which reach like top 5 called 'Beautiful ' and it's ... Amazing... Sadly it hasn't ended yet but kindly check the fanfic! Ohoratt~ <3

There it is, guys! Kai's regret was revealed! Well I can't help but take Kai's life experience from my own experience LoL My dad had gone too when I was in junior highschool and I was so sad :( But I'm pretty sure he is now maybe happily eating his favorite noodle in heaven. I was still so young back then and I didn't think I had given him enough of my love :( So give yours when you still have chances, guys! It may be a little awkward but it'll surely make a change in your relationship! ^^

Uhh~ someone's jealous again~ *heart.heart* LoL That's what you got for leaving Kai alone, Sehun!! Thankfully he didn't get ! *even though I'm quite sure most of you guys are wanting it keke* I knew that Sehun was so slow here but please bear with him a little longer, guys! Luhan started to think about their relationships and Kai... Yeah... He doesn't oblivious about Sehun's real feeling. Everything will move in a matching pace. Don't worry :D

Err... Someone noticed the lame couple Jun Ji Hyun and Kim soohyun on this chapter? I know they are TOO YOUNG to become Kai's parents but Jun Ji Hyun's role as Cheon Song Yi in man from the star is very100x cool! And I love it to the max!! Man from the star is one of my favorite k-drama though :p

The part which Kai explained what is love to Luhan, trust me it really work that way guys. One of my bestie came to me yesterday, and told me that she didn't think she's pretty enough to be with a boy that she likes. She's so afraid that the boy wouldn't accept her for how she looks, how she acts and etc. Well, if you can't be your own self whenever you are around someone, that's not love. Remember that... A real love is someone who makes you like yourself a little more whenever you are together with them.

So well, let's end the author's note! Have a wonderful night, guys! Have a good night sleep! Keke


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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975 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
975 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
975 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(